Under the epidemic, the transformation and accelerated development of the blockchain industrial park

2020 is a key year for the development of China's blockchain industry. As a carrier for the development of blockchain industrial clusters, the blockchain industrial park is of great significance for promoting the scale and agglomeration of local blockchain enterprises. Challenges and opportunities coexist, how does the blockchain industrial park break the situation?

On April 10, Babbitt invited the head of the first-line blockchain industrial park led by the government in China to be the guest of "Sheknows" to talk about "the transformation and acceleration of the blockchain industrial park under the epidemic". they are

CEO of “Blockchain +” Financial Technology Industry Incubation Center, Guangdong Financial High-tech Zone, Zhang Xin

Head of Investment Promotion and Operation of Changsha Blockchain Industrial Park, Shen Qiangjie

Xie Wei, executive deputy director of Loudi City Blockchain Industry Development Leading Group Office

Fan Fangyi, Chairman of Ganzhou Blockchain Financial Industry Sandbox Park

Deputy Secretary General of Shanghai Blockchain Technology Association, Shi Weijie The following is the wonderful content of the three-hour live broadcast, organized by Babbitt.

Industrial Park 1

Question 1. How does the new crown epidemic affect the blockchain industrial park?

Shen Qiangjie: There are two main influences.

The negative impact is similar to other industries. Affected by the new coronary pneumonia epidemic, the collapse of a link in the industry chain may induce the entire industry chain to be paralyzed.

On the other hand, due to objective phenomena such as the freezing of population movements, the postponement of the opening of primary and secondary schools, and the home office of various units, the development of the park has also ushered in new demands and opportunities, and the market of park enterprises has been expanded.

For example, online and offline linkages, Internet medical treatment, and nucleic acid detection and screening have become important safeguards against epidemics. For example, the high demand for fresh e-commerce and community e-commerce users has prompted the upgrade of operating services. For example, the remote office guarantees the normal operation of enterprises, and the software service industry ushers in an opportunity for development.

Xie Wei: Similar to other industries, the difference is that the work content is different. During the process of local data docking and product scene docking, we have a certain lag effect; the biggest impact is that the business of the park enterprise has reached the expansion stage But business expansion in the field is restricted.

Shi Weijie: Due to the epidemic situation, the company's order delivery or construction period was delayed, some layoffs and salary reductions, and some went out of business directly. This makes us feel very regrettable that some small and small enterprises have relatively weak survivability, and our park considers more to do something for these enterprises during this period. 1) In response to the support policy during the epidemic, give the enterprise rent-free for 2 months;

2) Turn all offline activity training online, propose to the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau to help companies set up online training, and help companies apply for some subsidies;

3) Online counseling and assisting enterprises to apply for special funds for technological innovation;

4) Assisting small and medium-sized enterprises to apply for reinstatement loans or discount and interest support;

5) Accelerate the process of enterprise rent subsidy identification, and give enterprise subsidies as soon as possible to maintain livelihoods;

6) Guide enterprises to develop anti-epidemic prevention and control application products, such as community access, cloud pharmacy platform, portable code, etc.

Fan Fangyi: The epidemic has caused some delays in the resumption of work, investment promotion, etc., but we are all online office companies, and the overall impact on the park is not great. During the epidemic, we and 8 blockchain experts jointly organized an online classroom of blockchain to conduct cloud training. The park enterprises have made a traceability project on Gannan navel orange with blockchain technology. good results. During the epidemic, fake masks appeared on the market. We used technology to wind up part of the masks in the Ganzhou Economic Development Zone for free, so that each mask has a digital identity.

Question 2: The blockchain is still in the early stage of investment and the scale of revenue is small. The pace of construction of blockchain industrial parks around the world is fast. Are there contradictions between the two?

Fan Fangyi: Certainly there is no contradiction. The government is now vigorously promulgating the support policy of blockchain, which has a certain relationship with the attention of the whole country on blockchain since the speech of General Secretary Xi in 2019. Everyone also hopes to use blockchain technology to combine local characteristic industries and introduce some resources, so as to use blockchain to drive local characteristic economy and industrial upgrading.

