Vitalik: ETH 2.0 multi-client test network expected to go live in April

Summary :

  • The latest audit report of the ETH 2.0 specification revealed a security vulnerability in the protocol's P2P messaging system and block proposer system, and Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin claimed that the team is working on a long-term solution to the problem.
  • Buterin believes that a successful multi-client testnet must be available before the long-awaited Phase 0 mainnet launch, and the testnet may begin running in April.

God of V: ​​ETH 2.0 multi-client test network is expected to be launched in April, and is addressing security vulnerabilities found in code reviews

Source: Pixabay

According to Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin, the Ethereum 2.0 team may launch a multi-client testnet in April.

The ETH 2.0 specification has recently undergone a review by technology security company Least Authority, which highlighted that the protocol's P2P messaging system and block proposer system are two potential security holes.

Buterin said that the ETH 2.0 team is currently working on these issues, although this may require long-term efforts rather than immediate revisions.

ETH 2.0 Security Vulnerability

Least Authority expressed concern about the spam problem in the protocol's P2P mail system, and suggested implementing a gossip protocol that is fully BAR-resilient to prevent malicious spam.

According to Buterin, the problem also exists in the existing ETH 1.0 framework and will be mitigated over time. He hopes that ETH 2.0 will do the same.

Buterin says:

"Overall, we will definitely take cybersecurity anti-spam seriously. Eth 1.0 has taken some time to strengthen its network layer. At present, people have paid a lot of attention to network issues, so I hope that over time, DoS issues There will be relief. "

He added:

"With regard to BAR resilience, I hope the approach we will take is to assume altruism from the beginning and then build better incentive characteristics over time; the eth 1.0 network is also moving in this direction."

The second security hole identified in the report involves a potential information leak in the block proposer system of ETH 2.0.

Buterin claims that the team is seriously considering a proposal by Least Authority to use a single secret leader election (SSLE) mechanism to cover up the election process. In fact, SSLE is one of the team's current main research priorities and has been included in the 5-10 years roadmap of ETH 2.0 proposed by Buterin. According to the roadmap, the SSLE system will be implemented in ETH 2.0 Phase 2 or later.

Multi-client testnet may go live in April

ETH 2.0 project leader Danny Ryan said that now that the audit process has been completed, the next step is to implement a multi-client testnet and phase 0 bug bounty program. Buterin revealed that the multi-client testnet may go live in April.

Buterin said:

"The best way to think about when to start the Phase 0 mainnet is to first need a multi-client testnet, then wait for the testnet to run for a while, and then start. This is the same process we did for eth1.0 in 2015 Similar …. Therefore, it is difficult to predict when the mainnet will go live, although we absolutely hope that the multi-client testnet will appear soon; April seems very likely. "

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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