Bitcoin ATM Vulnerability Fixed: Hackers Could Have Gained ‘Full Control’

Lamassu Industries, the manufacturer of Bitcoin ATMs, has fixed a vulnerability that could have given hackers complete control over its machines.

Bitcoin ATM vulnerability fixed Hackers could have gained full control.

Fredrik Vold Fredrik Vold Last updated: January 24, 2024 22:00 EST | 1 min read

Bitcoin ATM Vulnerability Fixed: Hackers Could Have Gained ‘Full Control’

Bitcoin ATM maker Lamassu Industries has successfully addressed a vulnerability that could have granted hackers “full control” over its Bitcoin ATM machines. The flaw was discovered by a team of ethical hackers from the security firm IOActive during an attempted compromise of Lamassu’s Bitcoin ATMs in 2023. The researchers documented the vulnerabilities they discovered, which allowed them to gain full control over the ATMs.

Exploiting the Vulnerability

Here is a video that demonstrates how IOActive’s researchers exploited the vulnerability:

IOActive Research | Owning a Bitcoin ATM | leveraging the glitch clip

According to Gunter Ollman, CTO of IOActive, attackers who exploited this vulnerability could “view and manipulate interactions with the hijacked ATM.” This means that hackers had the potential to steal Bitcoin from users’ wallets by taking advantage of the identified vulnerabilities. Ollman warned that a sophisticated attacker could even modify the entire user experience, tricking users into entering their bank account details.

While Ollman assured the community that the attack’s impact would be limited to a user’s account balance, the potential for social engineering was significant.

Attaining “Full Control”

Gabriel Gonzalez, Director of Hardware Security at IOActive, stated that the vulnerability could grant an attacker “full control” over a physical ATM machine. This level of control would enable them to drain all the money in the ATM and manipulate the note reader to display inaccurate deposit amounts. The severity of these vulnerabilities is particularly concerning if the ATMs are left unattended in various locations.

Prompt Response and Patch Deployment

Thankfully, Lamassu Industries took prompt action upon discovering these vulnerabilities. They deployed a security patch to fix the vulnerabilities before publicly disclosing them in 2024. Lamassu also advised owners of their Bitcoin ATMs to update their software to ensure their machines were secure.

The Decline of Bitcoin ATMs

In a separate report, it was revealed that the number of installed Bitcoin ATMs worldwide had declined in 2023 after consistently increasing for over a decade. This decline was primarily attributed to a noticeable decrease in the number of machines in the US from 2022 to 2023, while other regions saw an increase in installations.

According to Coin ATM Radar, the US accounts for 82% of all installed Bitcoin ATMs globally, with 27,621 machines in operation as of the end of last year.

Crypto ATMs in the US Source: Coin ATM Radar

Q&A: Addressing Additional Concerns

Q: Are Bitcoin ATMs safe to use after this vulnerability was discovered? A: Bitcoin ATM users can have peace of mind knowing that Lamassu Industries has promptly fixed the vulnerability. It is essential to ensure that your Bitcoin ATM has the latest software updates to minimize any potential risks.

Q: How can one protect their Bitcoin assets when using a Bitcoin ATM? A: Here are some tips: 1. Ensure the Bitcoin ATM is located in a secure and well-monitored area. 2. Use reputable and trusted Bitcoin ATMs from established manufacturers. 3. Check for any signs of tampering or suspicious modifications on the ATM. 4. Use strong and secure wallet software to store your Bitcoin assets. 5. Be cautious when inputting personal information or performing transactions at a Bitcoin ATM.

Q: What measures are being taken to enhance the security of Bitcoin ATMs in the future? A: Bitcoin ATM manufacturers and operators are continually working to improve security measures. This includes regular software updates, collaboration with security firms for vulnerability testing, and implementing advanced encryption technologies to protect user data and transactions.

Future Outlook and Investment Recommendations

Looking ahead, it is crucial for Bitcoin ATM manufacturers to prioritize security at the core of their technology. The addressed vulnerability serves as a reminder of the potential risks associated with these machines. As the adoption of Bitcoin continues to grow, the demand for secure and user-friendly Bitcoin ATMs will rise. Investing in technology that ensures the utmost security and convenience could lead to significant growth and success in the Bitcoin ATM industry.


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Now that you have all the details about the Bitcoin ATM vulnerability being fixed, make sure to stay informed and keep your Bitcoin assets safe. Share this article with your friends and followers on social media to spread awareness about the importance of security in the cryptocurrency world. 💪🚀🔒

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