Supervision clearly "open the door to block the evil door" ideas "chain Shanghai South" into a digital asset test field

PA Weekly Issue 84 11.25-12.01

Wen | Editing by Zhou Wenyi | Bi Tongtong Source | PANews

Overview: Fan Yifei, deputy governor of the central bank: steadily promote the application of digital forms of fiat currency; the Hainan Blockchain Pilot Zone will release the "Chain Shanghai South" plan for the first time on December 4; Alipay blockchain will be used for the subway for the first time: the Yangtze River Delta The subway "pass" covers 1842 kilometers in 11 cities; the stolen ETH of Upbit starts to flow, and the attackers may split and transfer the funds.

According to PANews statistics, there were 8 blockchain project financings announced last week with a total value of over 30.92 million US dollars (excluding projects that have not disclosed the specific amount of investment and financing), involving security, mining, games, exchanges, payment, Data services and many other areas.


o1 Fan Yifei, Deputy Governor of the Central Bank: Promote the introduction of digital currency legal tender


On November 28, according to the First Financial Report, Fan Yifei, deputy governor of the People ’s Bank of China, said at the Sina Gold Kirin Forum that at present, the central bank ’s legal digital currency DC / EP adheres to the premise of double-layer investment, M0 substitution, and controlled anonymity. , Basically complete the top-level design, standard formulation, function development, joint debugging and testing. In the next step, we will follow the principles of stability, security, and controllability, rationally select pilot verification areas, scenarios, and service scopes, continuously optimize and enrich DC / EP functions, and steadily promote the introduction of digital form of fiat currency.

Fan Yifei also said that digital transformation is about the future development of the financial industry. It is a systematic project from technological control to business innovation, from organizational change to digital capacity building. Financial institutions should take digital transformation as an important starting point for deepening financial supply-side structural reforms, work on digital thinking, agile research and development, product innovation, ecological construction, etc., and use information technology to achieve precise resource allocation, service channel integration, The automation of business processes and the intelligentization of risk management continue to improve the sense of access to financial services throughout society. The People's Bank of China will actively promote the construction of a “digital central bank”, strengthen financial data governance, strengthen the application of regulatory science and technology, realize the formalization, digitalization, and proceduralization of regulatory rules, build a digital regulatory reporting platform, and enhance the professionalism and penetrability of regulation; build financial risks Situational awareness platform, improve risk information reporting mechanism, strengthen overall risk situation prediction, timely release risk reminders and precautionary measures to financial institutions and the public, and improve the financial system's ability to resist risks.


o2 Central Bank: 173 domestic exchanges and token financing platforms have exited without risk


On November 25, the official website of the Central Bank released the "China Financial Stability Report (2019)". At home, financial risks are showing some new features and evolutionary trends. The incremental risks of key institutions and various types of illegal financial activities are effectively controlled, but The stock risk still needs to be further resolved. The financial market is highly sensitive to external shocks, and the risk of abnormal market fluctuations cannot be ignored.

The report mentioned that the special rectification of Internet financial risks has been solidly promoted, and 173 domestic virtual currency trading and token issuance and financing platforms have all exited without risk. This data has been publicly reported in 2018, and it was mentioned again in the "China Financial Stability Report (2019)".

In recent years, fintech has developed rapidly. Whether it is the use of big data, artificial intelligence to innovate financial services, or the research and development of digital currencies, it has reflected the trend of deep integration of finance and technology, which has a profound impact on the real economy and the financial system. The relationship between risk and innovation has become a common issue facing global financial regulation. He also pointed out that Facebook's idea of ​​the digital token Libra has aroused widespread concern in the international community.

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) summarizes the four most active areas of international fintech activities: one is payment and settlement, such as mobile wallets and digital currencies; the other is deposits and loans and capital raising, such as online lending and equity. The third is investment management, such as intelligent investment consulting; the fourth is financial market infrastructure, such as customer identity authentication, distributed accounts, cloud computing, and so on.


o3 The Hainan Blockchain Pilot Zone will launch the "Chain Shanghai South" plan for the first time on December 4.


On December 2, according to, a year-long “Chain Shanghai South” plan will be released for the first time on December 4.

