Meet “Mr. 100” – The Mysterious Bitcoin Whale with $3.5 Billion Worth of BTC 🐋💸

The enigmatic wallet has been making purchases of 100 BTC stacks since at least November 2022, following the collapse of FTX.

Meet ‘Mr. 100’ – a mysterious Bitcoin whale now the 14th largest holder of BTC.

A new player has emerged in the cryptocurrency space, and they go by the name “Mr. 100.” This anonymous Bitcoin whale has captured the attention of enthusiasts and experts alike after amassing a staggering 52,996 Bitcoins, worth over $3.5 billion, according to on-chain data. But who is this mysterious figure, and what can we learn from their activities? Let’s dive into the details and unravel the enigma of Mr. 100. 🧐🔍

Unveiling the Identity of “Mr. 100” 🕵️‍♂️

The plot thickens as we discover that Mr. 100 bought a substantial amount of Bitcoin on March 15th, acquiring at least 1,000 BTC. Surprisingly, this constitutes 52% of the total 1,907 BTC bought by the top ten Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs). This remarkable feat was revealed in a tweet by HODL15Capital. It appears that our protagonist has been busy accumulating Bitcoin since November 2022, just after the collapse of the FTX exchange. Adding to the intrigue, the wallet has been steadily receiving 100 BTC almost every day since February 14th. 📈💼

But wait, there’s more! It seems that Mr. 100 is not alone in their quest for Bitcoin riches. They have received several significant Bitcoin transfers from a secondary wallet address, which has also been consistently adding batches of 100 BTC since 2019. This suggests that our elusive whale has been stacking sats (Bitcoin slang for accumulating Bitcoin) for quite some time. Speculation is rife about the possible identity of Mr. 100. Some believe it could be a Hong Kong financial institution pre-seeding for ETFs, the Qatar Investment Authority, other Middle Eastern sovereign wealth funds, a cold wallet associated with the South Korean Upbit exchange, or even an unidentified tech billionaire. The possibilities are endless! 🤔💭

A Buying Spree Regardless of Price 🛒📈

What sets Mr. 100 apart from the average investor is their unwavering commitment to accumulating Bitcoin, irrespective of its price. Even when Bitcoin reached dizzying all-time highs, such as on March 12th when it surpassed the $72,000 mark, Mr. 100 continued their buying spree, adding a whopping 400 BTC to their already substantial stash. It seems that nothing can deter our whale from acquiring more Bitcoin, no matter the circumstances. 💪💸

Is the Upbit Connection Real? 🤔🔗

Recent analysis by the blockchain intelligence firm, Arkham Intelligence, suggests that the Mr. 100 wallet is linked to the South Korean Upbit cryptocurrency exchange. According to Crystal Intelligence, a subsidiary of Arkham Intelligence, the number and value of transactions associated with the wallet indicate a Virtual Asset Service Provider (VASP)-type service. Additionally, the incoming transactions can be traced back to Upbit and have maintained a consistent value since the collapse of FTX. Furthermore, the wallet has been regularly sending Bitcoin transactions to a wallet connected to Upbit, as identified by Arkham’s platform. Transactions from Mr. 100’s wallet to Upbit have often involved sizable amounts of Bitcoin, with some transfers exceeding 3,000 BTC. The evidence strongly suggests a relationship between Mr. 100 and Upbit. 📊💼

Addressing the Curious Case of Mr. 100: Insights from On-Chain Analysts 🧐📝

Pseudonymous on-chain analyst, Defioasis, supports the theory that the Mr. 100 wallet belongs to Upbit. In a tweet on March 12th, Defioasis proposed that the regular movements of 100 BTC in and out of the wallet are not purchasing activities but rather a unique strategy employed by Upbit to manage their cold and hot wallet assets. This perspective aligns with the observed behavior of the wallet and adds weight to the Upbit connection theory. Additionally, another sleuth named Mai discovered that all 14 secondary wallet addresses associated with Mr. 100’s main wallet have passed Know Your Customer (KYC) verification on the Upbit exchange. These findings further strengthen the case for Upbit’s involvement. 🕵️‍♀️🔍

The Future of Mr. 100 and Bitcoin Accumulation ✨🔮

As we marvel at the magnitude of Mr. 100’s Bitcoin holdings and speculate about their true identity, it becomes clear that this whale’s activities have far-reaching implications. Their accumulation strategy, regardless of Bitcoin’s price, may suggest confidence in the long-term growth potential of the cryptocurrency. It’s also worth noting that giants like institutional investors and sovereign wealth funds might be amidst us, ready to embrace Bitcoin in a big way. As the cryptocurrency market continues to evolve, we can expect even more fascinating developments that could reshape the financial landscape. So, keep your eyes peeled, because who knows what other surprises Mr. 100 has in store for us! 🚀💼

🤔 Q&A: Your Burning Questions Answered! 🤔

Q1: Is it possible for individuals to compete with whales like Mr. 100 in Bitcoin accumulation?

A: While it might seem daunting to compete with someone who possesses billions of dollars worth of Bitcoin, it’s important to remember that Bitcoin allows for fractional ownership. This means you can invest whatever fits your budget, and as the price of Bitcoin increases, your fractional ownership will also appreciate. Every Satoshi counts!

Q2: What impact could Mr. 100’s activities have on the Bitcoin market?

A: Mr. 100’s relentless accumulation of Bitcoin indicates strong faith in its long-term value. Such confidence from a whale of this magnitude could provide stability and legitimacy to the market, attracting more investors and potentially driving the Bitcoin price even higher.

Q3: How can I identify other influential Bitcoin whales or institutional investors like Mr. 100?

A: Identifying whales or institutional investors in the crypto space can be challenging due to their desire for anonymity. However, you can keep an eye on blockchain data, exchange flows, and monitor significant transactions to spot any large-scale movements. Remember to approach such analysis with caution and rely on professional insights.

References 📚

  1. X (formerly Twitter) post by HODL15Capital
  2. Bitcoin accumulation sheet, Source: X, HODL15Capital
  3. Collapse of FTX exchange
  4. Mr. 100 Wallet Data. Source: Bitinfocharts
  5. Upbit: Cold Wallet Outflows. Source: Arkham Intelligence
  6. Is Bitcoin due for a correction with 5 weeks till the halving?
  7. BTC global transfers heatmap. Source: HODL15Capital

That’s all for now, folks! If you found this article as intriguing as Mr. 100’s Bitcoin accumulation, don’t forget to share it with your fellow crypto enthusiasts. Let’s keep the conversation going and unravel the mysteries of the digital asset world together! 🌐💡✨

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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