European opinion poll results: Bitcoin will be replaced within 10 years

European opinion poll results: Bitcoin will be replaced within 10 years

Japanese encryption and blockchain company bitFlyer released a study evaluating public confidence, which conducted a survey of more than 10,000 people in 10 European countries, showing that people are not optimistic about the development of Bitcoin for the next 10 years. .

The biggest finding of this extensive European poll is that people's confidence in Bitcoin is lower than the entire cryptocurrency market, and only 49% of survey participants believe that Bitcoin will continue to lead the cryptocurrency market within 10 years.

There is an interesting point in the entire survey that Bitcoin has established standards for distributed digital assets, and even so many people still believe that it will be replaced in the next 10 years.

Bitcoin is almost synonymous with blockchain and cryptocurrency. In the past 10 years, it has solved the problem of electronic payment and opened up the cryptocurrency industry.

However, more innovative blockchain projects have emerged that attempt to solve some of the problems we face today. Some projects have better technical capabilities and they will eventually stand out.

In the past 10 years, in such a fast-growing field, Bitcoin and its core roles and functions are likely to be outdated. Respondents believe that there is bound to be room for cryptocurrency, and cryptocurrency has great potential as a tool, but it still needs to find its own application scenarios. (New Finance)

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