According to reports, "Chain Shanghai South" aims to enable the construction of a free trade port in the Hainan Free Trade Zone and build a secure and trusted digital governance and supervision service system. Committed to technological innovation-driven systems and industrial innovation, under the premise of protecting data security, data can be efficiently flowed across regions and subjects. Integration with government affairs can realize post-approval and full-process penetrating supervision; integration with industry can activate data value and release huge industrial momentum.

On December 1, the Hainan International Offshore Innovation and Entrepreneurship Demonstration Zone Construction and Blockchain • Digital Asset Trading Technology Innovation High-end Forum was held in Sanya, and the Hainan International Offshore Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Sanya) Experimental Zone was officially unveiled at the meeting. It is reported that this is the first experimental area listed in Hainan Province since it promoted the construction of an international offshore innovation and entrepreneurship demonstration zone.

In his speech, Wang Lu, deputy governor of the People's Government of Hainan Province, expressed the hope that Hainan, while becoming the center of the offshore innovation and entrepreneurship demonstration zone, will also become the center of national blockchain research and application demonstration and the national digital asset trading demonstration zone.

At the meeting, the first batch of companies settled in Europe and other companies signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Sanya City. The company announced that it will set up a blockchain offshore digital asset trading laboratory in Sanya, and subsequently build a blockchain big data research institute and district. Blockchain innovation application research and development center and other sections, while setting up the Asia-Pacific headquarters to accelerate the development of blockchain technology and industrial innovation.


o4 "Blockchain + Finance" development idea is determined: open the door to block evil roads


On November 25, according to the Shanghai Securities Journal, people close to the Office of the National Internet Financial Risk Special Rectification Group said that for the development of blockchain technology, financial management departments adhere to the "open the door, block the evil road" thinking. On the one hand, it “opens the door” to the development of blockchain technology, unswervingly promotes the use of blockchain in the financial field, and provides meaningful solutions to the difficulties and pain points of financial services such as institutional coordination, risk control, and data security; On the other hand, for illegal financial activities "blocking the evil road" carried out in the name of the blockchain, the coordination and cooperation of various departments will be further strengthened.


o5Thailand Stock Exchange plans to revise digital asset business regulations next year to promote the development of crypto assets


On November 25, according to Bitcoinist, the Thai Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) plans to revise its digital asset business regulations next year to promote the development of crypto assets while protecting investors from unnecessary risks. SEC Secretary-General Ruenvadee Suwanmongkol said the SEC is studying current regulations to address any stumbling blocks that may hinder the country's digital asset business. It also states that "the law should not be outdated and should meet market demand, especially for new digital asset products."


o6 South Korea's Special Financial Law Amendment on Virtual Assets Approved by the Council


On November 26, the Korean Financial Services Commission (FSC) stated that the Korean Parliament's Administrative Committee had approved the amendments to the "Reporting and Utilization of Information on Certain Financial Transactions (Special Financial Law)" amendment (may be conducted in accordance with the Judicial Committee (Partial change), which means that South Korean virtual assets have taken an important step in the process of institutionalization. It is reported that the amendment includes some of the implementation standards recommended by the International Anti-Money Laundering Organization (FATF). In addition, considering the adaptability and preparation time of the regulations, if the amendment can be finally approved by the Legal Judiciary Committee and the plenary of Congress, it is expected that Implementation will be implemented one year after the issuance.


o7 U.S. Treasury submits report in support of blockchain sandbox


On November 29, China Financial Information Network, US Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin suggested in a report to US President Trump this August that measures be taken to support fintech and financial innovation, including Implement a regulatory sandbox. This report analyzes the current monetary system and proposes a thorough reform of cryptocurrencies to foster new technologies in a weakened regulatory environment. The U.S. Treasury acknowledges the rise and rapid development of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, and states that blockchain and distributed ledger technologies are currently under the direct management of the U.S. Financial Stability Oversight Board. The U.S. government supports this technology and has stated that it will promote Regulations on the growth of emerging industries are critical to the overall regulatory system.


o1 The State Administration of Foreign Exchange's "Cross-Border Financial Blockchain Service Platform Application" project was officially approved


