MakerDAO’s Endgame: Bringing Back “DeFi Summer” in an Interesting and Complicated Way

MakerDAO's annual earnings reach $240 million, yet MKR is undervalued due to its dull complexity. However, Rune Christensen has a strategy to transform its perception.

MakerDAO’s plan is to revive the DeFi summer, according to Rune Christensen.

During the last bull market, Rune Christensen, the founder of MakerDAO, had become disillusioned with the state of the crypto space. He saw the proliferation of Ponzi schemes, degens, and dog tokens, and thought that crypto had nothing substantial to offer. But he decided to give it one last shot, and that shot led to the development of MakerDAO, a project that is now raking in almost a quarter of a billion dollars in revenue annually.

But despite its success, MakerDAO has been undervalued and often overlooked. The reason for this is simple: it’s boring and complicated. So Christensen set out to change that with his controversial Endgame overhaul. Endgame is a five-phase plan that involves rebranding the entire operation into something cool and fun, creating new subDAOs, and redenominating each Maker (MKR) token into 24,000 NewGovTokens. The goal is to attract more users and pump up the price of the tokens.

The plan is ambitious and complex, to the point that it took hours to explain in a recent podcast. But Christensen is determined to make it work. He wants to bring back the enthusiasm and excitement of the DeFi summer but ensure that it doesn’t end in a crash. MakerDAO will operate like a central bank, setting monetary policy for the subDAOs. Each subDAO will be full of motivated tokenholders who are willing to take risks and make high-conviction bets.

But Endgame is not just about rebranding and creating subDAOs. It’s also about making MakerDAO truly autonomous. Christensen wants to build a DAO that is governed by artificial intelligence. This is not an easy task, and it’s something that he has failed to achieve in the past. But he believes that this time it will work. The plan is based on a decade’s worth of trial and error, and it’s aimed at solving the problems that Maker has had with governance, greed, and politics.

However, not everyone is convinced that Endgame is a good idea. Some members of the Maker community have criticized the plan as “ridiculous” and “egomaniacal.” They believe that it will turn MakerDAO into a “ponzi-tokenomics factory.” But there are others who see the potential and the value in Endgame. They believe that it contains important and interesting ideas that could lead to the further development of the blockchain space.

In the end, MakerDAO’s Endgame is an attempt to unleash the potential of blockchain technology and create a truly decentralized and autonomous system. It’s a risky endeavor, but one that could lead to some amazing results. And if it works, it could pave the way for the future of finance.


Q: What is Maker’s Endgame? A: Maker’s Endgame is a five-phase plan that aims to rebrand the entire operation, create new subDAOs, and redenominate each Maker token. The goal is to attract more users and pump up the token’s price.

Q: Why is MakerDAO undervalued? A: MakerDAO is undervalued because it’s seen as boring and complicated. The project’s complexity has deterred many users and investors.

Q: How will MakerDAO become autonomous? A: MakerDAO aims to become autonomous by using artificial intelligence to govern its operations. This is a complex task, but one that the team is determined to achieve.

Q: What are the challenges facing MakerDAO’s governance? A: MakerDAO has struggled with governance issues, including greed, politics, and low voter turnout. Endgame is an attempt to address these challenges.

Q: What are the potential risks of Endgame? A: Some members of the Maker community believe that Endgame could turn MakerDAO into a “ponzi-tokenomics factory.” They are concerned about the risks associated with the plan.

Q: How does Endgame aim to attract more users? A: Endgame aims to attract more users by rebranding the project and creating new subDAOs. These subDAOs will offer exciting opportunities for yield farmers and savers.

Q: What is the role of artificial intelligence in MakerDAO’s Endgame? A: Artificial intelligence will play a crucial role in MakerDAO’s Endgame by governing the system according to a carefully crafted rule book. The goal is to create a self-sustaining and autonomous DAO.

Q: What will the future hold for MakerDAO? A: The future of MakerDAO is uncertain, but the team is optimistic about the potential of Endgame. If successful, it could lead to further innovation and development in the blockchain space.

Q: How can users get involved with MakerDAO? A: Users can get involved with MakerDAO by participating in the governance process and holding MKR tokens. They can also explore the opportunities offered by the subDAOs created through Endgame.

Q: What are the investment opportunities in MakerDAO? A: Investing in MakerDAO can be a long-term bet on the future of decentralized finance. However, it’s important to carefully consider the risks and potential rewards before making any investment decisions.

Q: What are the risks associated with MakerDAO’s Endgame? A: The risks associated with MakerDAO’s Endgame include regulatory challenges, governance issues, and technological hurdles. It’s important to closely monitor the project and stay informed about any updates or developments.

Q: How can users stay updated on MakerDAO’s progress? A: Users can stay updated on MakerDAO’s progress by following the project’s official channels, such as its website, social media accounts, and community forums. It’s also recommended to engage with other community members to stay informed and share insights.

Reference List:

  1. Tweet: MakerDAO’s revenue
  2. Tweet: Maker’s P/E ratio
  3. YouTube: Rune Christensen interview at Token2049
  4. Tweet: Rune Christensen’s comment on scams and pump-and-dumps
  5. Reddit post: Save MakerDAO from Rune
  6. YouTube: Decoding the Final Play: Unveiling Maker DAO’s End Game
  7. Tweet: Vance Spencer’s comment on Endgame
  8. Article: How smart people invest in dumb memecoins
  9. Article: Crypto as a ‘public good’ in the 22nd century
  10. Article: The critical juncture of the global stablecoin market
  11. Article: Slumdog billionaire 2: ‘Top 10… brings no satisfaction’
  12. Article: Deepfake K-Pop porn, woke Grok, ‘OpenAI has a problem’
  13. Article: Ethereum restaking: Blockchain innovation or dangerous house of cards?
  14. Article: Outrage that ChatGPT won’t say slurs, Q* ‘breaks encryption’

Image Source:

  1. Image: Rune Christensen at Token2049
  2. Image: Rune Christensen chatting with Magazine
  3. Image: 100,000 MKR holders
  4. Image: The SubDAOs
  5. Image: Maker’s Atlas
  6. Image: Andrew Fenton
  7. Image: Subscription banner

Video Source:

  1. Video: Decoding the Final Play: Unveiling Maker DAO’s End Game

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