What does the list of the first batch of blockchain filing companies mean?

On March 30, the National Internet Information Office officially released the first batch of 197 blockchain information service filing numbers in China. Since the formal implementation of the Regulations on the Management of Blockchain Information Services on February 15, the State Internet Information Office has organized and carried out the record review work in accordance with the regulations.

The first batch of lists includes Internet listed companies such as Baidu, Tencent, and Iqiyi, as well as a large number of startups. Among them, there are 18 filing companies in Shanghai, including Lujin Institute, Lujiazui International Financial Trading Market Co., Ltd., Shanghai Wei Chain, Shanghai Wanxiang Block Chain and other companies.

Due to its openness, anonymity, and inability to modify information, the application of blockchain technology in the financial field is widely optimistic. Since 2017, financial technology companies such as Ant Financial and MicroBank have laid out blockchains. .

Lu Yang, CEO of the only chain co-founder, told the First Financial Reporter: "The filing is conducive to the overall development of the blockchain industry, indicating that the blockchain technology has taken the first step towards standardization, and more and more companies can formally Do the application without carrying the 'stigma'.” The current partners include only Microsoft, PwC, DNV, Renault, DIG and other large organizations.

Xiao Feng, chairman and CEO of Wanxiang Blockchain, said: “Enterprises do blockchain applications for business benefits. The development of blockchains also requires people to apply them. But if we don’t embrace compliance and Supervision, going to the center in commercial applications, will eventually lead to no one to use the blockchain. So we contact the competent department of the blockchain information service to understand how to file for more compliance, and then promote the blockchain. development of."

At a technical exchange meeting on blockchain information service filing held in Shanghai earlier this month, Mao Hongliang, an engineer at the National Internet Emergency Center, pointed out in his reply about which companies need to file a record: “Blockchain information services refer to blockchain-based technologies. Or the system, through the Internet station, applications and other forms, to provide information services to the public, such as mining pools, wallets, etc., whether it is the public chain, or the alliance chain, private chain, are in the scope of filing; not based on blockchain technology Or the blockchain media, market information, community and other services that the system runs are not included in the filing scope.” He also said that the users of the blockchain application do not need to be filed, and the technical party and the operator are required to file the case.

Zhang Junxian, a partner of PricewaterhouseCoopers China, told the First Financial Reporter: "The website of the Internet Information Office has issued regulations for blockchain technology companies. The principle is to promote the solidity, development and security of the industry. This is also the development of the blockchain industry. An inevitable result." He also said that the national policy was announced last year. The latest news is to announce the list of enterprise filings and urge the undocumented entities to fulfill their filing obligations as soon as possible.

Source: First Finance

Author: Money innocence

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