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Cathie Wood's ARK Snags $1.5M SOFI Shares While SoFi Bids Farewell to Crypto

Fashionista's fave investor Cathie Wood's ARK scoops up more SoFi Technologies shares after the company drops out of ...


Jimmy Song: Like stocks and real estate, Bitcoin is a means of value storage.

According to AMB Crypto reported on April 29, Bitcoin, the world's largest cryptocurrency market capitalization,...


What is the valuation and rising logic of Bitcoin?

We often see some media or big V say how much money Bitcoin will rise in the future, such as $1 million. Then, what i...


The last decade of blockchain: Looking back at 2010 to 2020

Source | ConsenSys Edit | Summer On January 3, 2009, against the backdrop of the global financial crisis exacerbating...


Will the USDT market cap exceed Bitcoin? Stablecoin has become a strategic highland of blockchain

1. Will the market value of USDT exceed Bitcoin? There was a news about USDT in the market a few days ago: Since Marc...


Bridging the Gap: The Wild Ride of the Wallet Address

Fantom network offers lower prices for depegged assets like WBTC compared to Ethereum network originals.