It is a fact that there are less taxes and less revenue in the blockchain industrial park. The development of any new things will inevitably require a process, but I think the revenue and development of blockchain companies in the future must be getting better and better.

Shi Weijie: As an emerging industry, blockchain is still in the early stages of industry development. Even if a lot of policies are put in place and it takes a lot of effort to support it, the early earnings will certainly not meet expectations. We gave the government a preventive shot before setting up a blockchain base: Do n’t assess taxes, we need to give them a sufficiently loose environment.

Without the support of upper-level resources, these enterprises will not survive for half a year. Once the government gives strong support to create a good business environment, it is safe to say that they can quickly grow into unicorns needed by local governments in a few years, and they have feelings and loyalty to local governments. If you want to dig, you can't dig.

More than 40 provinces and cities across the country have issued blockchain-related industry support policies. It is not ruled out that some places are suspected of following the trend, but to a greater extent, everyone has seen the long-term investability and Opportunities for long-term development.

We encourage more real economy and traditional industries to integrate with the new generation of information technology, including blockchain technology, and hope everyone can explore in this direction.

Judging from the actual effect, it may still fall short of public expectations, but from the perspective of the operation of the park, I am quite satisfied. From January to April this year, we have settled in more than 20 companies, which shows that policy guidance and demonstrations have received benign feedback from the market.

Shen Qiangjie I think that doing blockchain requires industry thinking.

We make blockchains and industrial parks not only for output value. If we develop blockchains with GDP thinking and build blockchain industrial parks, most industrial parks can't do it.

Blockchain is more of a transformation from information Internet to value Internet. It is the future development trend, which is a consensus in the industry. Well, GDP thinking will only be a constraint.

In this context, we have emerged a number of companies with strong development momentum. In 2019, an enterprise in our park realized a profit of 30 million yuan and a financing of 60 million yuan, which is very exciting.

On the other hand, companies in other areas of our park are also actively exploring and seeking transformation to the blockchain. They try to expand the landing scenarios of the blockchain in many fields such as agriculture, finance, and energy.

Xie Wei First, we must have a deeper understanding of blockchain technology and industry. If we recognize that blockchain is the basis of the next generation Internet, we will not invest too much in this aspect.

Second, the central government attaches importance to blockchain. This is to understand blockchain from the perspective of improving the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities. To locate and develop the blockchain industry from the height of national strategy, then it should not be used. Consider short-term GDP.

We should have a longer-term positioning and more targeted policies and measures to cultivate the development of the industry. Of course , it is not to say that blockchain companies have absolutely no short-term benefits. We have a company that has paid taxes of 30 million in our local area for two years.

Shenzhen Ping An Financial Center and Big Data Concept

Question 3, what are your requirements for the blockchain companies you settle in?

Fan Fangyi: First of all, compliance and legal development, our requirements for compliance will be more rigorous.

Secondly, it is related to the development, application and testing of blockchain technology.

Finally, combining with the upstream and downstream of the blockchain, we are all welcome and our attitude is very open.

Shi Weijie: The original intention of our establishment of the park is very simple, and promote the application of blockchain technology.

We only have one condition. To comply with national policies, whether you are doing low-level technology development or application, you must be a currency-free blockchain. You cannot issue coins now, nor can you later.

Shen Qiangjie We basically do not set a threshold. Of course, violations of laws and regulations will not work, but we ca n’t waste food because of choking. We will do pre-examination, supervise and follow-up on the settled enterprises. We provide a service of the whole chain and the whole ecological chain. As a park, we provide more guidance. If irregular behavior occurs, we need to correct it in time.

Xie Wei Our Loudi has a characteristic. At the beginning, it clearly put forward the "application-for-industry-for-industry" model. We are the only city in China with projects and application scenarios for industry investment. Well, we have clear goals for the introduced companies, not that we introduce the companies first and then come to the scene.

Of course, this requires us to have a good scenario planning ability and business model building ability, to be able to persuade technology R & D companies to accept our proposed scenarios and business models, so as to reach a consensus before entering the station. After the company settles in, we will help the company coordinate the product landing and iterate quickly to form a closed loop of the business model, and then realize the rapid replication effect.