On November 27, 2019, at the "Beijing Fintech Application Pilot Work Start-up and Fintech Policy Interpretation Meeting" organized by the Business Management Department of the People's Bank of China, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange's "Cross-Border Financial Blockchain Service Platform Application" project officially Get approval. This project was issued on December 14, 2018 by the General Office of the People's Bank of China, the People's Bank of China, the Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, and the Ministry of Health and Health. Notice on Application of Pilot Work "(Yinfa [2018] No. 325), and it was constructed by China Banknotes Credit Card Industry Development Co., Ltd.


o2 Academician Fang Binxing launches "hidden cyberspace intelligence analysis" project


On November 25, according to the official website of the Dongguan Science and Technology Bureau, the 2019 major innovation achievements conference of academicians and experts from the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area will be held on November 27. Academic website results published on the official website include a cyberspace security expert, a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and a project led by Academician Fang Binxing known as the "Father of the National Network Firewall (GFW)", "Skyeye Intelligence-Hidden Cyberspace Intelligence Analysis."

The introduction shows that the Tianyan Intelligence Project is the first in the country to focus on special communication tools (Telegram, WhatsApp), dark web (Tor, I2P, Zeronet), blockchain (Bitcoin, Ethereum), etc. Multi-source heterogeneous data fusion and correlation analysis. Provide threat intelligence for online business security in industries such as finance, energy, gaming, and e-commerce, such as black and gray production communication channels, attack tools, attack traffic, attack resources, and more.

Fang Binxing once talked about blockchain security at the 2019 Beijing Cybersecurity Conference held in August this year. He said: "The idea of ​​blockchain is to abandon the center. In a decentralized environment, it can help security, but in turn In a system with a supervision center as the core, it will help the attack. Now people are trying to solve the problem of lack of supervision of the blockchain in order to truly apply the blockchain, but it is possible to transform the blockchain mechanism when it is resolved. It has become a centralized system, and the transformation into a centralized system is not called a blockchain. This is a inherent defect of the blockchain. "


o3 Alipay blockchain used for subway for the first time: Yangtze River Delta subway "pass" covers 1842 kilometers in 11 cities


On November 29, according to the interface news report, the reporter learned from Shanghai Metro that Alipay ’s blockchain technology has been successfully applied to the “Yangtze River Delta major cities scan code interconnection and interconnection” project. Open the subway app in your city and scan the code in the remaining 10 cities. Among them, there are 9 inter-connected cities in the Yangtze River Delta, namely Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Hefei, Ningbo, Wenzhou, Suzhou, Wuxi, and Xuzhou (from December 1).

Ant Financial, Chairman and CEO of Ant Financial, said that the connectivity of the Yangtze River Delta Metro is an important result of Alipay's use of digital technology to help build the digital Yangtze River Delta. The digital economy represented by blockchain technology is becoming a new driving force for the high-quality integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta and the infrastructure of the digital economy.

The biggest difficulty in cross-city travel is the settlement of fares in different places. With the wide-scale application of Alipay's blockchain technology, the settlement of subway ticketing between cities is also completed in real time with the click of a "drop". "The blockchain records all inter-city transactions and cannot be tampered with. Therefore, each city subway company can obtain the corresponding section and price of the ride from the 'chain' to achieve automatic second-level settlement." Alipay technical expert Wei Shang Introduction.

This is the first application of blockchain technology in the subway field, and it also lays a safe and efficient technical foundation for the interconnection and interoperability of two-dimensional code of metro subways in the future.


o4 HSBC plans to transfer $ 20 billion of assets to the blockchain custody platform by March next year


On November 27, according to Reuters, HSBC plans to transfer $ 20 billion worth of assets to a new blockchain custody platform, Digital Vault, by March 2020. One of the largest deployments of blockchain technology.

HSBC said the platform, called "Digital Vault", will allow investors to obtain real-time records of securities purchases in the private market and seek to capitalize on the growing interest of investors who are eager for such investments. The platform will digitize paper-based private placement records and use blockchain to reduce the time investors need to check their holdings.

