Blockchain information filing: What is the reference value? How to treat it rationally?

On March 30, the National Internet Information Office announced the first batch of domestic blockchain information service filing lists. The information service filing was originally for the regular operation of the industry's more standardized development, but it triggered a “carnival” in the circle: the media pursued the report, and the “blockchain” concept of the A-share market was in the limelight, and it rose nearly 7 days. %, individual stocks rise and fall…

Baidu search results 364000, from the zinc link screenshot

First financial report details, from the zinc link screenshot

Part of the daily limit stocks, from the zinc link screenshot

Blockchain concept index, from the zinc link screenshot

In fact, the "blockchain information service filing" incident is a microcosm of the blockchain circle, and similar carnivals have been repeated many times. It can be said that throwing a small stone can provoke waves in the circle.

Enthusiastic about "carnival", reflecting that many people have not been able to correct their mentality, can not rationally view the quiet period of technological development. Therefore, similar events will often become a placebo for inflated self-identity.

The Zinc Link interviewed many insiders on this topic. They agreed that the filing is a routine operation, there is not much reference value, and it is not worthy of market revelry. The industry should be treated rationally.

Zinc Link: What does this filing mean? What types of blockchain companies will be filed? What is the demonstration role?

Xiang Lipeng: Senior Engineer, Electronic Fifth Research Institute, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

The filing represents the blockchain enterprise and its business is moving towards legal compliance. However, at present, this filing only has the information and statistics function for the blockchain company and its business, and has not yet involved industry supervision.

As long as a company is engaged in blockchain-related business, including blockchain hardware, such as blockchain wallets, and even related exchanges may pass the filing. In other words, as long as the enterprises engaged in the blockchain-related business can pass the filing, for example, listed companies such as Donggang and Guangzhou Internet Court Judicial Blockchain Platform.

The first filings will have a positive lead for the entire industry. Although the voice of blockchain technology has declined in the near future, the application and exploration of its integration with various industries have quietly occurred, but the outside world is still questioning the demonstration application of the blockchain. Therefore, this filing information has a relatively good inspiration for the healthy development of the blockchain.

Zinc link: What is the reference value of this record? What is the impact on the blockchain industry?

Xiang Lipeng: Senior Engineer, Electronic Fifth Research Institute, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

Filing does not really represent the strength of the listed company. As long as you are engaged in blockchain-related business, as long as you submit information, you can basically file the record. He is like the filing of our current website, for the supervision and forward direction of the entire industry.

As for its reference value, the core is to provide a blockchain application to the industry, government, investment institutions, scientific research institutions, focus on the landing and typical cases.

Regarding the impact, the first aspect, the government does not want to use the blockchain technology, and even does not want to use it. This situation will be alleviated through the display of this filing information. However, in order to completely solve this problem, it is necessary to have a real blockchain application and generate real value, which may play a fundamental role.

In the second aspect, the promotion of the blockchain industry has a positive effect on the healthy development of the industry.

Zinc link: After the record information comes out, there is a round of carnival in the circle, and there is a comparative ranking. What do you think about it? How should everyone correctly view the impact of information filing?

Xiang Lipeng: Senior Engineer, Electronic Fifth Research Institute, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

The filing information, as well as some blockchain companies involved in the currency, have compliance risks. Even the industry has set off a carnival, who is comparing the rankings of who are more advanced, and who is ranked lower. Here, not only refers to the currency circle in the blockchain, but also the chain circle, even the enterprise that applies the circle.

Anyway, there are some minor problems. The entire industry seems to have reached a consensus to promote a very small thing as a big plus. Of course, this thing is understandable.

After all, the development of blockchain technology at this stage is questioned, the virtual currency belief is shattered, there are many difficulties in application landing, or the delay is over, the industry urgently needs a dose of tonic to revitalize the entire blockchain industry.

However, I still recommend that everyone in the blockchain should look at the record rationally. Don't pay too much attention to the results of the record, and don't be too pessimistic about the development of the industry.

The current blockchain information system is filed as if it were a website. It has just received much attention and is being cared for by the entire industry. Nowadays, few people pay attention to the results of the website filing, and they are treated as part of the regular operation of the website. Future filing information and its work will be the same as the website filing. As part of the legal compliance of the blockchain information system operations.

Therefore, blockchain technology is one of the basic technologies of value Internet. Should pass the value and pass the trust.

Li Wei: CEO of Hangzhou Fun Chain Technology Co., Ltd.

You are right. The filing is only the first step. It should not be over-interpreted. It does not mean that the company's operations and business forms are recognized, or that it has been endorsed by the state. It is far from this step. The first step, there is still a lot of work to be done.

Lu Yifan: General Manager, Blockchain R&D Department, Shenzhen Yitongtong Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.

