Bitget Builders Program: Building a Crypto Empire, One Youth at a Time!

Bitget Builders Program Empowers Next Generation of Talent as Second Phase Begins

Bitget Builders Program Empowers Young Talents with Second Phase Commencing

Greetings, fellow digital asset enthusiasts! We have some exciting news to share that will make your investment journey even more intriguing. Bitget, the renowned cryptocurrency exchange and web3 company, is thrilled to announce the outstanding success of the Bitget Builders Program. In fact, it was such a hit that they’re launching the second phase of this remarkable initiative. Brace yourselves, ladies and gentlemen, for a cryptocurrency education like no other!

Okay, let’s dive into the specifics. As part of the awe-inspiring Blockchain4Youth charity project, Bitget aims to recruit over 100 young talents from all corners of the world. These shining stars will receive comprehensive education, training, and hands-on industry experience in the captivating realms of crypto, blockchain, and Web3. It’s like unleashing a group of aspiring crypto warriors armed with knowledge and drive!

During the first phase, which kicked off in August, the Bitget Builders Program garnered an overwhelming response from the youth community. With over 350 vibrant and talented applications, the program set off on an extraordinary journey. And guess what? The journey continues, my friends! Bitget is resolute in opening another round of recruitment to fuel the fire of crypto passion in these budding young minds.

Now, let’s zoom in on the second phase. Bitget has set its sights on recruiting 100 bright stars in the fourth quarter of 2023. The program will be casting a wide net, with a particular focus on countries such as the UK, Canada, Australia, Philippines, and many more. It’s like forming a global crypto Avengers team, ready to take on the challenges of the digital investment universe!

But wait, there’s more! The Bitget Builders Program goes beyond theoretical education and online courses. These young talents have the chance to get their hands dirty with real-world crypto projects. They contribute to Bitget’s growth by participating in online marketing, distributing Messi-inspired merchandise (Yes, you read that right!), building thriving communities, and representing Bitget at blockchain events. This is not your ordinary internship, folks. It’s a fast-track to becoming a blockchain superhero!

Gracy Chen, the Managing Director at Bitget, couldn’t contain her excitement. “We are thrilled to witness the enthusiasm and talent showcased by young individuals in the first phase… Their commitment to learning and contributing to the cryptocurrency community has been inspiring.” Chen’s words echo our sentiment—these young heroes are destined for greatness!

But the adventure doesn’t end there. Bitget unveils their latest brainchild—the Bitget Builders Global Tour. Picture this: experienced builders organizing electrifying offline events in 20 different countries. These events will not only bring Bitget closer to local communities but also enlighten them about the wonders of blockchain. It’s like an epic world tour, starring Bitget as the rockstar of the crypto universe!

To fuel the creativity and influence of these builders, Bitget offers a substantial stipend of up to $1,000 per builder for hosting these events. Talk about a smashing opportunity to shine and inspire the masses!

Are you ready to embark on this crypto odyssey? If so, grab your dancing shoes and head over to Bitget Builders Program to get all the details and participate in the second phase of recruitment. Your destiny awaits!

As we bid adieu for now, remember to keep your eyes on Bitget and their groundbreaking initiatives. This is just the beginning, my friends. The cryptocurrency world is evolving, and we’re here to witness the birth of the next generation of crypto leaders.

Happy investing, fellow crypto warriors! May your trades be prosperous and your wallets bulging with digital abundance!

For more information about Bitget and their innovative offerings, check out the links below:

And if you have any media inquiries, feel free to reach out to [email protected].

Keep riding the crypto wave!

Contact: Rachel Cheung Global PR Manager Bitget [email protected]

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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