Dry goods | Full homomorphic encryption resource summary

This article was written by Dr. Zhichen Chen.

1.List of Full Homomorphic Encryption Papers

1. http://people.csail.mit.edu/vinodv/FHE/FHE-refs.html

This is a list classified by homomorphic encryption

2. http://eprint.iacr.org

This site is estimated by anyone who knows cryptography. You can find all articles about homomorphism by the keyword "homomorphism".

3. http://arxiv.org/list/cs.CR/pastweek?skip=0&show=25

A list of articles hosted by Cornell University with a cryptography section.

2. Full Homomorphic Encryption Course Website

1. http://u.cs.biu.ac.il/~lindell/mpcschool.html

The first Bar-Ilan Winter School on Cryptography–Theme: Winter School on Secure Computation and Efficiency. There are FHE lectures by ShaiHalevi.

2. http://cyber.biu.ac.il/event/the-2nd-biu-winter-school/

The Second Bar-Ilan Winter School on Cryptography–Theme: Lattice-Based Cryptography and Applications. . There are FHE lectures from Gentry. Many lectures on grid.

3. http://people.csail.mit.edu/shaih/lattices-and-HE-class/

Homomorphic Encryption and Lattices course by Shai Halevi at TelAviv University in 2011.

4. http://www.cs.bu.edu/~reyzin/teaching/s11cs937/

NewDevelopments in Cryptography. It is a lecture on various fields of the latest development direction of cryptography.

5. https://homes.esat.kuleuven.be/~nsmart/FHE-MPC/

Nigel Smart's graduate program in FHE and multiparty computing.

6. http://www.cs.princeton.edu/courses/archive/spr10/cos433/#NOTES

The Cryptography course at the University of Princeton contains 4 lectures on FHE. The teacher is Shai Halevi.

7. http://www.di.ens.fr/~pnguyen/LCD/LCD.html

Lattice Crypto Day (LCD), held in 2010, has a FHE lecture from Gentry, an LWE lecture from OdedRegev, and an RLWE lecture from Vadim Lyubashevsky.

3. Cryptography-based course website

1. http://crypto.stanford.edu/~dabo/cs255/syllabus.html

Cryptography Online Course at Stanford University. Speaker: Dan Boneh. A big bull.

2. http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/viola/classes/gems-08/

TheoreticalComputer Science. Contains lectures on theoretical cryptography. Especially the lectures in the circuit section are helpful to understand the FHE's circuit perspective.

3. http://www.cs.bris.ac.uk/Research/CryptographySecurity/knowledge.html

52 Things Cryptologists Should Know.

4. http://www.cs.princeton.edu/theory/index.php/Compbook/Draft#crypto

ComputationalComplexity: A Modern Approach. Cryptography and computational complexity are too close.

4. Where can I ask cryptography questions?

1. http://crypto.stackexchange.com

I ca n’t find anyone asking about cryptography problems. The following website can ask questions.

2. http://crypto.stanford.edu/pbc/notes/

Explanation of the main points of mathematics and computer science.

3. http://www.wikipedia.org/


4. http://www.math.uconn.edu/~kconrad/blurbs/

Very detailed mathematical knowledge.

5, FHE Niuren homepage

1.Shai Halevi https://shaih.github.io/presentations.html

2.Zvika Brakerski http://www.stanford.edu/~zvika/

3.Vinod Vaikuntanathan http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~vinodv/

4.Nigel Smart https://homes.esat.kuleuven.be/~nsmart/

5.Jean-Sébastien Coron http://www.jscoron.fr/index.html

6.Michael Naehrig http://cryptosith.org/michael/

6.Related Cryptography Niuren Homepage


1.Dan Boneh http://crypto.stanford.edu/~dabo/

2.Oded Regev http://www.cims.nyu.edu/~regev/

3.Vadim Lyubashevsky http://www.di.ens.fr/~lyubash/

4. Ruan Fengguang http://www.di.ens.fr/~pnguyen/

5.Victor Shoup http://www.shoup.net/

6.Seny Kamara http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/senyk/

Popular science articles





The above articles and electronic resources can be obtained on Dr. Zhichen Chen's homepage:


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