Distributed scientific concepts are popular. Can DeSci make scientific research work web3-enabled?

Exploring the Popularity of Distributed Scientific Concepts Can DeSci Revolutionize Web3-Enabled Scientific Research?

Author: DeMan

In the field of scientific research today, the limitations of traditional research models are gradually becoming apparent. Unequal distribution of funds, complexity of intellectual property rights, and issues of accessibility and reproducibility of research findings have always been important challenges plaguing the scientific community. These problems not only affect the efficiency of scientific research, but also limit the potential for innovation. In such a context, DeSci (Distributed Science) has emerged, aiming to address these long-standing issues through a decentralized research model.

The core of the DeSci movement lies in using blockchain technology and decentralized thinking to reform the architecture of traditional scientific research. This new model disrupts the concentration of resources and opportunities in the traditional research system by changing the sources and allocation of funding. DeSci not only improves the accessibility and transparency of research, but also encourages wider community participation and collaboration, thereby accelerating scientific discoveries and innovation.

Through DeSci, scientists can directly benefit economically from their research results, such as through tokenization of digital assets. At the same time, decentralized data storage and verification systems enhance the integrity and credibility of research data. In the DeSci model, research findings and data are easier to share and verify, thereby enhancing the reproducibility and universality of scientific research.

In addition, the DeSci movement brings new governance and funding models to scientific research, such as decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) and reputation systems based on Web3. These innovations not only provide new funding channels for researchers and projects, but also enhance the democratization of research decision-making.

An Overview of DeSci: Solving the shortcomings of traditional scientific research with blockchain technology

DeSci (Distributed Science) is currently in a rapidly developing and continuously exploring stage. As an emerging research model, DeSci is gradually demonstrating its potential in improving the field of scientific research. DeSci’s core lies in the use of decentralized and blockchain technology to reform traditional scientific research and management methods, thereby addressing a series of long-standing issues.

1. Fairness in fund allocation: In the traditional research system, funds often concentrate in the hands of a few top research institutions and individual scientists, resulting in uneven distribution of resources. DeSci provides a pathway for a wider range of researchers to access funding through decentralized fundraising and distribution mechanisms, such as DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations). This model reduces the barriers to obtaining funding and promotes diversity and democratization in the field of research.

2. Management and sharing of intellectual property: DeSci utilizes blockchain technology to manage intellectual property rights, allowing scientists to conveniently share their research findings and receive corresponding rewards. For example, by transforming research findings into digital assets, such as NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), researchers can directly benefit from their work while also promoting knowledge sharing and dissemination.

3. Accessibility and verifiability of research results: DeSci improves the security and accessibility of research data through decentralized data storage and sharing platforms such as IPFS (InterPlanetary File System). This ensures the transparency and traceability of research results, increasing the credibility and replicability of scientific research.

4. Transparency and democratization of the research process: DeSci utilizes Web3 technology and decentralized governance structures such as reputation-based review processes to enhance the transparency and fairness of scientific research decision-making. This model encourages broader community participation and collaboration, allowing people from different backgrounds and fields to contribute to various stages of scientific research.


Representative projects in the DeSci ecosystem

Real-world applications and future directions of DeSci: Bringing lasting and fair revenue streams to researchers

The DeSci movement highlights the application of decentralization and blockchain technology in modern scientific research, including the tokenization of digital assets and efficient data storage techniques. The tokenization of research achievements takes two main forms: converting research achievements into non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to directly generate economic benefits for researchers, or crowdfunding research funding through decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) and issuing tokens to collectively own the copyright of research results.

In addition, the DeSci movement adopts efficient peer-to-peer data storage technology like IPFS (InterPlanetary File System). IPFS securely stores and shares data by converting files into encrypted blocks using hash values, offering an alternative way to store and share scientific research results compared to traditional centralized platforms.

Decentralized finance (DeFi) technology also plays an important role in DeSci. For example, in the Ants-Review project, the peer review process is moved to the blockchain, and on-chain verification methods such as timestamps and proof of work are used to establish a more transparent and fair review process.

The DeSci movement also introduces a reputation system based on Web3, which enhances the credibility and security of the system by increasing the cost of reputation manipulation, providing a sharp contrast to traditional reputation systems in the Web2 era.

Through these technological means, the DeSci movement not only builds a fairer, more transparent, and decentralized scientific research environment but also encourages innovation and knowledge sharing, posing new challenges to the traditional funding sources, distribution methods, and intellectual property protection in scientific research.

Although still in its early stages, DeSci’s proactive exploration is deserving of industry recognition

As an emerging ecosystem, DeSci is currently in the early stages of exploration, and its true potential and impact are yet to be tested over time. Since the end of 2021, with the peak of the bull market and the launch of the first DeSci track at the Ethereum conference in LisCon, the number of DeSci projects has soared. However, most of these projects have not fully launched on the mainnet, and their success or failure remains uncertain.

The challenges faced include the management and monetization of intellectual property, the maturity of decentralized identity and data verification protocols, the reproducibility of research methods and datasets, and regulatory compliance, among other issues. Solving these challenges is crucial for the legalization of the DeSci economy, attracting more funding and research participation.

Although DeSci is a daunting task and most projects are still in early stages, it presents many untapped opportunities for individuals to benefit from their contributions to public goods. Communities can fund research that matters to them the most, scientists can easily monetize their workflows, and the entire system can become stronger through default adoption of open and verifiable data practices. Transparent datasets and methodologies enhance research reproducibility, potentially leading to more frequent and fruitful scientific discoveries. Ultimately, all participants in the DeSci ecosystem stand to gain from this innovative model.

Overall, DeSci represents an exciting new direction for the field of scientific research. Despite being in its nascent stages, its success will bring revolutionary changes to the openness, transparency, and democratization of scientific work.

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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