Articles about Smart Contract

Stellar Development Foundation Deploys Smart Contracts, Paving the Way for a Revolutionary Tech Stack 🚀

The Stellar Development Foundation (SDF) has just announced the highly successful deployment of smart contracts on th...

Kava 15 Upgrade Focus How Zero Inflation Unlocks New Investment Opportunities in $KAVA

As an interoperable chain between Cosmos and EVM, Kava's support for EVM assets within the Cosmos side is relatively ...

Revisiting and re-pledging How does EigenLayer initiate the profit flywheel?

As the use of LRT protocol becomes more widespread, there will be more integration with DeFi, and many strategies wil...

ABCDE Research Report ZK New Use Cases, in-depth discussion of coprocessors and various solutions

We have organized and compared the technical solutions of several coprocessor tracks in the market, hoping to provide...

How to simply understand the scalability new solution Plasma + ZK-SNARKs?

Plasma is a solution designed to improve the scalability of blockchain by moving most of the data and computation off...

In-depth Analysis of Modular Smart Contract Account Architecture and Challenges

Modular account abstraction is a subset field in the extensive development of AA, which envisions modularizing intell...

Arbitrum community added 21.4 million ARB incentives, which new projects receive support?

Incentives focus mainly on DeFi projects, with several top DEX projects focused on Arbitrum receiving large allocatio...

Rollup Money Tree Exploring Sorter’s Benefit Distribution and Decentralized Solutions

In Ethereum's Rollup scaling solution, the sequencer is a core component responsible for transaction sorting and bloc...

A glance at six Bitcoin wallet interactive tutorials

How to Participate in the Bitcoin Ecosystem? First, Set Up a Bitcoin Wallet.

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