Articles about EthCC

Summary of the 9 key points of Ethcc consortium chains, beware of the assumption of honest majority, integration of Cosmos and Ethereum ecosystems…

Cryptocurrency KOL David Phelps summarized 9 key points of Ethcc from application chains to collaboration chains, bew...

Projects awarded with Ethereum ERC-4337 bounties Cross-ChAAin, Seal Seal Seal, zkLianGuaiymaster.

The official ERC4377 Twitter account listed three outstanding projects that won Ethereum ERC-4337 bounties at EthCC.

ETHCC in the eyes of Arbitrum developers Scalability is a false demand, and it is still too early for a shared L2 sequencer.

Arbitrum developer A.J. Warner shared his thoughts on ETHCC, stating that the sustainable demand for block space (i.e...

Bankless Inventory of Eight Important Project Progresses in EthCC 2023

The EthCC 2023 conference has too many releases and first-time appearances that need to be followed up on. Bankless a...

Ethereum EthCC officially opens, conference highlights (continuously updated)

The Ethereum Community Conference (EthCC) officially opened on July 17, 2023 in Paris, France. LianGuai takes you on ...

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