Binance now trading Pixels (PIXEL) with USDT, BTC, and BNB pairs.

The PIXEL token is now listed on Binance with a total supply of 5 billion tokens, following a successful free game launch that raised almost $5 million.

PIXEL Token Launches on Binance, Raises $5 Million, and Offers Free Gaming Experience

🚀 The wait is finally over! The PIXEL token has made its highly-anticipated debut on Binance, and it’s causing quite a stir in the cryptocurrency community. With a total supply of 5 billion tokens, PIXEL has already raised nearly $5 million through its popular free-to-play web game.

💥 Binance, the largest cryptocurrency exchange in terms of trade volume, has embraced PIXEL with open arms. Users can now trade PIXEL against supported assets like USDT and Bitcoin (BTC) on Binance without any transaction fees. It’s like getting a free ride on a roller coaster!

📣 In an official announcement, Binance revealed that PIXEL will also be available as a new borrowable asset on Binance Margin, with PIXEL/USDT on the Cross and Isolated Margin. And that’s not all – perpetual contracts for PIXEL will be available on Binance Futures, allowing traders to leverage up to 50 times their initial investment. Hold onto your hats, folks!

💰 If you’re curious about the current market price of PIXEL, Binance data shows that it’s currently trading at $4,858 with a 24-hour trading volume of $257 million. And believe it or not, this volume is increasing at an astonishing rate. It’s like trying to catch a bullet train!

PIXEL: The Journey To Binance

🌟 Binance first introduced PIXEL earlier this month, enticing users with the promise of farming the token by staking their FDUSD and BNB tokens in separate pools. They also added PIXEL/FDUSD and PIXEL/BNB trading pairs to BTC and USDT. It’s like sowing seeds and reaping a bountiful harvest!

🎮 PIXEL is the 46th project to join the Binance Launchpool platform. It’s a social Web3 game on the Ronin Network, offering a unique combination of play-to-earn (P2E) elements and Farm Land NFTs. Players can indulge their creative side by customizing their farm according to their in-game progress. It’s like building your own virtual oasis!

📈 The popularity of PIXEL is evident in its fundraising success. Before its launch on Binance, PIXEL raised an impressive $4.8 million through three rounds of private sales, selling the token at different prices. Now, PIXEL is an ERC-20 token with a total supply of 5,000,000,000. With more than 150,000 daily active players and integration with over 90 other Web3 projects, PIXEL’s future looks brighter than a supernova!

Play PIXEL for Free (Almost)

🎁 The best part about PIXEL is that you can enjoy the game for free. You don’t need to own PIXEL tokens or purchase NFTs to play the game. All you need is a MetaMask or Ronin wallet, or simply sign up with your phone number or email address. It’s like getting the golden ticket to Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory!

💎 However, there are a few features in the game that might entice you to buy tokens. For instance, PIXEL offers larger NFT land plots beyond the basic free sizes. Plus, players with certain NFTs can use their own profile picture characters as avatars in the game. So, if you own a Pudgy Penguin or a Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT, get ready to show off your digital swag!

💰 To unlock additional in-game features, you can use the Ronin network’s native RON token to purchase a VIP pass. It’s like getting access to the VIP lounge at the hottest club in town!

🍇 Before the PIXEL token, the Pixels project had its own in-game currency called BERRY. Players used BERRY to buy and sell farmed items, much like you’ll use PIXEL now. The project decided to bid farewell to BERRY and replaced it with PIXEL. But don’t worry, if you had any BERRY tokens, you were allowed to convert them to PIXEL. It’s like exchanging old paper money for shiny new coins!

Q&A – All Your Burning Questions Answered!

🔥Q1: How can I start playing PIXEL? 💡A: Playing PIXEL is as easy as pie! Just sign in with your MetaMask or Ronin wallet, or even use your phone number or email address to create an account. No purchase necessary!

🔥Q2: Can I trade PIXEL on Binance? 💡A: Absolutely! PIXEL is now available for trading on Binance against USDT and Bitcoin. You can also enjoy zero transaction fees when converting PIXEL.

🔥Q3: Are there any other in-game currencies besides PIXEL? 💡A: Nope! PIXEL has replaced the previous in-game currency, BERRY. So, now it’s all about PIXEL for all your farming and trading needs.

🔥Q4: Can I customize my farm in PIXEL? 💡A: Yes, indeed! As you progress in the game, you can customize your farm to reflect your personality and style.

🔥Q5: What are the benefits of owning certain NFTs in PIXEL? 💡A: If you own NFTs from projects like Pudgy Penguins or Bored Ape Yacht Club, you can use them as avatars in the game. It’s like bringing your favorite crypto collectibles to life!

🔥Q6: How can I unlock additional in-game features? 💡A: By using the Ronin network’s native RON token, you can purchase a VIP pass to access exclusive in-game features.

The Future of PIXEL: A Stellar Outlook

🔮 With its successful launch on Binance and a rapidly growing user base, the future of PIXEL looks brighter than ever. The combination of play-to-earn elements and NFT integration opens up new possibilities for gamers and crypto enthusiasts alike. As the PIXEL ecosystem continues to expand and integrate with more Web3 projects, the value of the token is expected to soar higher than a rocket heading for the moon.

💡 Investors keeping an eye on the evolving crypto gaming industry should consider adding PIXEL to their portfolio. The strong community support, continuous development, and partnership opportunities make PIXEL a promising long-term investment. Just remember, the cryptocurrency market is like a roller coaster ride, so buckle up and enjoy the thrilling journey!

📚 References:

  1. Binance Official Announcement
  2. BERRY Token Phase Out
  3. Stay updated with all things PIXEL

🌟 Don’t miss out on the latest cryptocurrency news! Share this article with your friends on social media and sign up for our newsletter to stay in the loop. Happy gaming and trading! 🚀✨

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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