It is understood that HSBC currently manages assets worth up to $ 50 billion. It is unclear how the project will be carried out, and HSBC has not yet quantified how much the platform can save the bank or its customers.


o5 Full-time Vice President of China Banking Association: Bank blockchain trading platform completes testing


On November 28, according to, the third session of the China Digital Banking Forum was held yesterday. Pan Guangwei, the full-time vice chairman of the China Banking Association, stated that the China Banking Association has joined many banks to promote the construction of banking blockchain trading platforms. At present, the test has been completed, and some banks have reached transactions through the platform, and the operation is good.


o6 Advance Holdings plans to change the company name to "Oco Cloud Chain"


On November 28, Qianjin Holdings issued an announcement saying that the board of directors proposed to change the company's English name from "LEAP Holdings Group Limited" to "OKG Technology Holdings Limited" and change the company's Chinese name from "Qianjin Holdings Group Co., Ltd." to " Ouke Cloud Chain Holding Co., Ltd. ". In addition, OK Group, a domestic blockchain industry group, will use the new Chinese name "Eurotech Group" from December 1.


o7 Upbit stole 342,000 ETH worth about 50 million US dollars, the attacker may split and transfer the funds


On November 27, the Korean exchange Upbit stole 342,000 ETH worth about 50 million US dollars. According to the transaction tracking website whale alert, except for 342,000 Ethereum. About 12.2 billion BTT, 1.1 billion TRX, 150 million XLM, 1.46 million OMG, 8.6 million EOS, 9.5 billion NPXS, and 337 million SNT were transferred out of Upbit. According to the data on the Ethereum browser chain, 342,000 Ethereum transferred addresses around 2 pm:


Thirty minutes after the theft, Upbit Exchange issued an announcement saying that "the deposit and withdrawal functions were suspended due to server maintenance reasons." Upbit Exchange CEO Lee Seok-woo said in the announcement that Upbit will use its own assets to fully compensate all tokens, while deposits and withdrawals will take about 2 weeks to recover. At present, all tokens in the exchange's hot wallet have been Transfer to cold wallet to hedge.

On November 28, according to the Chengdu Beosin-AML test, the Upbit attacker began to transfer stolen funds between 0xa09871 and several new addresses in the afternoon. The attacker transferred some of the stolen money to the new The address was reflowed afterwards. At present, the main distribution of stolen funds is 229,170 addresses at 0xa09871, 110,910 addresses at 0x9a2071, 910 addresses at 0x3408edc, and 1010 addresses at 0xc7d64e650. The attacker may be testing the current community's monitoring of the funds, speculating The attacker may choose to split and transfer funds during a weak monitoring period or hold the funds for a long time to wait for the event to decline.


o8Tencent Lingyi has mastered more than 200 virtual currency MLM platforms through in-depth cooperation with Beijing and Shenzhen Financial Bureau


On November 25, according to the media ’s Wu said that Blockchain today reported that the partners of Tencent's Supervision Technology Platform also include Guangdong Finance Bureau, Beijing Xicheng Market Supervision Bureau, Shenzhen Finance Bureau, Hebei Finance Bureau, Tianjin Finance Bureau, Jilin Industry and Commerce, Xuchang Industry and Commerce, Shenzhen Market Supervision Bureau, Shenzhen Economic Investigation, Xi'an Economic Investigation, Guangzhou Financial Bureau, Xi'an Industry and Commerce, Guiyang Industry and Commerce, Shanghai Economic Investigation, Shanghai Minhang, Shanghai Huangpu, Shangrao City, etc. According to official information, through in-depth cooperation with the Beijing Financial Bureau and the Shenzhen Financial Bureau, we have mastered more than 800 high-risk financial platforms such as funds and more than 200 virtual currency MLM platforms. Through in-depth cooperation with the Beijing Financial Bureau and the Shenzhen Financial Bureau, it has mastered more than 800 high-risk financial platforms such as capital funds and more than 200 virtual currency MLM platforms.

PANews previously reported that according to the Shenzhen Special Zone News, the virtual currency hype will be included in the focus of Shenzhen local financial supervision. The latest information shows that at present the Shenzhen Municipal Financial Supervision Bureau has exhausted 39 illegal enterprises suspected of carrying out virtual currencies through the Lingzhi system.

