The blockchain talents are returning, is the industry picking up?

The blockchain talents are returning, is the industry picking up?

The geographical distribution of the entire industry has gradually expanded from Beijing and Shanghai to Shenzhen and Hangzhou.

The overall salary of the blockchain industry began to gradually return to normal levels. Some enterprises also quietly completed the reshuffle of talents during the cold winter.

The blockchain is gradually getting rid of the stigma of pyramid schemes and funds, and has begun to empower all walks of life.

1, stepping on the right track

“Compared with the end of last year, the blockchain industry is picking up. More precisely, it is 'the industry is on the right track.'” The person in charge of the vertical recruitment platform of a blockchain industry told reporters.

In her view, the blockchain industry is on the right track, which is the focus of the entire industry, and is changing from “coin-price guidance” to “product and technology orientation”.

It is reflected in the recruitment of talents, which is the proportion of the demand for technical talents in the industry, which is expanding substantially.

On March 28, 2019, we searched for the word "blockchain" in a recruitment network.

The results show that among the 150 jobs in the first 10 pages, there are 117 technical positions, accounting for 78% of all recruitment positions.

The second-largest demand is the blockchain product manager.

The blockchain talents are returning, is the industry picking up?

Previously, the booming community operations and analyst positions in the bull market have seen a decline in demand. These two positions have been considered to be closely related to "fried coins."

“Technical jobs have always been a hot job in the blockchain industry. Even if there was a large layoff in the entire industry last year, the demand for technical talents in blockchain companies has not dropped significantly,” the official said.

This year, another feature of the blockchain industry recruitment market is the rise of Shenzhen and Hangzhou.

We noticed that after the Spring Festival, the number of recruitment notices from blockchain enterprises in Shenzhen and Hangzhou has been increasing.

The reason, she believes, is that this is because the blockchain industry is expanding from a city with strong financial attributes to a city with advantages in technology and product fields.

In other words, this means that the core of the entire blockchain industry is shifting from digital currency to product and technology.

In addition, another manifestation of the blockchain industry on the right track is that the salary level of employees has begun to return to rationality.

“The industry’s most insane time is from the second half of 2017 to the first half of 2018. The growth rate of salary in the blockchain industry has clearly exceeded the initial stage of the Internet industry,” the official said.

This makes people outside the blockchain industry feel incredible.

“Taking an operating position with 3-5 years of experience as an example. In the Internet industry, the salary is normally in the range of 15K-18K; in the blockchain industry, it will reach 20K-25K.” Zhou Yiwen told a blockchain reporter.

While the salary returns to rationality, the talent structure of the blockchain industry is also gradually optimized.

“Since last year, the blockchain industry has been laying off employees. But when I communicated with many corporate HRs, I found that they often hired people while laying off people.” The person in charge said, “The original person may need 20K of labor costs, now Only 15K is needed."

In her view, this is the blockchain industry to achieve staff optimization with the help of market changes. However, from the data point of view, the overall salary adjustment of the blockchain industry has little impact on technical talents.

“Compared with the Internet industry, blockchain companies still need to pay higher salaries if they want to attract high-quality technical talent.”

At present, the demand for technical talents in the blockchain industry is still not saturated.

2, the reason

“The blockchain industry is crazy to rational, and the influencing factors are multi-faceted. Policy factors may be one of them.” The person in charge said.

During the two sessions this year, a number of NPC deputies and CPPCC members made suggestions and suggestions, and they believed that blockchain technology could be used to empower the real estate industry.

“Blockchain+Medical”, “Blockchain+Big Data”, “Blockchain+Supply Chain Finance”, “Blockchain+Insurance”, “Blockchain+Smart City” and many other “blockchain+” models It appeared frequently in the proposals of the representatives of the two associations.

The superstructure's focus on blockchain is helping to decontaminate blockchain technology and drive the development of the entire industry.

On the other hand, the application of the blockchain represented by blockchain invoices has also brought new hope to the industry.

