The Unofficial ERC-404: A Hybrid of Fungible and Non-Fungible Tokens

The ERC-404, a nascent Ethereum standard combining NFT and token technology, is preparing to formally establish itself as a legitimate entity despite being experimental, unaudited, and unofficial.

According to a developer, ERC-404 hybrid NFT tokens are in a favorable position for an EIP (Ethereum Improvement Proposal) push.

🎉 Ladies and gentlemen, gather ’round! We’ve got some exciting news from the world of Ethereum and blockchain technology. There’s a new standard on the horizon that’s set to shake things up and revolutionize the way we think about tokens. Introducing the unofficial ERC-404! 🚀

What is the ERC-404?

The ERC-404 is an experimental Ethereum standard that combines the best of both worlds: fungible tokens and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). It’s the brainchild of two pseudonymous developers, “ctrl” and “Acme,” who are rocking the boat under the project name Pandora. These renegades have dared to mix the tech behind ERC-20 and ERC-721 tokens, creating a fascinating hybrid.

The Blend of Fungible and Non-Fungible Goodness

Picture this: imagine taking the uniqueness and individuality of an NFT, like those adorable Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) collectibles, and combining it with the divisibility and interchangeability of an ERC-20 token. The result? Fractionalized NFTs that can be owned by multiple wallets. 🤯

With ERC-404, you and your friends can each own a piece of the action. You can even trade or stake your share for loans. It’s all about making NFTs more accessible and versatile. It’s like owning a one-of-a-kind Picasso painting with all your buddies, and each of you can take turns showing it off in your homes. 🖼️

The Journey of ERC-404

The creators of ERC-404 are on a mission to merge the two standards in the most robust way possible while minimizing any tradeoffs. But let’s keep it real for a moment: ERC-404 hasn’t gone through an official audit, and the name “ERC” is more of a catchy title rather than an official endorsement. Nonetheless, the developers are working hard to submit an Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) for this groundbreaking concept. 💪

There’s quite a bureaucratic process involved in getting an approved EIP, according to ctrl himself. It can take weeks and even requires some politics, he revealed in an interview with But fear not, dear readers, because the team behind ERC-404 is in a very good spot to make it happen.

The Safety Debate

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room. There have been some concerns about the safety of the ERC-404 project. A developer going by the name “quit” raised the alarm, suggesting that NFTs using the ERC-404 standard might be susceptible to theft by ERC-404 tokenholders. The issue arises when an NFT is deposited in a lending protocol not properly configured for ERC-404.

Ctrl, however, dismissed these worries, asserting that quit “made a contract that uses ERC-404 improperly” and, as a result, revealed a vulnerability. It’s like someone posting a picture of an unlocked car and then explaining how to break into it. It’s important to follow the proper protocols and configurations to ensure the security of the system.

The Journey Continues

ERC-404 has already gained support from major crypto wallets like Binance and OKX. If quit’s concerns were valid, something would have been exploited already, says ctrl. The Pandora team is conducting audits to address any integration issues and improve the standard further.

The ERC-404 Pioneers

Pandora, the first token launched using the ERC-404 standard, is making waves in the market. In just four days, it has experienced gains of over 1,850% and boasts a market capitalization of nearly $293 million, according to CoinGecko. But Pandora is not alone—there are 12 other projects using ERC-404, including a delightful frog-themed version of the popular DeGods NFT collection and a collection of ERC-404-based pet rocks. 🐸🪨

Question Time!

Q: How does ERC-404 benefit collectors and investors?

A: ERC-404 opens up new possibilities for collectors and investors by allowing them to own fractions of high-value NFTs. This means you don’t have to break the bank to enjoy the benefits and prestige of owning a rare and valuable NFT. Plus, it enhances liquidity, allowing you to easily trade or stake your share for loans.

Q: Are there any risks associated with ERC-404?

A: As with any new experimental technology, there are always risks involved. However, the developers are actively addressing potential vulnerabilities and conducting audits to ensure the utmost security. By following proper protocols and configurations, the risks can be minimized, if not eliminated.

The Future of ERC-404

The road ahead for ERC-404 looks promising. With major exchanges and wallets already throwing their support behind it, we can expect widespread adoption in the near future. The flexibility and versatility of fractionalized NFTs will appeal to both collectors and investors alike. Brace yourselves for a new wave in the world of digital assets!

🎊 Now it’s your turn, dear readers! Let us know your thoughts on ERC-404. Are you excited about the possibilities it brings? Share this article with your friends and join the conversation on social media! 📱💬

🔗 References: – ERC-20 on Ethereum.orgERC-721 on Ethereum.orgERC-404 GitHub PageFractionalized NFTs on TwitterPolygon NFT Volume Hits 6-Month HighNext Major Ethereum TargetsEthereum Restaking

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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