On November 21, the Shenzhen Municipal Internet Financial Risk and other special rectification work leading group office issued a risk alert on preventing "virtual currency" illegal activities. It claims that illegal activities will be investigated and evidence collected, and once found, it will be dealt with seriously in accordance with the "Announcement on Preventing the Financing Risk of Token Issuance".

It is understood that the Shenzhen Lingyin financial security big data supervision platform was jointly developed by Shenzhen Finance Office and Tencent. Through the identification and monitoring and early warning of financial risks, we help local financial supervision, ensure the safety of financial operations, and prevent and control financial risks.


o9 Poloniex deletes tweets recommending purchase of Tron, the industry interprets it in trouble


According to Beincrypto news, the Twitter account @CryptoDeleted posted screenshots saying that Poloniex had tweeted "Let's buy Tron", but it was quickly deleted only 28 minutes after the release. Many people interpret the tweet as Poloniex is in trouble. The exchange went from being acquired by Goldman Sachs-backed Circle in 2018 to becoming one of the most controversial cryptocurrencies in the industry. As some cryptocurrency commentators have pointed out, this is a far cry from Poloniex's peak in 2017.

On November 27, PANews previously reported that the cryptocurrency exchange Poloniex announced the acquisition of TRXMarket, which is a decentralized exchange (DEX) built on the TRON blockchain. All platform functions of TRXMarket will remain unchanged under the new name Poloni DEX, and Poloniex users can directly access the decentralized trading service through the exchange's official website. It's worth noting that despite the blog post claiming TRXMarket reached 30 million transactions in 7 days, CoinMarketCap shows that the exchange has traded less than $ 40,000 in the past 24 hours.

The Block research shows that Poloniex experienced a rebound in market share after leaving in October. Although the exchange has been working hard to increase its market share to more than 1% for most of 2019, after the spin-off, its market share reached 2% for the first time in the past few months. The increase may be due to Poloniex's withdrawal from Circle's latest zero-fee program.

The exchange Poloniex issued an announcement on October 18 that it would spin off from its parent company Circle and instead take over operations from an Asian company named Polo Digital Assets, Ltd. However, subject to U.S. policies, Poloniex's trading volume and market share accounted for 58% of the total market from the highest in the first half of 2017, and then plummeted. At present, the trading volume throughout the day is only more than 20 million US dollars, ranking 80 in the world. The rest. Poloniex announced on May 16 this year that it will stop offering nine cryptocurrencies to US users. TRON founder Sun Yuchen is one of the investors.


10 Beam officially launches foundation, holds 20% of Treasury funds


On November 25th, the anonymous coin Beam announced the official launch of the Beam Foundation, which is registered in Singapore as a company limited by guarantee.

According to the token issuance plan, the Beam Foundation holds 20% of Treasury's funds, which means that the agreement issued 4% of the total tokens in the first 5 years, which is approximately 6,307,200 Beam tokens. The foundation's governance will be performed by the board of directors, and in the future, decision making will be made more decentralized by creating a governance organization similar to DAO.

It is understood that the foundation was initially managed by up to 7 members of the board of directors. The currently identified members include Guy Corem, co-founder of DAG Labs, Bo Dong, founder and CEO of crypto industry liquidity provider Altonomy, and Canada's largest Bitcoin OTC broker Founder of YapCX, Ferdous Bhai and mathematician Wilke Trei, are currently actively seeking another three members to join the board. Beam Chief Operating Officer Amir Aaronson will be the chief operating officer of Beam Foundation, responsible for operations.


11 “Blockchain Concept” Zheshang Bank listed on Shanghai Stock Exchange

On November 26, Zhejiang Commercial Bank (601916.SH) was officially listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. It is reported that the number of new shares issued by Zheshang Bank was 2.55 billion shares, and the issue price was 4.94 yuan / share, and a total of 12.597 billion yuan was raised.

