Boom in Metaverse Education Many overseas schools join the Metaverse

Explosion of Metaverse Education Numerous International Schools Embrace the Metaverse

Source: Element Power Society

Recently, with the help of VictoryXR, a global leader in virtual reality education, Goose Creek High School and Newbury County Vocational Center have entered the world of education virtual reality and joined the ranks of elite schools. Both schools are among the first in the United States to adopt metaverse education, creating a new world of 3D immersive learning.

Students participating in the education virtual world will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in their content, experience practical courses, and connect and learn with students from across the state. Students will have the chance to hold molecules in their hands, spend an hour on a spaceship, walk outside the ship in spacesuits, and visit Isaac Newton after traveling in a time machine.

Steve Grubbs, CEO of VictoryXR, said research ultimately shows that students who learn in virtual reality are able to remember more of what they learn. South Carolina is pioneering this education metaverse program, aiming to address learning gaps in a meaningful way through bold solutions.

Prior to this, many educational institutions and schools abroad have already entered the metaverse.

In 2021, Stanford University launched a metaverse course. This was Stanford University’s first fully immersive course conducted in VR.

In September of last year, Meta and VictoryXR collaborated to create and open 10 virtual campuses in the metaverse. The project was a $150 million investment. Meta stated that as part of its immersive learning project, the aim of this project was to bring education into virtual reality environments.

In August of this year, the renowned public research university Utrecht University in the Netherlands established the Capture and Virtual Reality Lab for research and innovation as well as talent development.

In October, Northern Lights College in Canada launched the “Northern Lights College Metaverse Campus,” becoming one of the few colleges in Canada to establish a comprehensive campus in the metaverse.

Asia is also not lagging behind. As of February 2023, China has a total of 71 universities involved in metaverse development. Pohang University of Science and Technology in South Korea is working to become a “metaverse university,” digitizing classrooms into metaverse network spaces for training courses. A cram school outside of Kofu City, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan, called “Kai Seminar,” officially launched new courses using the virtual space “metaverse” starting from spring this year.

Education is one of the major applications of virtual reality and metaverse technology. Although metaverse education offers more possibilities and flexibility, it still faces many challenges in terms of implementation. These include the cost of time and funds, data privacy and personal safety concerns, the lack of advanced infrastructure, and potential legal issues.

In addition to this, the related hardware expenses actually add costs to the school in an intangible way. For example, the licensing of VR content, the construction of a digital twin campus, the investment in VR headsets, and other associated expenses.

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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