Crypto Startups: Less Funding, More Impressive Moves!

Breaking News Crypto Investment Interest Declines for Startups in 2023, Credefi Finance Now Compatible with XRP Ledger

Today in Crypto Investor Interest in Crypto Startups Low in 2023, Credefi Finance Integrates with XRP Ledger

Source: a video screenshot, XRP Ledger Foundation / YouTube Image Source: a video screenshot, XRP Ledger Foundation / YouTube

Get ready for your daily dose of crypto and blockchain news, served with a side of witty banter. Today, we’re diving into stories that might have slipped under the radar. So, put on your investment cap and hang on tight!

1. Crypto Startups: A Funding Rollercoaster Ride

Crypto startups have been on a funding rollercoaster, raising a jaw-dropping $2.1 billion this year. But wait! That’s nearly 80% less than last year. According to, investors seem to have lost a bit of interest in these startups. Maybe it’s the fear of missing out on the next big thing, or perhaps they’ve been burned a few too many times. But let’s not forget, over the years, these crypto startups have managed to secure an impressive $30 billion in funding. That’s enough to make Scrooge McDuck jealous! The US takes the lion’s share with $14.1 billion, followed by Europe with $7.5 billion and Asian crypto startups with $4.8 billion. Let’s hope the funding game picks up soon, or we might have to call in the superheroes for a rescue mission!

2. BioCrowd: AI Meets Web3 for a Scientific Revolution

Have you ever wished that science had its own superhero? Well, bring on BioCrowd! This genesis block founding member of the National DigiFoundry (NDF) has a mission to democratize scientific research funding using AI and Web3 technologies. They’re taking the fight against diseases and ailments without known treatment to a whole new level. BioCrowd’s DeSci marketplace and virtual accelerator connect researchers and investors, fueling their quest for groundbreaking therapies. With NFTs and DAOs in the mix, this revolution is unstoppable! Think of it as the Avengers, but for science. Biden’s administration is even backing this initiative with an executive order. So grab your lab coat and get ready for a scientific adventure like no other!

3. Credefi Finance and XRP Ledger: Lending Meets the Blockchain

Imagine you could borrow money from a bank that feels like a warm, cozy blanket of trust. Credefi Finance has made that dream come true by integrating with the XRP Ledger (XRPL). They’re bringing real-world lending to the decentralized finance (DeFi) space, making it a win-win for everyone. By allowing users to make short-term bridge liquidity loans to small and enterprises across Europe, Credefi Finance is making finance accessible to all. It’s like having a piggy bank that magically grows and helps businesses thrive. Wallets and banks, take notes! This is what innovation looks like.

4. Bybit’s Discount Buy: Crypto Shopping on Sale!

We’ve all experienced the sting of paying too much for something, right? Well, Bybit is here to save the day with their new Discount Buy feature. It’s like heading to a supermarket during a sale, but for crypto. With Discount Buy, you can purchase your favorite cryptocurrencies at a price lower than the market price. It’s like getting a coupon code for the digital world! Ideal for those moments when you feel the market is stable, and you want to accumulate your favorite assets. So why pay full price when you can get a discount? It’s a win-win for savvy investors!

5. Feedzai and Mastercard: Unmasking Crypto Fraud

Fighting fraud is a never-ending battle, but Feedzai and Mastercard have teamed up to make it a fair fight. By combining forces, they’re unleashing the power of AI and crypto intelligence to protect millions of consumers. With their RiskOps platform, banks can sniff out fraudulent transactions in nanoseconds. It’s like having a superhero sidekick who knows every trick in the book. So say goodbye to those pesky fraudsters and hello to a safer crypto world. We can sleep a little easier knowing the good guys are on patrol!

6. Rokid and NetDragon: AR Glasses for the Metaverse

Ever wished you could step into a world of wonders with a simple pair of glasses? Well, Rokid and NetDragon are making that dream a reality. Rokid’s lightweight AR glasses are getting a boost with an additional strategic investment from gaming giant NetDragon. This partnership aims to create an affordable spatial computing platform for immersive metaverse experiences. It’s like having a magic portal in your pocket! NetDragon’s expertise in gaming and education combined with Rokid’s technology prowess is a match made in the digital heavens. Get ready to enter a world where imagination knows no bounds!

Phew! That was quite the ride through the world of crypto and blockchain. We hope you enjoyed the journey and are ready to dive deeper into the exciting universe of digital assets. Remember, stay informed, stay amused, and let’s make the crypto world a brighter and funnier place together!

What’s your favorite story from today’s crypto news? Let us know in the comments below!

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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