Articles about Search Results E-CNY - Section 2

From Russia (and China) with Love The Anticipated Debut of CBDC Payments in 2024

A prominent Russian leader suggests that by 2024, Moscow and Beijing may utilize their CBDCs (digital ruble and digital yuan) to facilitate transactions.

The Digital Renminbi Revolution: Standard Chartered Breaks Ground

China and Standard Chartered Bank have launched a digital RMB platform to modernize cross-border payments.

From Standard (Not-So) Chartered to Extraordinary Joining China’s CBDC Pilot Testing

China's Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) has been undergoing pilot trials since 2020, signaling potential changes in the future of their financial system.

From Ride-Sharing to Digital Currency Didi Chuxing Accelerates with the Digital Yuan

China's leading ride-sharing company, Didi Chuxing, has announced a new digital yuan feature that enables citizens in 250 cities to rent motorbikes using the…

China’s Digital Yuan Goes Global: A Blockchain Odyssey

China is making strong efforts to expand the use of its digital currency, the yuan, on a global scale through partnerships with organizations like…

The Digital Yuan Strikes Oil: Cross-Border Transaction Goes Crypto

PetroChina International makes history by closing a cross-border oil transaction using digital yuan for the first time.

From Petro-Yuan to Petro-Digital China’s Landmark Cross-Border Oil Deal Settled in Digital Yuan!

The Shanghai Petroleum and Natural Gas Exchange recently made history by successfully completing a transaction of 1 million barrels of crude oil using digital…

PetroChina Joins the Digital Yuan Era Completes First International Crude Oil Trade in Historic Milestone!

Big news in the fashion world as PetroChina just made a major purchase of 1 million barrels of e-CNY settled crude oil at the…

China Opens E-Yuan Wonderland: A Digital Odyssey

China's Latest Move Unveiling a New Industrial Park for Central Bank Digital Currency in Shenzhen, Welcoming Nine Residents with More to Come

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