Bitcoin’s Lightning Payments App Goes Missing in the US

Wallet of Satoshi disappears from US app stores of Apple and Google

Wallet of Satoshi disappears from US app stores

Remember that app, Wallet of Satoshi (WoS), that was all the rage in the United States? Well, it seems to have pulled a disappearing act. Poof! Gone from both Apple’s App Store and Google’s Play Store. It’s like looking for Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster – you’re left with nothing but a bunch of competing wallet apps. Talk about a plot twist!

But fear not, my dear digital asset investors! The WoS app is still alive and well in the Australian market. It’s as if the Aussies have managed to capture the elusive creature while we mere mortals are left in awe and confusion. Crikey!

In case you missed it, Wallet of Satoshi is a Lightning payments platform that has been chugging along, processing over 1.1 million Lightning payments in November alone. It’s like watching a top-secret spy handle countless missions. James Bond ain’t got nothing on this app!

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room. Apple and Wallet of Satoshi are playing a little game, and no one wants to talk about it. Apple charges a whopping 30% tax on in-app payments, making it quite the stingy tax collector. It’s like running a marathon with ankle weights on. No wonder crypto platforms struggle to find a spot on the prestigious App Store podium.

And speaking of lawsuits, a group of disgruntled PayPal Venmo and Block Cash App users have taken a stand against Apple. They claim that the tech giant has entered into anti-competitive agreements with PayPal and Block to restrict the use of crypto technology and payments on iOS. It’s like a juicy courtroom drama, with Apple playing the role of the villain.

But this is not Apple’s first rodeo. They have a history of removing crypto apps from their platform. Remember the Damus app? Yeah, it got the boot because it had a Bitcoin tip feature. And let’s not forget when they briefly pulled the MetaMask wallet app from their App Store. They’re like that strict teacher who never misses a chance to confiscate your phone.

So, digital asset investors, here we are. The WoS app disappeared faster than a magician’s trick, leaving us scratching our heads. Will it make a triumphant return? Only time will tell. In the meantime, let’s keep on embracing the wild and unpredictable world of blockchain technology and digital investments. Because who knows, tomorrow could bring a whole new adventure!

Did you experience the magic disappearing act of the WoS app? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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