Trump Sells Off Ethereum: Is He Divesting or Pivoting to Solana?

Former US President Donald Trump Has Sold Over $2.4 Million Worth of Ethereum (ETH) in the Past Three Weeks

Trump dumps Ethereum after bad NFT venture.

Former president of the United States, Donald Trump, has been making waves in the crypto world recently. According to a report by blockchain intelligence firm Arkham, Trump has sold over $2.4 million worth of Ethereum (ETH) in the past three weeks. This has sparked speculations that Trump may be losing interest in crypto and looking to cash in on his holdings.

The Ethereum Sell-Off

Trump started sending Ethereum to the Coinbase exchange in early December, and over the course of three weeks, he sold at least 1,075 ETH for $2.4 million. However, this is not the entirety of his crypto portfolio. Arkham confirms that Trump still holds $2.2 million in various cryptocurrencies, including $1.4 million worth of ETH, $649,000 worth of WETH, and $167,000 worth of MAGA coin. He also owns smaller amounts of Pepecoin, JESUS, and others.

🔍 Valuable Information: Trump has sold $2.4 million worth of Ethereum, but he still holds $2.2 million in other cryptocurrencies.

Is Trump Divesting or Pivoting?

The recent sell-offs have raised questions about Trump’s intentions. Some believe that he may be losing interest in crypto and divesting his holdings. However, others speculate that Trump is simply done with Ethereum and looking to pivot to its rival, the Solana network.

🤔 Reader’s Concerns: Why is Trump selling his Ethereum? Is he leaving the crypto market for good? Is he switching to Solana?

The Motive Behind the Sell-Offs

Trump has not issued any public statement explaining his reasons for selling off his crypto holdings. However, it is worth noting that he recently claimed to owe over $100 million in legal fees at a campaign rally. Trump is currently involved in four separate criminal prosecutions, which could be a contributing factor in his decision to liquidate some of his assets.

💡 Insights: Trump’s legal fees might be a factor in his decision to sell off his crypto holdings.

The NFT Business

Trump’s foray into the world of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) has not been as successful as anticipated. His first NFT collection gained value shortly after its launch in December. The second collection, released in April, maintained its initial minting price of $99. However, the latest collection, the “Mugshot Edition,” received much less interest and has seen a decline in prices.

🖼️ Image: Mugshot Edition NFT

Less than half of the Mugshot Edition collection has been minted so far, and even the floor prices of Trump’s earlier NFT collections are on a downward trend. This indicates that Trump’s NFT business may be losing steam, prompting him to explore other possibilities.

🔍 Valuable Information: Trump’s NFT business has been experiencing declining interest and prices.

Q&A: Addressing Reader’s Concerns

Q: Why is Trump selling his Ethereum? A: The exact reason for Trump’s sell-offs is not known, but his recent claims of owing over $100 million in legal fees might be a contributing factor.

Q: Is Trump leaving the crypto market for good? A: It is unclear if Trump is completely divesting from crypto. Some believe he may be exploring opportunities in other networks, such as Solana.

Q: Is Trump switching to Solana? A: Some speculations suggest that Trump may be pivoting to the Solana network, but there is no official confirmation from him.

The Future Outlook

Based on the recent sell-offs and declining interest in Trump’s NFT collections, it seems that Trump’s focus in the crypto world may be shifting. While his intentions remain unclear, it is possible that he is reassessing his strategies and exploring alternative investment opportunities.

💼 Professional Insight: The decline in Trump’s NFT business and sell-offs indicate the need for a strategic shift and exploration of new opportunities.


Donald Trump’s recent sell-offs of Ethereum have sparked speculations about his motives and intentions in the crypto world. With his NFT business facing challenges and his legal fees mounting, it is clear that Trump is reassessing his investments. Whether he is divesting or pivoting to other networks like Solana, only time will tell. Stay tuned for more updates on Trump’s crypto adventures.

References: 1. Arkham’s report on Trump’s Ethereum sell-offs 2. Crypto wallet linked to Donald Trump sent $24M in Ether to Coinbase

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