Question 4. Is the local government department willing to open up business scenarios for blockchain enterprises and exchange markets for industries?

Shi Weijie: Promoting the application of blockchain technology does not mean that it can be implemented with policies, which is unrealistic.

The government views blockchain as a core technology, but how to push it? how to use? As far as the current situation in Shanghai is concerned, it is still in the learning and exploration stage. So far, there has not been a good typical case that has made the government shine, and the government will not try everything and let it go, so there will be a small range of trials and pilots.

Experts from our think tank think of Blockchain Technology Association, we need to design a top-level mechanism to confirm data rights and set up good, let the government see the benefits of the application of blockchain technology, from top to bottom to promote the open scene , Make a typical case. As far as the current situation is concerned, it is more feasible to develop from the point of view.

Shen Qiangjie is inaccurate to say that the market is for industry. The blockchain is not a business, not a replacement. It is a trend, and what we want to develop is the blockchain industry. We must definitely embrace at the level of the government and the park, try actively, and act actively. In the end, it is a win-win and win-win situation. Our park has built a SMIC blockchain (Changsha) public service platform, which has become an important starting point for the transformation and upgrading of service companies. Including the construction of thousands of enterprises on-chain project, blockchain talent training and on-chain talent project, safe and reliable technology localization project (blockchain) and other specific projects.

Question 5, is there any imbalance between China Merchants and the coast? why?

Fan Fanyi:

This is the case.

First, mainly in terms of scene application, the ecological scene in coastal areas is relatively perfect, and the government is more willing to open up the scene.

Second, talents, the overall strength of scientific research in coastal cities is relatively strong, and the interior is relatively weak.

Third, the biggest problem is ideology. To develop blockchain inland, we must emancipate our minds and change our concepts. The inland is still relatively conservative, with insufficient knowledge of the blockchain, and the scenario cannot be applied.

I frankly say that the development of blockchain in Ganzhou is actually an advantage. Once we are bold and bold, once we do it well, we can promote the application throughout the country, then our old revolutionary base will use new technologies in the new era Contribute to the country.

Xie Wei It is not a purely coastal and inland relationship , but the difference between areas where talents are concentrated and areas where talents are less developed. Beijing and Chengdu are not coastal areas, but Beijing is the city with the most blockchain talents and enterprises, and Chengdu has also developed well.

We are a region with relatively backward talents, and we must solve the talent dilemma. Why do we propose the industry development logic of replacing projects with scenarios? The reason is here.

We used the scenario we devised to successfully attract Hangzhou FunChain to Loudi to set up a joint venture company; to bring NTT DATA, the world's top 500, to Loudi to cooperate in the development of brand-new application projects. Only when the scene is more in-depth, more targeted, and more attractive than others, will they bypass more developed areas to less developed areas.

We have to understand blockchain better than blockchain technology companies. I'm not talking about technology, but blockchain thinking.

Shen Qiangjie Merchants, my personal biggest feeling is that it is not to recruit people, it is a mutual need. With this way of thinking, investment is attracted and communication is smoother and easier.

Today, there are dozens of blockchain industrial parks across the country, and homogenization is serious. I think everyone should explore their own unique development paths.

Indeed, you said, why does it come to my park for the top 500 companies? What can I bring to it? Demand for the market, demand for scenes, demand for capital, and demand for talents, you always have one aspect, which is different from what others do, slightly better and better. Then companies will be attracted.

We rarely mention investment, and I prefer to mention cooperation.

Question 6, the relevant report shows that the vast majority of blockchain industrial parks have a single profit model, and the main sources include government subsidies (accounting for the bulk), rent, property management and equity investment. Is this the same in your park?

Zhang Xin Basic business model You have already mentioned that we have no more innovative business models.

We are also working on private equity investment funds, and then on the blockchain industrial park. We are optimistic about the development of the blockchain industry and its implementation in application scenarios. The park is a very important carrier and platform. We hope to build this win-win ecosystem, in this process, we can generate profits.