It is understood that Zheshang Bank has taken the lead in the deployment of fintech, and has widely applied blockchain technology to various financial services such as companies, retail and financial markets. One share. Public information shows that since the "Regulations on the Management of Blockchain Information Services" was formally implemented in early 2019, Zheshang Bank has five blockchain services, including the receivables chain platform, warehouse receipts platform, personal financial transfer platform, and beneficial platform. The platform obtained the first batch of domestic blockchain information service filing numbers issued by the State Cyberspace Office.

According to a report by Tencent Finance, Zheshang Bank started to study the application of blockchain as early as 2015, and in 2017, it created the first receivable chain platform based on blockchain technology to solve the pain points and difficulties of corporate receivables. , Becoming the first bank in the industry to apply blockchain to core business.

It is reported that Zheshang Bank was established in 2004 and is the only national joint-stock commercial bank headquartered in Zhejiang.


12 Canadian investment fund management company 3iQ submits Bitcoin fund IPO prospectus


On November 29, according to CoinDesk, Canadian investment fund manager 3iQ stated that it had listed its Bitcoin fund's preliminary prospectus as the next step towards an initial public offering (IPO).

The press release states that the fund will provide investors with "the opportunity to invest in digital currency Bitcoin and the daily price movements of Bitcoin against the US dollar." A company spokesman said it may be listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange and will begin trading as soon as the end of 2019.

The company claims that 3iQ's new products have been in preparation for several years. The two companies have worked with the Ontario Securities Commission for a three-year offering. It is reported that at the end of October this year, the company has obtained preliminary approval from the Ontario Securities Commission and will launch the fund on the Toronto Stock Exchange or the GEM of the Toronto Stock Exchange later this year.


13 Security agencies: 9 more typical security incidents in November


On December 1st, according to the statistics of the Chengdu Beosin-Eagle Eye, in the past month (November), various types of attack events and coin loss incidents occurred frequently, causing losses of more than 470 million yuan. A total of 9 more typical security incidents occurred.

Among them: EOS public chain is still dominated by malicious mining by EIDOS 薅 wool users.

A rollback transaction attack against the game occurred on the TRON public chain.

GateHub cryptocurrency wallet has stolen personal information of up to 1.4 million users.

The CLI wallet file on Monero's official website is suspected of being maliciously replaced.

The South Korean Upbit exchange was hacked on November 27. The hacker transferred 342,000 ETH from its Ethereum wallet through a transaction.

League of Legends co-founder Marc Merrill was scammed over $ 15 million in an Amazon cloud service crypto mining scam.

In view of the new situation in the current blockchain security field, Chengdu Lian'an reminds that exchanges should pay special attention to security risks, and in particular need to establish a complete security system. If necessary, they can seek cooperation from security companies, and use third-party technical support to complete Infrastructure construction such as security inspection and security reinforcement. Investors and users are reminded that recently, the country has stepped up its efforts to investigate and rectify cryptocurrency exchanges in various regions. Some exchanges have been shut down or even ran. Some funds scams have also run. If assets are lost, you can use security companies Perform on-chain asset tracing.


14First Blockchain Service Network BSN Partner Conference was held, China UnionPay, Weizhong Bank, and Huobi China became the first batch of member units


According to Sina Finance, on December 1, the first Blockchain Service Network Partner Conference and Blockchain Service Network to help social governance and the launch of the urban brain city platform platform pilot ceremony were held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. At the meeting, the trial of the blockchain service network BSN to help social governance and the urban brain city platform was officially launched. At the same time, the permanent site of the blockchain service network BSN Global Operations Center and Partner Conference was settled in Hangzhou. Units including China UnionPay, China Mobile, China Telecom, CMB International, Weizhong Bank, and Huobi China have become the first members of the Blockchain Network Service Alliance (BSN).

It is reported that the blockchain service network is planned by the top level of the National Information Center. A global blockchain service infrastructure across public networks, geographies, and institutions initiated by multiple companies. It provides developers with public blocks based on the Internet concept. The chain resource environment greatly reduces the development, deployment, operation and maintenance, interoperability and supervision costs of blockchain applications, and promotes the rapid development and popularization of blockchain technology.


