BM: The reason for not using EQ to purchase EOS is that B1 cannot have more than 10% share.

BM: The reason for not using EQ to purchase EOS is that B1 cannot have more than 10% share.

According to MEET.ONE, the discussion of B1 repo in the telegraph group is still going on, and BB and BM respond to community questions in the group.

1. Community Question: Shouldn't B1 use the $4 billion raised to fund the development of DApp? BM: We invested $1 billion in EOS VCs (to fund the excellent EOS DApp), and we also invested in blockchain-based social media.

2. Community question: Why not buy these funds to buy EOS? BM: Because we can't have more than 10% share, and we want EOS to remain decentralized;

3. Community question : Why do you want to hold 140,000 bitcoins? BM: Do you need to have all your money in the bank? BB: We have made the most of our EOS risk exposure (referred to as the actual risk), we store non-EOS assets in the cryptocurrency and legal currency portfolio;

Finally, both BB and BM said they are still excited about B1 June, but hope that the community will not over-hype and cause unrealistic expectations. BM still insists that B1 June will release the biggest news since the release of EOSIO. Many new codes will be released before June. Thanks to the support of all members of the community, everyone's efforts will make everything possible.

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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