The Jovial Journey of Starknet: Join the Early Community Member Program and Reap the Rewards!

Starknet Introduces 50M STRK Reward Program for Pioneer Contributors

Starknet offers 50M STRK reward program for early contributors.

Greetings, fellow digital asset enthusiasts! Have you heard of the Starknet Foundation? No? Well, let me enlighten you. They are the brilliant minds behind the development of Starknet, an innovative Ethereum layer-2 rollup blockchain platform. And guess what? They’re on a mission to reward and incentivize the early ecosystem contributors through their Early Community Member Program (ECMP). Exciting, isn’t it?

So, what’s the deal with this fantastical program? Well, it’s all about recognizing the superheroes of the blockchain world who have been supporting Starknet from its humble beginnings. And what’s the reward, you ask? Brace yourselves, my friends, for it’s none other than the native Starknet token – $STRK!

But wait, there’s more! The Starknet Foundation is not being stingy with this. They have set aside a whopping 50 million $STRK tokens to shower upon these early believers. Just imagine the possibilities! It’s like stumbling upon a treasure chest filled with digital gold.

Now, you may be wondering, who qualifies for this incredible opportunity? Well, my curious comrades, the answer is simple – everyone! Yes, you heard that right. Whether you’re a builder extraordinaire or a brainy non-technical savvy, the Starknet Foundation embraces all who have contributed to the growth of this magnificent ecosystem.

Okay, let me break it down for you. Phase one of this adventure is all about recognizing individual contributors to technical discourse, remarkable projects, event organizers, and even the talented publishers of Starknet branded content. A committee of wise minds will evaluate the feedback gathered during this phase and, if the stars align, they might just proceed to a thrilling second phase with additional criteria.

Now, mark this on your calendars, my friends. Between October 30 and November 23, 2023, eligible individuals have the chance to submit their applications and claim their spot in this incredible expedition. The moment of truth will arrive on December 29, 2023, when the committee shall deliver its decisions. And, hold onto your virtual hats, because $STRK tokens are expected to hit the trading floor in April 2024. It’s like a digital rollercoaster of anticipation!

If you’re still perplexed or simply hungering for more information, fear not! Simply head to the official announcement made by the Starknet Foundation to quench your thirst for knowledge. Oh, and did I mention they have a tweet-worthy tweet about it? Check it out here!

So, my esteemed readers, buckle up and embark on this jovial journey with Starknet. Let your contributions shine and be rewarded like never before. The future is calling, and it’s shouting your name!

Now, over to you! Are you excited about the Early Community Member Program offered by Starknet? Share your thoughts and let’s embark on this digital adventure together!

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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