15Global cryptocurrency crime surges, with losses of $ 4.4 billion in first three quarters of this year


On November 28, according to Reuters, cryptocurrency theft increased significantly in 2019 compared to last year. As digital exchanges process more and more funds, criminals are also seeking larger-scale theft. According to data from CipherTrace, a cryptocurrency intelligence and blockchain security provider, from January to September 2019, the losses caused by digital currency crimes rose sharply to $ 4.4 billion, an increase of more than 150% from the $ 1.7 billion in 2018.

Among them, the cryptocurrency wallet and the Ponzi scheme of exchange PlusToken caused users to lose $ 2.9 billion. Another fraud case involved QuadrigaCX, a Canadian cryptocurrency exchange, where customers lost $ 195 million. According to the data, these two large cases are the main reason for the surge in losses this year.

CipherTrace CEO Dave Jevans said: "Cryptocurrency theft and fraud have increased by 150%, indicating that criminals are adapting to a larger scale. Criminals are chasing money, and money is here. The time is now They're mature and they can take that money. Smaller attacks are usually easier to defend, but targeted attacks often yield greater gains. "

The report also shows that 65% of the world's top 120 cryptocurrency exchanges have weak customer identification (KYC) processes. CipherTrace said: "Regulators are seeking to share KYC information globally, and this will undoubtedly have an impact."

According to PANews statistics, there were 8 blockchain project financings announced last week with a total value of over 30.92 million US dollars (excluding projects that have not disclosed the specific amount of investment and financing), involving security, mining, games, exchanges, payment, Data services and many other areas.


o1 Poloniex acquires TRON-based decentralized exchange TRXMarket


On November 27, cryptocurrency exchange Poloniex announced the acquisition of TRXMarket, a decentralized exchange (DEX) built on the TRON blockchain.

According to the official content, all platform functions of TRXMarket will remain unchanged under the new name Poloni DEX, and Poloniex users can directly access the decentralized trading service through the official website of the exchange. It's worth noting that despite the blog post claiming TRXMarket reached 30 million transactions in 7 days, CoinMarketCap shows that the exchange has traded less than $ 40,000 in the past 24 hours.

The Block research shows that Poloniex experienced a rebound in market share after leaving in October. Although the exchange has been working hard to increase its market share to more than 1% for most of 2019, after the spin-off, its market share reached 2% for the first time in the past few months. The increase may be due to Poloniex's withdrawal from Circle's latest zero-fee program.

PANews previously reported that the exchange Poloniex issued an announcement on October 18 that it would spin off from its parent company Circle and be replaced by an Asian company named Polo Digital Assets, Ltd. However, subject to U.S. policies, Poloniex's trading volume and market share accounted for 58% of the total market from the highest in the first half of 2017, and then plummeted. At present, the trading volume throughout the day is only more than 20 million US dollars, ranking 80 in the world. The rest. Poloniex announced on May 16 this year that it will stop offering nine cryptocurrencies to US users. TRON founder Sun Yuchen is one of the investors.


o2 Ripple invests $ 20 million in MoneyGram and completes $ 50 million equity investment


On November 26, according to ambcrypto report, Ripple had completed a $ 50 million investment in MoneyGram. Based on the initial $ 50 million equity investment commitment made earlier this year, Ripple made a final $ 20 million investment this time following a $ 30 million equity investment in MoneyGram in June this year.

According to the press release, this cash injection will be used to help MoneyGram increase transaction volume and expand the use of Ripple's on-demand liquidity product (formerly known as xRapid), which uses XRP for cross-border payments.

Currently, Ripple owns 9.95% of MoneyGram's outstanding common stock or approximately 15% of its shares after a full dilution, which means that if all of its securities are converted into shares, Ripple will own a proportion of outstanding shares.

MoneyGram is a company specializing in fintech payments. Its business includes a two-part diversified investment portfolio that includes both traditional products in the payment field and digital products, and through the establishment of a new partnership with Ripple, it is leading the way in the field of blockchain payment technology.


o3 Digital Securities Platform Securitize Receives Million-Level Investment from SBI Holdings


On November 27, according to The Block, Japanese financial services group SBI Holdings invested in digital securities platform Securitize. Currently, although the exact amount of the investment is not yet clear, Carlos Domingo, founder of Securitize, said there are six zeros at the end of the number. It is reported that this round of financing is an extension of Securitize's Series A financing, bringing the total financing amount to more than $ 30 million.

