Spain’s CNMV Takes on Crypto Rules Violator – Miolos Under Fire

Spanish regulators establish precedent through handling of cryptocurrency ad violations

Spanish regulators set precedent with crypto ad violations case.

In a rather cage-rattling move, the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) of Spain has cracked the whip on a technology provider for flouting cryptocurrency promotion regulations. The recent press release from November 8th reveals that CNMV has initiated “sanctioning proceedings” against Miolos for orchestrating not one, but two gigantic advertisement campaigns in September and November 2022.

According to the regulator, the rebellious Miolos failed to comply with the cryptocurrency regulations that were firmly established in January 2022. Apparently, Miolos made a grave mistake by omitting any risk warnings and failing to submit their promotional campaigns for authorization by CNMV. Rule number one, lads and lasses – you gotta clear it with the regulators! These rules state that companies must provide promo materials for a thorough check at least 10 days before publication. Who knew bureaucracy could be so strict and time-sensitive?

Now, brace yourselves, because this is the first time CNMV has taken such severe action against noncompliance with crypto promotion regulations. Clearly, they wanted to remind the public (and Miolos) of the critical importance of following and, ahem, respecting the rules. However, in all fairness, the Spanish regulator did extend an olive branch by acknowledging that Miolos has the right to defend itself against these allegations. Talk about a generous gesture!

Spain isn’t content with just scolding rebellious promotion practices. Nope, they’re taking things to another level by intending to adopt the first-ever comprehensive crypto framework in the European Union, known as the Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCA). All signs indicate that Spain wants to get this right, and they want to get it right pronto! Who cares about deadlines when you have investor protection concerns, right?

But let’s not forget about our friends across the pond, shall we? Yes, the UK has had its own fair share of hiccups when it comes to regulating crypto promotions. Their regulators’ eagerness to enforce these rules has led to a colossal mess, with businesses struggling to comply and key international players bidding farewell to the market. Oops! Not the desired outcome, is it?

To rectify the situation, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK had to reluctantly extend the compliance deadlines to 2024. And just when you thought everything had settled, they stepped in with “finalized non-handbook guidance” to provide yet another dose of clarity on compliance requirements. One can’t help but wonder if they’re trying to make it intentionally confusing. Perhaps it’s all a clever ploy to keep the regulators entertained!

So, dear investors, buckle up! Spain is making big moves towards the crypto frontier, with CNMV determined to establish a strong regulatory framework. While they navigate these uncharted waters, let’s hope they strike the right balance between protecting investors and nurturing innovation. After all, we don’t want them scaring away all the cool kids from the crypto playground, do we?

Now, over to you! What are your thoughts on Spain’s regulatory approach? Do you think Miolos will manage to clear its name? Share your witty and wise comments below!

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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