The reason for the Ripco currency sideways was found, and the project side cashed 2.5 billion in 4 months.

The reason for the Ripco currency sideways was found, and the project side cashed 2.5 billion in 4 months.

Investors holding these currencies have achieved good returns, but if you hold Ripple coins that belong to the mainstream currency, the benefits may be extremely low.

The reason for the Ripco currency sideways was found, and the project side cashed 2.5 billion in 4 months.

The above picture shows the trend of the Swiss dollar in the past three months. The data shows that the increase is 2.5%, which is out of the stable currency.

The reason for the Ripco currency sideways was found, and the project side cashed 2.5 billion in 4 months.

Ruibo shipped 1.2 billion XRPs in 4 months

Coinpost (Japan media) news, coinmarket data shows that the current XRP market circulation is about 41.97 billion XRP, and this figure was about 40.79 billion on December 31, 2018, that is, since the beginning of the year, XRP market circulation has increased 1.2 billion.

The reason for the Ripco currency sideways was found, and the project side cashed 2.5 billion in 4 months.

Liquidity as of December 31, 2018

The reason for the Ripco currency sideways was found, and the project side cashed 2.5 billion in 4 months.

Current liquidity <br /> For this matter, Ruibo said that in order to alleviate market concerns about project party control, Ripple transferred most of the XRPs held by the company to a third-party escrow account, which was released from the escrow account every month. One billion XRPs are sold to third parties, and the unsold XRP uses this mechanism to relock to the account.

If Ripple's average price of 2.1 yuan for 4 months is calculated, Ruibo will cash out at least 2.5 billion these days.

How many coins are available in the hands of Rippo?

The total amount of Ripple is 100 billion, which is not produced by mining. All the coins are held by Ripple Laboratories. The way of issuing coins is 1. Free gift to community users 2. WCG mining 3. Large household wholesale 4. The internal employees are paid in the form of wages. 5. Free gifts to the partner institutions.

Excluding the existing 41.97 billion Swiss Ripco, Ripple has 58.03 billion Ripple coins that have not yet entered the market.

In the past, Ripple issued nearly 40 billion Swiss rupiah coins. The three founders held nearly 20 billion, occupying half of the market. Now it has increased the circulation. Does it mean that the coins in the hands of the founders have all been emptied?

The official statement of Ruibo and some founders of garbage coins said that it is a reason to return the coins to the community.

There is nothing wrong with the direction of decentralization, but why is it more reasonable for investors to pay, destroy or lock positions?

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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