In the view of many blockchain practitioners, the second reason for the blockchain industry to return to rationality and sustainable development is that the cognition of blockchain technology in all walks of life has also deepened.

“Compared with 2017, the blockchain industry, the traditional industry and even the government level have greatly improved the awareness of the blockchain.” The founder of a blockchain application platform and the founder of Xiqiao Hutong Said.

In his view, outside the blockchain industry, many teams from traditional industries have explored blockchain technology, which is one of the reasons.

“Since the second half of last year, we have observed that the blockchain technical team is constantly increasing.” Xiang Ma said, “The teams and projects we have directly contacted to start using blockchain technology to solve business difficulties are also increasing.”

He believes that the blockchain itself is not an "independent industry." “The blockchain has not been in competition with other industries since its inception.” Xiang Ma said, “The mission of blockchain technology is to empower all industries.”

In addition, another reason for the continuous development of the blockchain industry is the continuous improvement of the blockchain technology itself.

“If blockchain technology is regarded as a tool, its ability to solve problems is constantly improving.” Xiang Ma said, “For example, the current source of traceability and cross-border payment issues can be solved by blockchain technology.”

The improvement of technology is also reflected in the developer's development capabilities and the convenience of development tools.

“Now, the blockchain industry has developed a number of development tools such as Solidity, Solium, and Geth. Our FIBOS also allows developers to write smart contracts using JavaScript. JavaScript is one of the lowest learning languages ​​in the world.” .

3. The future

According to the Gartner technology curve, all emerging technologies can only evolve and develop in the long run through the complete cycle of “takeoff, foam, collapse, and precipitation”.

In this regard, blockchain is no exception.

The blockchain talents are returning, is the industry picking up?

Gartner technology curve
"The blockchain company based on the underlying technology development will not be affected by the fluctuation of the currency price." Li Ni, vice president of Net Record Technology, told us.

In his view, the blockchain industry at this stage is in a rational period, corresponding to the Gartner technical curve, it is in the stage of bottoming out and gradually rising from the bubble disillusionment period.

“At this stage, the development of the blockchain industry is mainly based on commercial landings and technological breakthroughs,” said Li Ni.

He believes that in the long run, blockchain technology needs to be integrated with the real economy, especially in financial, gaming, social and decentralized applications.

Only in combination with other industries, the blockchain industry can achieve long-term development.

"In terms of development strategy, different blockchain companies have different strategies and styles at this stage," said Li Ni.

This means that companies that focus on the development of the underlying technology need to continue to research and break through the technology; companies that are more closely integrated with the real economy need to further refine the scenes and explore new areas such as bank insurance and invoices.

Lenny believes that the so-called "blockchain industry cycle" has little effect on the macro-level companies facing focused technology; at the micro level, after the decline in the currency price, more blockchain companies will precipitate. Think more positively: how the blockchain should be integrated with the actual business.

Xiang Ma also believes that blockchain can't just be a "transaction tool." It needs to penetrate the traditional industry and reduce its overall cost.

“The blockchain can be used as an important tool to reduce systemic risks, prevent financial risks and manage risks for traditional banking, financial and large enterprises.” Xiang Ma said.

In these areas, risk prevention mechanisms established by traditional means are often extremely costly.

For example, the financial industry mostly needs to rely on multiple audits to control financial risks in terms of preventing systemic risks, and the cost is high. This is especially true after the emergence of emerging financial services models such as Internet finance.

However, blockchain technology can ensure the authenticity and integrity of financial data by virtue of tamper-proof and high-transparency characteristics, and achieve system accountability and reduce regulatory costs.

“Any industry with systemic risks can use blockchain technology to reduce costs,” said Yu Ma.

It is foreseeable that in the future, more companies from traditional industries will introduce blockchain technology.

After experiencing the pains of rushing from the rush to the bursting of the bubble, the industry is returning to rationality and getting on the right track.

We can see that the blockchain as an emerging technology is changing the world subtly.

And this change is reflected in the way that all walks of life are empowered.

Such deep cultivation will undoubtedly require great patience, but it is also more likely to have a bright future. (a blockchain)

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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