Introduction to Blockchain | How does the alliance chain work, and what are the advantages and disadvantages?

Compilation | Yan Chuan | Vernacular Blockchain (ID: hellobtc)

After the "Blockchain Technology" wins the industry's top warmth on October 25, the entry of national giants and traditional giants will become faster and faster. Among the Internet giants, Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent, Huawei and others have all along been building their alliance chain platforms.

The underlying infrastructure of these alliance chains is quite complete. Whether it is the prosperity of ecological quantity and quality, or the technical affinity under local advantages, it may be better than most public chains. So what is the alliance chain and what are the advantages and disadvantages?


01What is the alliance chain?

Alliance chain is a relatively new way to apply blockchain technology to enterprises. The public chain is open to everyone, and the private chain usually only provides services for one enterprise. The alliance chain has more restrictions than the public chain, and usually provides services for joint collaboration between multiple enterprises.

The difference between the alliance chain and the public chain is that it requires prior permission. So not everyone with an internet connection can access the affiliate blockchain. The alliance chain can also be described as semi-decentralized, and control of the alliance chain is not granted to a single entity, but to multiple organizations or individuals.

For the alliance chain, the consensus process may be different from the public chain. The consensus participants of the alliance chain may be a set of pre-approved nodes on the network, and not everyone can participate in the process. The alliance chain allows greater control over the network.


02 advantages of the alliance chain

First, the alliance chain is completely controlled by a specific group, but it is not a monopoly . This control can establish its own rules when each member agrees.

Second, it has greater privacy , because the information used to verify the block will not be made public, and only the members of the alliance can process this information. It creates greater trust and confidence for platform customers.

Finally, compared with the public blockchain, the alliance chain has no transaction costs and is more flexible. The large number of validators in the public blockchain leads to the trouble of synchronization and mutual agreement. Usually such differences will lead to forks, but this will not happen in the alliance chain.

03 Disadvantages of the Alliance Chain

First, due to its centralized structure, the alliance chain may be vulnerable to attacks by malicious players. When the number of participating nodes is limited, we can assume that multiple participants may collude.

Second, there is a lack of uniform industry standards. In addition to Hyperledger, there are solutions such as JPMorgan Quorum and Corda for R3, but we are far from the unified framework of the alliance chain.

In addition, the flexibility to build applications in large enterprises is poor. Starting a new alliance blockchain is a delicate process: all members must approve the communication protocol. Because large enterprises are not as flexible as SMEs, establishing a common network between multiple large enterprises is very slow.

Do you know the practical application of the alliance chain? How is the experience? Welcome to communicate in the message area.


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