Instagram data breach report proves that it should stay away from Facebook encryption project

Instagram data breach report proves that it should stay away from Facebook encryption project

According to CCN on May 21st, security researcher Anurag Sen discovered a public Amazon Web Services (AWS) database containing contact information for more than 49 million Instagram accounts. Facebook is the monopoly owner of Instagram and most other social media. The public database includes public information from Instagram accounts, such as the number of fans, preferences, and content for a particular user. However, what is even more worrying is that it contains the email addresses and phone numbers of many account owners, and Instagram allegedly keeps this information confidential. The social media marketing company Chtrbox owns the database. The company uses public information to calculate the net value of each account and may provide quotes through the contact information obtained. Facebook said, "We are investigating this issue to see if the data described (including email and phone numbers) is from Instagram or other sources." CCN article said that the Instagram data breach report further proves that Facebook does not care or does not know how to protect User privacy. In the past five years, Facebook has revealed private information about its users on different occasions. Facebook's encryption project is coming soon, but recent data breaches remind us that we should stay away from hell. According to previous reports, the encryption project Project Libra has been in operation for more than a year.

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