Nothing worthy of carnival, this thing can also be used to show the hype. How big is this industry problem? However, it is to let those companies lacking stories have more speculation, and there is no real value. Naturally, there are more companies that are filing or preparing for filing. This is a company's responsibility for national policies. No commercial value.

Chen Chang: Paper CTO

The ranking has no meaning. Does not mean that the technical strength is strong. This announcement of the first batch of blockchain filing companies has a positive impact on the industry, to a certain extent, it means to falsify the truth. The existence of supervision and regulation is more conducive to the overall development of the blockchain industry.

Ma Chenglong: Co-founder of Yibi Technology

The filing is a license for the block companies to engage in blockchain technology. In general, the adoption rate of technology R&D and non-coin blockchain applications is relatively high. The ranking has no practical significance and does not represent the strength of the enterprise. Some enterprises do not have the first batch of filings.

Zinc Link: What impact will this successful record have on the company's future business development?

Ma Chenglong: Co-founder of Yibi Technology

Successful filing is the recognition of the legal compliance of the company's blockchain business and the basis for the follow-up business compliance.

Ma Chenyun: CEO of Beijing Trust Technology

There is nothing in this filing, that is, a simple filing of the network letter, may be over-interpreted, or the blockchain industry is used to it. And even if it is successfully filed, it can't represent anything, and it will have no effect on the future development of the company. At most, everyone knows that you have such a thing. For the country, knowing that you are a good person, nothing more.

Li Wei: CEO of Hangzhou Fun Chain Technology Co., Ltd.

The success of the record will definitely play a very important supporting role for the company's development. Because all businesses, especially operations related, must be compliant, this is the first basic condition. We provide services to the public, and we are sure to file for the first time. Our partners will also complete the cooperation and filing.

Zinc Link: As the first batch of filing companies, how will the demonstration be made in the later stage?

Ma Chenglong: Co-founder of Yibi Technology

As the first batch of filing enterprises, the company also adheres to the lawful operation and integrity management, and contributes to the development of the blockchain industry.

Chen Chang: Paper CTO

As always, the paper will continue to use technology as the core to promote the application of data governance and blockchain technology in scenarios such as judicial deposit, traceability, supply chain finance, and enterprise multi-party data collaboration.

Zinc link: The network office explained that the record does not represent the strength of the listed companies. What is its reference value?

Ma Chenglong: Co-founder of Yibi Technology

I don't think there is a direct reference value. It does not represent the technology and business strength of the company. It only means that the blockchain services that the company is engaged in are in line with national policies.

Lu Yifan: General Manager, Blockchain R&D Department, Shenzhen Yitongtong Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.

No reference value, no impact on the industry.

Chen Chang: Paper CTO

The first batch of filings was a group of enterprises with early or relatively mature development of domestic blockchain information services. Internet giants such as BAT, as well as financial institutions and traditional companies are all in it. It can be seen that the influence of blockchain technology has penetrated into many industries. The business direction and application scope of the enterprises represent the development direction of the blockchain industry to a certain extent. This is the reference value of this filing list.

Ma Chenyun: CEO of Beijing Trust Technology

Now, the entire industry has been transformed through blockchains and has become a trend. At this stage, if you want to transform an industry with a blockchain, you must have several conditions:

1. There is indeed a pain point in an industry. The technical proof of centralization is not easy to use, and the blockchain can solve it.

2. Must design both the industry and the blockchain.

3. The plan must balance the demands of all parties, preferably win-win, no losers.

4. The program is best approved by the regulatory authorities and can help the regulator solve the problem.

5. The solution must be a comprehensive solution, and the proportion of the blockchain will not exceed 30%.

In 2019, it should be the first year of the application of blockchain.

Li Wei: CEO of Hangzhou Fun Chain Technology Co., Ltd.

The list does not represent strength, it does not make any sense, just completed the first step. However, the filing is definitely better than not filing. From the current point of view, no filing is not compliant, so the advancement of any technology and business cannot be discussed, so I think it is the first step of the long march. In the follow-up, we should work together under the supervision of the government to promote the sound development of blockchain technology.

Zinc Link: Send a sentence to the carnival.

Xiang Lipeng: Senior Engineer, Electronic Fifth Research Institute, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

Rationally looking at the blockchain filing, the industry is moving towards legal compliance.

Lu Yifan: General Manager, Blockchain R&D Department, Shenzhen Yitongtong Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.

What to do, the speculation does not produce real economic value.

Ma Chenglong: Co-founder of Yibi Technology

The filing is only the beginning, and the blockchain will be better tomorrow!

Ma Chenyun: CEO of Beijing Trust Technology

Self-deprecation is useless. Self-proclaimed is not earning money. If you don’t make money, everyone will naturally leave.

Text: Chen Haining, Aubrey

Editor: Wang Qiao

Related reading: The first batch of 197 domestic blockchain information service filing lists are published

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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