8 Questions | Dr. Jin Jian of ICT: ID may trigger large-scale application of blockchain

Jin Jian, Director of the Institute of Industrial Internet and Internet of Things, China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, and Deputy Chairman of the Blockchain Committee of the China Institute of Communications.

WechatIMG790 (Dr. Jin Jian on the left and Jia Xiaobei on the right)

On December 7-8, 2019, the "Blockchain Technology and Application" Science and Technology Frontier Forum hosted by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and jointly supported by the China Academy of Information and Communication Technology was held in Shenzhen.

Dr. Jin Jian served as the host of the entire forum on the 7th, and gave a keynote speech on "Gradation Singularity of ID Evolution and Blockchain". After the day's forum, "8 Questions" conducted an exclusive interview with Dr. Jin Jian .The topic starts from the BIF public license chain initiated by the Institute of Information and Communication Technology. After going through topics such as ID, blockchain, Internet of Things, intelligent manufacturing, etc., it ends up on the topic of 5G and blockchain. Come on, listen to Jun's words, and win a decade book.

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