Bitcoin script will be the world's first low-level programming language in the blockchain

Bitcoin script will be the world's first low-level programming language in the blockchain

Blockchain technology startups are working hard to make it easier to write smart contracts on the Bitcoin blockchain.

The San Francisco-based company has released an open source compiler that converts between Ivy (blockchain's own advanced smart contract language) and Bitcoin scripts, the world's first and largest A low-level programming language in a blockchain.

Bitcoin script will be the world's first low-level programming language in the blockchain

According to Chain's latest blog post, Ivy is designed to help developers "write custom, SegWit-compatible bitcoin addresses that enforce any combination of bitcoin protocol support, including signature checking, hash commitment, and time locking. ""

Language restriction

The advanced smart contract function of Ethereum is the key to distinguishing from Bitcoin, but Bitcoin allows developers to write smart contracts using Bitcoin scripts. However, the limitations of the underlying virtual machine make this language difficult to write.

"Bitcoin script development is considered a bit esoteric," the blockchain blog post wrote.

It is worth noting that since the IVY language is still an untested prototype software, it is currently used for educational and research purposes. Disclosure: CoinDesk is a subsidiary of the Digital Money Group, which owns a stake in a chain of stores.

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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