[Chainge] Technical Salon "Deconstructing Binance DEX"

[Chainge] is an offline activity brand initiated by chain nodes, focusing on hotspot discussions and industry exchanges in the blockchain field. We hope that by organizing offline Meetup, hackathon and blockchain summits, we will invite industry executives to create high-quality content and promote the dissemination of knowledge and innovation in the blockchain field. We are gathered because of our love, and we persist because of the consensus. Consensus is the initial heart and value is the future. I am willing to take the wind and waves with you and witness the new era of blockchain.

Jiang Jinze: Senior Analyst, Binance Research. He previously served as the head of the macro trading station on Wall Street and the editor of the blockchain media Scallion APP. Earlier, he worked for Ernst & Young Certified Public Accountants, private equity funds, and oil trading companies.

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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