Neither the company nor the government has any evaluation and requirements for us in this area (profitability). To accomplish this, this is more important than profitability.

Shi Weijie: In the early days, when we were a blockchain industrial park, we had a feeling that it was good to be a blockchain industrial park. We did not expect to make money on this. What do we do for an industrial park? To build a win-win ecological zone and promote the development of the industry, I very much agree with Zhang.

Fan Fanyi: I think the blockchain park is not only dependent on the government. We also have project services, such as training services, on-chain services, traceability services, etc. The blockchain is not exclusive to all walks of life, and various blockchains can be used. There are still many points (referring to revenue).

Shen Qiangjie We build a blockchain industrial park is not a business, we are to do this industry, we hope to guide the park's blockchain enterprises to move forward, while driving the park's existing industries and other fields of enterprises to achieve Transformation and upgrading will further promote the economic development of our entire region.

Question 7. In the future, what new trends will there be in the development of blockchain?

Shi Weijie: After the epidemic, the survival state of the enterprise can be described as bleak, but the blockchain enterprise is slightly better than the offline physical industry. Instead, it gave birth to cloud office, which made companies realize that physical office space may not be the most important to them.

The epidemic situation is an opportunity for all of us who are industrial parks to calm down and think about how the industrial park develops and how it changes with changes in the past, adapting to current events, weakening the physical space, strengthening service content, and implementing joint industrial applications It is a development trend of the blockchain industrial park in the future.

Fan Fangyi: The industrial park is not only a physical carrier, but also a digital industrial park. The blockchain itself is also a rule. I think this has accelerated the progress of blockchain technology in the construction of a digital industrial park. The blockchain will be applied to all aspects of construction and operation.

Clean lawn and tidy oak trees along the walk path through the typical apartment complex building in suburban area at Humble, Texas, US. Grassy backyard, sunset warm light.

Question 8. Recently, "new infrastructure" is very hot, can the blockchain industrial park take a slice of it? Can the Blockchain Industrial Park break through development by taking the "new infrastructure" express?

Zhang Xin Blockchain , like cloud computing, the Internet of Things, and big data, are indispensable technical elements in the new generation of information technology. The new infrastructure will inevitably drive the development of the blockchain.

In the future, the blockchain park must also be a distributed park. Then, can our parks also be distributed? Everyone's data sharing, information sharing, and even project sharing and promotion will allow the blockchain to land in different places. We think this should also be an opportunity brought by the new infrastructure.

Shen Qiangjie The new infrastructure is very hot, but everyone should not rush on, it will make the smooth roads crowded.

However, why do we do blockchain at the beginning, because we judge it will become the trend and direction of development. New infrastructure is another trend advocated by the state, and we certainly cannot miss it.

Therefore, we have just started to build various blockchain industrial parks and develop the blockchain industry. We must not miss the trend of affirmation and advocacy of the new infrastructure.

I think that we should integrate localization and the existing advantages and characteristics of the park for positioning and expansion, and take the path of differentiated development.

Shi Weijie: New infrastructure is new in the field and new in concept. After more than a year of precipitation, 5G, the Internet of Things, big data, and artificial intelligence have new connotations, including new transportation, smart cities, new energy infrastructure, etc. This has expanded our application of blockchain technology. Landing scene.

The special industrial park created by 5G, artificial intelligence, big data, etc. to build a blockchain industrial park, guided by the government to promote the integration of technology between them, to achieve blockchain technology as a new element of the new infrastructure for all walks of life Industry entities.

The new infrastructure will bring all aspects of the scene, model and organization to our industrial park industry, which is a very good opportunity for our block chain industrial park to break through.

Xie Wei The new infrastructure is a major historic opportunity for the development of the blockchain industry. In fact, before this, the real blockchain special fund projects sent by the national ministries and commissions are very few, and the new infrastructure is an opportunity.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, we have to grasp three things. First, grasp the planning of major projects.

Second, take advantage of the opportunities of the new infrastructure to grasp the project declaration and funding.

Third, through the integration of industrial parks, promote the promotion of cross-regional and cross-industry applications.

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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