MakerDAO Core Development Team proposed to increase the DAI savings rate from 1% to 3.33%

MakerDAO proposes to triple the DAI savings rate from 1% to 3.33%.

MakerDAO’s core development team has proposed to increase the Dai Savings Rate (DSR) to 3.33%. The proposal was made by DeFi risk management company Block Analitica and still needs to go through the formal voting process to be approved. MakerDAO stated that the DSR can be adjusted frequently to respond to short-term changes in the Dai market conditions. Last year, the DSR was increased to 1%, resulting in over 35 million Dai being deposited in a month.

DSR increases the demand for holding DAI, which will increase its market value.


We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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