Articles about Ethereum - Section 111

Bitcoin and Ethereum trading volume reached the peak of the encrypted bull market

The rise in the price of the currency has also caused a surge in the volume of transactions in the encryption market,...

V God plays freestyle! The essence of the 5th Ethereum core coffee in Sydney is all here! | Direct EDCON

On April 11th, EDCON 2019, the most watched series of the Ethereum open source technology community, was held at the ...

Ethereum 2.0 Economics: What is the inflation rate of ETH after entering the PoS era?

At the heart of each blockchain system is the creation of blocks and new tokens. This is crucial for any blockchain (...

Depth | Chain Governance vs. Chain Governance: Can Ethereum reshape its glory?

Ethereum has always been an advocate of the “decentralization” philosophy. However, last week, Lane Ret...

Controversy and questioning brought by Ethereum

From this point of view, the application scenario of Ethereum is more extensive, which is why we say that Ethereum ma...

Plasma: Ethereum chain scalability framework combat part 1

There are two general methods for extending blockchains, the first and second layer solutions. The former is a so-cal...

Ethereum co-founder Joseph Lubin: EOS is too central, only Ethereum can be used as a global settlement

According to Trustnodes' April 6 report, Joseph Lubin, founder of ConsenSys and co-founder of Ethereum, gave a s...

Vitalik: Radical Market, ZK, Privacy and more

Editor’s Note: This article is a translation of the EthTrader Communiity video interview organized by Kobe van ...

Ethereum's profits are not enough to ensure its safety

This article was originally posted on the HARD FORK blog and was translated and shared by InfoQ Chinese as authorized...

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