Articles about Epidemic - Section 2

Viewpoints | Several possibilities for driving new development with "new infrastructure" + blockchain after the epidemic rainstorm turns overcast

Source: Surging News · Gold Reform Lab Author: Yang Yaodong (Shanghai Information Technology Co., Ltd. Ding shar...

Venture capital observation: after the epidemic "test", the development of the blockchain industry can be expected

Source: People's Daily Online-People's Venture Capital Author: Chen Wei Editor's note: People's D...

I could have: The role of the blockchain in the epidemic is called "regret"

"Zero New" and "Zero Death", the good news of the epidemic continues to come, and the spring we a...

Blockchain applications enter the fast lane: 4 "Blockchain +" scenarios have begun to fight the epidemic

Source of this article: Economic Reference , the original title of "Initiation of a New Wave of Innovation in Fi...

Depth | Application Guide for Blockchain Wars

Editor's note: A sudden outbreak of a new coronavirus, which opened in 2020, gave each of us a head start, and t...

Perspectives | Issues exposed by the epidemic will become new business opportunities

Text | Interlink College [Interlink Pulse] The comprehensive fight against the epidemic has lasted for two mon...

People's Daily Overseas Edition: Blockchain application helps epidemic prevention and control

Source of this article: Overseas version of People's Daily , original title "Blockchain Application Helps P...

Li Lihui: Facing the challenge of the epidemic, using blockchain and other technologies to promote the full implementation of digital finance

Source of this article: "China Finance" magazine , the original title "Accelerate Digital Finance and ...

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