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Exchange captures EOS super nodes

The rise of Staking's economy has driven the business of PoS mining and has broken the power structure of EOS su...


The first in the industry! US cryptocurrency exchange INX seeks IPO listing

The cryptocurrency exchange attempted to raise funds through IPOs rather than ICOs, and INX was the first. On August ...


What are the chances of decentralized exchanges completely replacing Binance and Coinbase?

This article will compare three common centralized trading features and contrast them with their decentralized coun...


FTX's Big Sell Grayscale and Bitwise Assets On the Market for $744M

FTX creditors have requested approval from an investment advisor for the sale of trust assets and related procedures.


The compliance exchange is about to appear in Singapore?

On December 18, 2019, the official website of the Monetary Authority of Singapore (hereinafter referred to as "M...


Interpreting the Current Situation of Digital Asset Custody Opportunities and Challenges for Institutional Investors

With the increasing popularity of digital assets, the demand for institutional-level digital asset custody from famil...