The IBM blockchain patent library adds a new dimension, and information sharing between mobile devices can be achieved through DLT.

According to Cointelegraph, documents published by the USPTO on April 23 showed that technology giant IBM has obtained a patent for mobile data sharing based on distributed ledger technology (DLT).

IBM South Bank / detail

Image source: visualhunt

The product described in this patent application is a continuation of the U.S. patent application "Information Sharing between Mobile Devices" in November 2017. IBM proposed a method performed by mobile devices to verify the information shared between two devices.

Specifically, the platform can collect specific information and pass it to nearby compute nodes, and then publish the verified events to the distributed ledger. The collected data will be further used to map information updates.

It is reported that objects connected within the proposed system will share event information among multiple mobile devices, which is secure and reliable and does not provide trusted third parties. The patent document describes:

"The existing network infrastructure can remotely sense and/or control connected objects and integrate connected physical objects into computer-based systems. Through embedded computing systems, connected physical objects are uniquely identifiable, allowing connections Physical objects can interoperate within the existing network infrastructure."

This patent is only the latest in a series of blockchain-related patents submitted or received by IBM in recent months. In early April of this year, IBM added a new implementation to its blockchain patent library to manage data and interactions in autonomous vehicles (SDVs). These products form a system in which SDVs interact and predict the behavior of nearby non-autonomous vehicle drivers.

In March of this year, Cointelegraph reported on another patent application from IBM to improve the security of the licensed blockchain network. In the file, IBM outlines security techniques that defend against replay attacks while maintaining effective user rights and privacy.

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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