The Maltese government awards 19 blockchain scholarships using the DLT Fund

The Maltese government awards 19 blockchain scholarships using the DLT Fund

According to the local media "Malta Independent" reported on May 23, the Maltese government has awarded a total of 160,000 euros ($179,000) in blockchain scholarships to 19 students.

The scholarship was established by the Malta Digital Innovation Authority (MITA) and the University of Malta in August 2018 for a total price of $351,000 and was sponsored by the Parliamentary Financial Services, Digital Economy and Innovation Minister Silvio Schembri. ) issued.

According to the Malta Independent, all winners will further apply for degrees in blockchain and distributed ledger technology. The specific research directions are divided into legal, financial, commercial and ICT related to blockchain.

These scholarships were announced at the ongoing Malta AI and Blockchain Summit, and Schembri claims that these scholarships are the first of its kind.

While announcing the scholarship, Schembri also said that the Malta Financial Services Authority will issue the first batch of licenses to blockchain companies this year. He pointed out that as of the end of 2018, there were 800 blockchain companies in Malta.

In April of this year, MFSA approved the first batch of 14 encryption asset agencies in more than 250 organizations previously applied for. Previously, the Maltese authorities passed the Virtual Financial Assets Act in the summer of 2018.

Recently, Bahçeşehir University in Turkey established a blockchain center at Northeastern University in Boston to provide information assistance for blockchain technology.

Author: Kiran
Remarks: Bitcoin86 manuscript article, please indicate the source. The article is an independent view of the author and does not represent the standing position.

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