In September this year, Securitize received a $ 14 million Series A round of financing from investors including Santander InnoVentures, the venture capital arm of Santander, MUFG Innovation Partners, a wholly-owned VC subsidiary of Mitsubishi Financial Group, and Nomura Holdings. In addition, Securitize announced a cooperation with Algorand in September this year. Through Securitize's DS agreement, users will be able to perform token securitization on the Algorand chain.


o4 Following the strategic investment of Tiger Fu and DU Capital, SOSOLX received a strategic investment of ten million RMB from CoinEx and Walton.


On November 29, according to official news, the global digital currency market professional data provider SOSOLX recently received CoinEx and Walton's tens of millions of RMB strategic investment. Wenhao, CEO of SOSOLX, said, "After this round of financing, we will make full use of our respective advantageous resources, and carry out in-depth cooperation around technological iteration, brand building, and ecological development. "On October 28th, SOSOLX announced that it has recently obtained a ten-million-level strategic investment from Tiger Fu, DU Capital and other institutions. SOSOLX is a professional data provider for the global digital currency market, providing institutional and individual investors with real-time, high-quality, and reliable digital currency market information and price data. By summarizing the currency and transaction data of global digital currency exchanges, multi-dimensional and comprehensive mining and analysis are performed to deliver the most valuable information to users.


o5 Renzi Bank invests 10 million yuan (US $ 1.422 million) to increase capital in Chengdu Chain Security to promote security supervision in the blockchain industry


On the evening of November 28, according to the official announcement, Ren Zixing planned to increase its capital to Chengdu Lianan with its own funds of 10 million yuan. After the capital increase is completed, the company will obtain a 5.39% stake in Chengdu Lianan. The company signed investment agreements with Chengdu Xiaan founders Yang Xia, Guo Wensheng and Gao Ziyang on November 28.

Ren Zixing Network Technology Co., Ltd. is one of China's earliest enterprises involved in the field of network information security. It is committed to providing overall solutions for network auditing and supervision for national management agencies, operators, enterprises and institutions.


o6 Bitcoin mining company Hut 8 acquires 9 data centers in Bitfury to build new mining farm


On December 1, according to bitcoinexchangeguide, a crypto mining company in Canada, Hut 8 Mining Corp, has completed the construction of a mining site in Drumheller after acquiring 9 data centers from Bitfury for $ 7 million. Hut 8's CEO Andrew Kiguel believes that the acquisition will enable the Drumhekker facility to take full advantage and provide Hut 8 with full ownership of the company. The latest acquisition has increased Hut 8's overall capacity by 16%, and its operating capacity has been increased to approximately 110 MW and 963 PH / s. According to the last quarterly report submitted in September, the mine has mined 12,305 BTC. The company is also the first blockchain company listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange.


o7 FortuneZ Acquired for $ 2.5 Million and Appoints Sydney Ifergan as New Chief Operating Officer


On November 29, Herbert Rafael Sim acquired crypto-focused commercial publishing company FortuneZ for $ 2.5 million. The company has also hired former Ifex and binary options executive Sydney Ifergan as its new chief operating officer, and has signed a cooperation agreement with Future1Exchange for payment gateway services.


o8 EOS VC announces investment in well-known game EOS Knights development team Biscuitlabs


On November 28, EOS VC, a venture capital arm of EOS development company, announced its investment in blockchain game developer Biscuit. Biscuit is from South Korea and is the development team of the well-known blockchain game EOS Knights. EOS Knights is the first mobile game to run on the EOS mainnet.

Mike Alexander, CEO of EOS VC, said, "Our direct investment in Biscuit has expanded our cooperation with some of the best talents in the field of blockchain games. Biscuit leverages the power of smart contracts to combine traditional RPG game elements with blockchain Together, it creates one of the most popular gaming Dapps on the market. " is the development company of the EOSIO protocol. EOS Knights is the earliest blockchain game on EOS. So far it has maintained the top three users in the game category. Its latest version, Knights Story, has been released on Ethereum.

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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