Forbes: Billionaires love Bitcoin, want to buy 4.5 million BTCs through encryption brokers

Forbes: Billionaires love Bitcoin, want to buy 4.5 million BTCs through encryption brokers

According to foreign media reports, Forbes magazine writer Billy Bambrough said Eleesa Dadiani, the cryptocurrency broker Dadiani Syndicate, revealed to him:

“One of our customers found us and said they are interested in buying 25% of all available Bitcoin. There are many entities that want to dominate the market.”

Elisa Daddani is the founder of the Dadiani Fine Arts Gallery in Cork Street, London, which began accepting cryptocurrency payments in 2017. Last year, Dadiani Syndicate reached an in-depth collaboration with Maecenas to tokenize Andy Warhol's artwork.

At first, Dadiani Syndicate was established to promote the transformation of encrypted wealth into “real” wealth through the distribution of art. Daddani said:

“But we found that some people want us to help them buy a lot of bitcoin.”

This will be 4.5 million of the approximately 17 million bitcoins that have been dug up. However, 10.5 million bitcoins have not moved in a year, so if this is the case, it is very difficult to buy 25% of all bitcoins.

But Dadiani claims that her company has received instructions to "search the market and get as close as possible to a 25% share."

Trustnodes sent an email to confirm the authenticity of the matter, but did not receive a reply and called her, but she did not receive the call.

Dadiani Syndicate focuses on the use of channels in the art distribution field to arrange large sales for very wealthy individuals or institutions. Daddani said that they have now turned to the field of encryption, and people currently only want to buy bitcoin, she added:

“Customers are not interested in other cryptocurrencies, but we don’t have a long time to do this. In the future, if customers need it, we will open other cryptocurrency services. If anyone wants to buy a lot of Ethereum or other mainstream cryptocurrencies, we’re all Can find the seller."

She further stated that

“Art and car are a small industry, and bitcoin and cryptocurrency are different.”

Although the above statements have not yet been confirmed, family finance offices, wealthy individuals and even institutions are now using cryptocurrency as a hedging tool to diversify investments or ensure a certain position.

The current market value of Bitcoin is about $150 billion, which is equivalent to the wealth of Amazon's founder, Jeff Bezos. Compared with Apple, which has a market value of more than $1 trillion, this is a shame. Compared with the global market capitalization of about 100 trillion US dollars, the market value of Bitcoin is negligible.

However, it remains to be seen whether billionaires can buy 25% of Bitcoin's liquidity, as most of the bitcoins have been picked up by Hodler.

Source: Babbitt Chain Ventures

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