🚀 Unleashing Freedom with Blockchain Technology: A Call to Action

Matt Odell Urges for Digital Freedom and Exposes Institutions and Companies Responsible for Eroding Our Rights in The Primary Issue

Blue Check Manifesto

Introduction: Free Yourself from Digital Slavery

🔓 Freedom is not granted; it is taken and defended. In our modern world, where personal liberty is being eroded on every front, it’s important to recognize the ways in which our freedom is being compromised. We live in a society where influential institutions and billion-dollar companies manipulate and control us for their own gain. We are being tracked, manipulated, censored, and sold without even realizing it. But can you see where this leads? Many have given up hope, believing that our predicament is a lost cause. However, we must rise above this despair and embrace the tools that empower us to reclaim our freedom.

The Vulnerability of Trust at Scale

💔 Since the beginning of time, trust has been a fundamental building block of human society. We rely on trust to foster relationships, build communities, establish businesses, and develop new technologies. Trust has allowed us to advance and thrive in the world. But at scale, trust becomes vulnerable. Systems that require trust can easily be corrupted, especially in our modern age where a select few control powerful institutions that millions blindly depend on. Traditional systems and institutions are no longer sufficient for our future.

The Broken Centralized Institutions

😞 Take Twitter, for example. Once a powerful tool for billions to freely communicate and exchange ideas, it has succumbed to censorship and identity checks. Trust does not scale on platforms like these. The systems we rely on are easily corrupted, leading to the erosion of our freedom. The same can be said for other centralized institutions that govern our lives, such as TikTok, Google, WeChat, PayPal, Facebook, and Twitter/X. These companies prioritize control over user freedom, and unfortunately, they are winning.

The Hope Lies in Freedom Tech

🙌 Thankfully, we have the power to change our situation. We have access to tools that empower individuals and minimize the need for trust. Blockchain technology, represented by protocols like Bitcoin and Nostr, offers a promising solution. These decentralized systems are not controlled by any single entity, ensuring that communication and interactions can occur freely and without permission. Freedom tech is the key to reclaiming our freedom. But it’s not enough for a few individuals or organizations to champion this cause—we need millions to stand up and take responsibility for our future.

The Call to Action: Choose Freedom Tech

❌ Say no to digital slavery companies and the control they exert over us. Instead, let’s build, support, and utilize freedom tech tools. By rejecting platforms like TikTok, Google, WeChat, PayPal, Facebook, and Twitter/X, we can disrupt the status quo and truly experience freedom. It’s time to take control of our digital lives and safeguard our future. If not us, then who? If not now, then when?

Q&A: Your Burning Questions Answered

Q: How can blockchain technology ensure trust and security?

A: Blockchain operates on a decentralized network, where transactions are recorded on a public ledger shared by multiple participants. This eliminates the need for a central authority controlling the data, ensuring transparency, immutability, and security.

Q: Is Bitcoin the only blockchain-based currency?

A: No, Bitcoin is just one example of a blockchain-based currency. There are numerous cryptocurrencies, each with its unique features and use cases. Ethereum, Ripple, and Litecoin are just a few other well-known examples.

Q: How can individuals support freedom tech?

A: Start by educating yourself about blockchain technology and its potential applications. Consider using decentralized platforms, supporting blockchain projects, and advocating for the adoption of freedom tech in your personal and professional networks.

The Future Outlook: A New Era of Freedom

🔮 The future looks promising as blockchain technology becomes more widely adopted. With secure and trustless systems in place, individuals will have greater control over their digital lives. Financial transactions will become more efficient, and information will flow freely without censorship. As more people embrace freedom tech, we can expect a world where power is decentralized and individuals are the true owners of their data and digital assets.


  1. Bitcoin Magazine’s “The Primary Issue”
  2. Bitcoin Magazine Subscription
  3. Introduction to Blockchain Technology
  4. Top 10 Cryptocurrencies
  5. Blockchain Revolution: How the Technology Behind Bitcoin Is Changing Money, Business, and the World

✨ This article is featured in Bitcoin Magazine’s “The Primary Issue”. Don’t miss out on valuable insights—click here to get your annual Bitcoin Magazine subscription! You can also download a PDF of this article here.

🔥 If you found this article enlightening, share it with your friends and spread the word on social media. Together, we can unleash the power of freedom tech and reclaim our digital liberty!

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