Articles about Schnorr Signature

Bitcoin Technology Weekly: Statechain, Schnorr signature and BIP322

Note: The original text is from Bitcoin Optech In this week's Bitcoin Technical Brief, we first described a prop...

In addition to "halving", you need to pay attention to these Bitcoin technologies in 2020

This article comes from toshitimes , the original author: Pedro Febrero, translator | Moni In addition to halving the...

Dry Goods | Read the Taproot / Schnorr Upgrade for Bitcoin

The author of this article is Zou Chuanwei, chief economist of Wanxiang Blockchain and PlatON. In January 2020, the T...

The Bitcoin consensus layer has not changed for two years, and these upgrades may be available this year

For more than two years, Bitcoin's consensus layer has remained unchanged. Since the launch of SegWit in August ...

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