After Huawei and Apple, Samsung added Bitcoin to its Keystore.

On August 13, South Korean multinational Samsung (Samsung) released the company's new blockchain KeystoreSDK for developers, the latest version of which supports Bitcoin (BTC). This version of the previous Keystore only supports the ETH and ERC20 standards.

Samsung quietly adds BTC support to its blockchain Keystore

Encrypted currency advocates are pleased to note that Samsung (OTCMKTS: SSNLF) eventually added BTC support to the company's blockchain Keystore Software Development Kit (SDK). On August 13th, Japan, Samsung released an SDK containing release notes, API references and programming guides. References to the BTC can be found in the tables referring to the "cryptocurrency specification", "cryptocurrency restrictions" and "transaction type restrictions". The cryptocurrency restriction section states that the limit is 21,000,000 BTC or 2,100,000,000,000,000 satoshis. Transaction type restrictions include P2PKH (Pay to Public Key Hash), P2PK (Pay to Public Key), P2SH (Pay to Script Hash), and P2WPKH (Pay to Witness Public Key Hash). The transaction type restriction is intended to require the sender to provide a valid signature in the wallet application using the Samsung blockchain Keystore.

Samsung blockchain Keystore specifications
The new Samsung BTC support is currently only accessible to application manufacturers and developers, and only residents from South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, the United States, Germany, Canada and the United Kingdom can use the Samsung blockchain Keystore. Interestingly, the tech giant has also added support for the Klaytn blockchain. This means that developers using Note10s, Galaxy S10, S10e, S10+, S10 5G can use ETH and any ERC20, BTC and KLAY tokens. Samsung said that there are two advantages to integrating the Samsung blockchain KeystoreSDK into an Android application:
1. Developers can request a cryptocurrency transaction using the Samsung Blockchain Keystore API. 2. The developer can link the user's blockchain address like a user account. Using the address returned by the Samsung Blockchain Keystore, developers can check and show the user the cryptocurrency balance in their account and view the transaction history.

Samsung blockchain Keystore specifications. Do you know that also has blockchain development tools and SDKs for the Bitcoin cash network? This includes the Bitbox SDK, Badger SDK, SLP support, CashScript, and more. Visit today.
Software engineers using the Samsung Keystore SDK can take advantage of many of the features commonly used in applications such as non-custom Lite wallets. For example, Keystore will generate a key pair (public and private) of cryptocurrency in the device itself, while storing the key in a secure environment within the mobile device.
“Samsung does not rely on other networks or third parties to generate these keys,” the keystore 1.1.0 SDK specification shows. All mnemonics are compatible with the BIP-39 standard, allowing users to deploy recovery phrases on another device when the phone is lost or stolen. However, the company explained that sending signed transactions is not within Samsung's scope, and that you want to send a signed transaction depends on your own node or public node.

Open Bitcoin cash support to promote the development of blockchain in the smartphone industry

As BTC was added to the Samsung Keystore, the cryptocurrency specification also opened the door for similar networks such as Bitcoin Cash (BCH). Bitcoin Cash (BCH) also uses transaction types such as P2PKH and P2PK and has an upper limit of 21,000,000 BCH or 2,100,000,000,000,000 satoshis. In the Keystore specification, Samsung pointed out that "we plan to support more cryptocurrencies and expand the support area in the near future." Those who want to test the Keystore feature can't simply download the app from the Galaxy store because of Samsung's blockchain SDK. Pre-installed on the selected device. Software developers can use the remote test lab on the Samsung Developer website to test the Keystore application.
Apple released iOS 13Cryptokit last June
Posts on social media and Reddit forums show that encryption advocates are grateful to Samsung for adding BTC to Keystore. Currently, 17 cryptocurrency-related apps are available for use with select Samsung phones and Keystore. This includes decentralized applications (dapps) such as Enjin, Cryptokitties, Coinduck and Cosmee. The Samsung dapp store also recently acquired two new dapps, Mars and Jupiter, developed by Korean technology company Trustverse.
There are rumors that Samsung payments will eventually be synchronized with the Keystore wallet so that people can use digital assets to pay for goods and services. Samsung's recent support for BTC stems from the iOS 13 Cryptokit released by its rival Apple. Cryptokit from Apple gives speculators reason to believe that the Cupertino technology giant will release its own internal encryption wallet system. Similar to Samsung's Keystore SDK, Apple Cryptokit provides three specific properties:
1. Calculate and compare the cryptographic security summary.
2. Create and evaluate digital signatures using public key cryptography and perform key exchanges. In addition to using keys stored in memory, you can use private keys stored in and managed by Secure Enclave.
3. Generate symmetric keys and use them in operations such as message authentication and encryption.
Apple and Samsung entered the cryptocurrency industry by releasing software development kits, indicating that handsets with blockchain capabilities and cryptocurrency solutions will continue to exist. Mobile phone giants are leading the way in sales, and adding cryptocurrency features may give them an edge over profitable technology and people who are proficient in encryption.
In May 2018, Huawei added a pre-installed wallet to the company's mobile phone.
In May 2018, Huawei defeated Samsung and Apple by selling mobile phones pre-installed with BTC.COM's cryptocurrency wallet. Even OPPO is close behind, providing transactions in the system that help encrypt the money node operator's peer-to-peer network to verify poor Internet service.
Oppos Mesh Talk allows transactions to be sent without Wifi, cellular data and Bluetooth.
According to reports, Oppo's Mesh Talk system allows handsets to exchange blockchain key data without using Wifi, Bluetooth or cellular data within three kilometers. With all of the blockchain developments in Huawei, Samsung, Apple and Oppo phones, we can safely assume that mobile giants are well aware that cryptocurrencies will continue to exist.

Original link:| Following Huawei and Apple, Samsung added Bitcoin to its Keystore

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