The Truth Behind Crypto Content: Breaking News or “Fake News”?

Master the Basics Cryptonauts' Guide to Building a Successful Crypto YouTube Channel

Crypto YouTube growth tips shared by Cryptonauts Keep it simple.

Ah, the infamous phrase “fake news.” It was once just a term floating around, until former President Donald Trump brought it to life and made it a viral campaign slogan. “Fake news” became a meme that resonated with the public, and let’s be honest, there’s some truth to it.

Even Cointelegraph is not immune to the occasional slip-up in reporting. But let’s not forget that journalists and media companies sometimes sprinkle their personal opinions or the agenda of their sponsors into what they present as facts. That’s right, objectivity takes a backseat sometimes.

Now, in the year 2023, we’re facing a crisis in the world of crypto content. The proverbial jig is up. Investors have caught on that a lot of crypto-focused content is just a ploy to shill a particular coin or, worse, promote an undisclosed sponsor. As a result, many professional and hobbyist content creators are struggling to maintain and grow their subscriber base.

Unmasking the Builders: A Conversation with Nathan Leung

On Episode 22 of The Agenda, hosts Ray Salmond and Jonathan DeYoung sat down with Nathan Leung, co-founder and host of the popular Cryptonauts YouTube channel. They delved into the nitty-gritty of educating and onboarding new users to the realm of crypto on YouTube, all while maintaining ethical standards.

Leung highlighted the importance of “humanizing” the content to stand out from the noise. In times like these, when everyone is crying “scam,” it’s crucial to show that behind the digital ownership revolution, there are genuine builders and visionaries. These are the folks running hackathons, striving to find the best projects, and using technology to make the world a better place. They’re just regular people with a mission, waking up in the morning, walking their dogs, and yes, even enjoying their millions and billions.

Leung emphasized the need to respect the viewer’s time. After all, time is the most valuable currency. Thus, the Cryptonauts team believes in keeping it short and sweet. Who says longer videos are better? Two minutes of engaging content can work wonders, saving viewers precious time.

Organic Growth: The Cryptonauts’ Recipe for Success

While some crypto content creators have been caught shilling their bags or accepting shady payments to promote projects they probably don’t even believe in, Cryptonauts doesn’t have this issue. They don’t rely on sponsored content for their income.

Early on, Leung and his team established some ground rules. No covering the initial coin offerings (ICOs) frenzy or pushing questionable exchanges. Look what happened with FTX! Instead of obsessing over monetization, Cryptonauts focuses on telling good stories, creating meaningful content, and having fun. Passion cannot be bought, my friends.

Sure, people might not care much about crypto right now, but Cryptonauts has bigger dreams. They aim to unite the crypto community by going beyond the digital realm. Real-life events that combine experiences with crypto content are on the horizon, proving they walk the talk.

Stay Tuned and Join the Party!

Want to hear more from Nathan Leung and his vision for Cryptonauts? Tune in to the full episode on Cointelegraph’s Podcasts page, Apple Podcasts, or Spotify. Prepare for a wild ride!

And hey, while you’re at it, check out Cointelegraph’s full lineup of other amazing shows. We’ve got something for every crypto enthusiast out there!

So, dear crypto content investors, remember to stay critical, question everything, and above all, have a great sense of humor. We’re here to inform, entertain, and unite. Together, we’ll crack this crypto puzzle!

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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