The bears are snoring tonight! 5 large amount of money market fermentation on the road

The bears are snoring tonight! 5 large amount of money market fermentation on the road

In NEO's volume and price chart, the price remained in a state of heavy volume recovery. Judging from the trend of pulse volume, NEO has a higher volume per volume in the five volumes since this year. Recently, NEO has experienced a short-term decline with the adjustment of BTC, but the average transaction volume is relatively high, which provides a strong guarantee for the price increase. After all, the price correction is not large, and NEO's growth potential can still be released.

The bears are snoring tonight! 5 large amount of money market fermentation on the road

The ONT is characterized by a clear continuous energy status, while the price is stable at more than $1.2. Judging from this point of view, the probability of the ONT's sideways adjustment gaining success is high. In most cases, the sideways volume is to further open up the upswing space. Before the price breaks out, the high volume performance is the embodiment of high investor participation. In this case, the main force pushes up the price and is easy to succeed.

The bears are snoring tonight! 5 large amount of money market fermentation on the road

ETC's volume basis is good, while in the short-term, the price is at a low of 7.5 yuan. Since the volume is obviously not shrinking, it is difficult for the price to have a large drop space. It is further confirmed that the low-suction opportunity near 7.5 US dollars is better. From the perspective of rebound, ETH's gains are not difficult to return to around $9, and it is a short-term variety with potential.

The bears are snoring tonight! 5 large amount of money market fermentation on the road

During the short-term decline of OMG, the closing price actually reached a new high of over US$2.8. At the price increase stage, the volume of transactions has rebounded significantly. Even under the overall increase, the opportunity for the second recovery of OMG is still a lot.

From the selling pressure above the OMG, the rebound in consumption has consumed a lot of selling pressure, and the price has been supported at 2.42 US dollars, indicating that OMG is about to launch a wave of upswing. The target of the increase will miss the recent high of 3.28 US dollars, and the rebound potential is large.

The bears are snoring tonight! 5 large amount of money market fermentation on the road

In the volume and price performance of BTM, we have seen a very high average volume in the near future. That is to say, during the price adjustment period, BTM not only has no shrinkage, but the average transaction volume has also expanded by nearly one time. Such a rapid volume trend makes the BTM enter a high activity state. From the rebound strength, yesterday's BTM closing price rose by 12%, in fact, is accumulating the ability to accumulate during the heavy volume period, the market outlook is still bullish. (CoinNess)

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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