How to access a wallet’s ERC-20 tokens

Wallet APIs for instant ERC-20 token retrieval are available from Chainbase, Alchemy, and Moralis, providing access to token information.

How to Find ERC-20 Token Balances in Wallets Using APIs

Are you looking to find the ERC-20 token balances of a specific address? 🤔 Look no further! In this article, we will discuss how to use APIs from Chainbase, Alchemy, and Moralis to retrieve information about ERC-20 tokens owned by an address. Let’s dive in!

Step-by-Step Guide to Using Chainbase

Chainbase is a Web3 blockchain interaction layer infrastructure that provides API services to help developers access and utilize blockchain networks. Here’s how you can use Chainbase to find ERC-20 tokens owned by an address:

Step 1: Create a Free Account and Log in

Register a free account on Chainbase and gain access to their APIs and data cloud. Log in to Chainbase and visit the dashboard. Create a new project within the console and obtain an API key.

Step 2: Use Chainbase API to Write a Script

Make an API call to Chainbase to retrieve ERC-20 token balances. In the example below, we will use JavaScript and the Axios library to fetch the first five token balances of a wallet address (using Vitalik Buterin’s address as an example) on the Ethereum mainnet.

const axios = require('axios');

  .then(response => {
  .catch(error => {

Step 3: Print the Token Balances

By using the getAccountTokens API of Chainbase, you can retrieve ERC-20 token balances owned by a specific wallet address. The API requires the chain ID and wallet address as parameters and returns all the balances. You can also find information about a specific token by populating the contract_address field. To get the data printed, run the command node .js in the terminal.

const axios = require('axios');

  .then(response => {
  .catch(error => {

Step-by-Step Guide to Using Alchemy

Alchemy offers APIs that work as a platform layer, allowing developers to read from or write to the blockchain and obtain specific information. Here’s how you can find ERC-20 token balances using Alchemy:

Step 1: Install Node and NPM

Make sure to install Node and the Node Package Manager (NPM) on your local machine. Node is a cross-platform, open-source JavaScript runtime environment, while NPM provides access to a vast ecosystem of libraries and tools.

Step 2: Sign Up for an Alchemy Account and Create an App

Sign up for a free account on the Alchemy website. Once signed in, navigate to the “Alchemy Dashboard” to create a new app. Set the blockchain to “Ethereum” and the network to “Mainnet.” Click on the app’s “View Key” button on the dashboard and note the HTTP URL and API key.

Step 3: Create a Node Project

Initialize an empty repository and install the required Node.js dependencies. You can use the Alchemy SDK, Axios, or Fetch for API interactions. The following code example shows the repository creation and file setup.

npm init
npm install --save @alch/alchemy web3
touch main.js

Step 4: Get the Token Balances of an Address

To retrieve token balances using Alchemy, you can utilize the getTokenBalances method, which requires the wallet address as an argument. Add the following code to the main.js file.

const { createAlchemyWeb3 } = require("@alch/alchemy");

const alchemyUrl = '';
const web3 = createAlchemyWeb3(alchemyUrl);

const address = '0xd8da6bf26964af9d7eed9e03e53415d37aa96045';

async function getTokenBalances(address) {
  const balances = await web3.eth.getBalance(address);


Step-by-Step Guide to Using Moralis

Moralis provides enterprise-grade Web3 APIs that facilitate the integration of Web3 in any technology stack. Here’s how you can find ERC-20 token balances using Moralis:

Step 1: Set Up Moralis

Install Node.js v14+ and NPM. Create a free Moralis account, log in to the Moralis dashboard, and obtain the API key from the Settings > Secrets section.

Step 2: Find All ERC-20 Tokens Owned by an Address

Moralis offers a getWalletTokenBalances endpoint to find ERC-20 tokens owned by an address. The API requires two parameters: the address and the chain (e.g., Ethereum). The following JavaScript code demonstrates its usage:

const Moralis = require('moralis');

Moralis.serverURL = "YOUR_SERVER_URL";

const address = '0xd8da6bf26964af9d7eed9e03e53415d37aa96045';

async function getTokenBalances() {
  const tokenBalances = await Moralis.Web3API.account.getTokenBalances({
    chain: 'eth',
    address: address,


Now you know how to find ERC-20 token balances using Chainbase, Alchemy, and Moralis! Start exploring and tracking the tokens you’re interested in. 🚀

Additional Q&A Content

Q: Are there any other APIs or platforms that can be used to find ERC-20 token balances?

A: Yes, there are several other APIs and platforms available to check ERC-20 token balances. Some popular ones include Etherscan API, Infura API, and Web3.js library. Each has its own set of features and capabilities, so it’s a matter of personal preference and project requirements.

Q: Can ERC-20 token balances be checked on hardware wallets such as Ledger or Trezor?

A: No, hardware wallets like Ledger and Trezor do not provide direct APIs to check ERC-20 token balances. To check token balances on hardware wallets, you’ll need to connect the wallet to a compatible software interface or wallet provider that offers such features, like MyEtherWallet or MetaMask.

Q: Are there any privacy concerns when using APIs to retrieve token balances?

A: When using APIs to retrieve token balances, it’s essential to consider privacy and security. Ensure that you are using trusted APIs from reputable providers. Additionally, be cautious about sharing sensitive information and review the API provider’s privacy policy to understand how your data is handled and protected.

Future Outlook and Conclusion

As blockchain technology continues to evolve and gain mainstream adoption, the demand for reliable and convenient methods to track ERC-20 token balances will likely increase. APIs provided by platforms like Chainbase, Alchemy, and Moralis offer tremendous value in this regard, simplifying the process of retrieving token balance information. With more advancements in the field, we can expect to see even more user-friendly solutions in the future.

Now that you have learned how to find ERC-20 token balances using APIs, it’s time to dive deeper into the world of decentralized finance and explore the exciting possibilities it offers. Happy token tracking! 💰


[Web3]: Web3 refers to the third generation of internet applications and services that leverage blockchain technology.

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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