Evening Must-read|How does intentional trading support the next wave of Web3 narrative?

How does intentional trading support Web3 narrative?

1. Current Status and Interaction Guide of Modular Rollup Mantle

Ethereum was initially a “monolithic” blockchain. This means that the original Ethereum network was only responsible for providing its own security, data availability, and transaction execution capabilities. In recent years, the Ethereum ecosystem has made great progress towards a more “modular” vision, allowing the Ethereum network to leverage external layers to scale its performance to new heights. Click to read more

2. Bixin Ventures: 3 Paradigms of Web3 Social

DeFi has become one of the paradigm shifts that actually impact the lives of its users. Since 2018, more and more Web3 employees and companies have started to receive salaries in the form of cryptocurrencies, and some people’s wealth is now mostly in cryptocurrencies — in other words, some people actually “live in the crypto world”. Click to read more

3. Introduction to Native Account Abstraction in zkSync

This article mainly introduces the development and related content of abstract accounts (AA) in zkSync, a Layer2 solution. Click to read more

4. Why not choose L2 native tokens as Gas tokens for Rollup

If you plot the flow of tokens, you will find no net demand. Users buy your tokens to bridge your rollup. When they spend gas, the sequencer sells these tokens in an attempt to cover the data availability (DA) cost, which is only priced in ETH. If the gas cost in your tokens cannot cover the DA cost, then your protocol will pay for the remaining DA cost. Essentially, you are subsidizing the use of Rollup but still need to pay the DA cost in ETH. Click to read more

5. Improving User Experience and Reducing Interaction Steps: How do “Intents Transactions” Support the Next Wave of Web3 Narratives?

Intents are quickly spreading and are one of the many user experience improvements achieved through account abstraction, which was also a hot topic discussed by Vitalik during EthCC. Intents allow users to define the on-chain outcomes they expect and outsource the technical work of achieving these outcomes to third-party solvers that interact directly with the network and protocols. Ultimately, the abstraction layer will make Web3 applications function like regular applications. It reduces the existing technical learning curve and will attract millions of new users. Click to read more

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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