Crypto Community Unites Wall Street Memes Discord Hack Relief Fund Aims to Make October Cyber Attack Victims Whole

Wall Street Memes Launches Discord Hack Relief Fund to Compensate Victims of October's Cyber Attack
Wall Street Memes

Friday, November 10, 2023 – Brace yourselves, folks! Wall Street Memes (WSM) has just pulled off a spectacular move to support its community. They’ve launched a Discord Hack Relief Fund to compensate victims of a devastating cyber attack in October. It’s like Robin Hood, but without the tights and the catchy theme song.

Submissions are open until November 17, giving the unfortunate souls who lost their precious $WSM tokens a chance to file reimbursement claims. It’s time to right the wrongs and restore balance to the meme universe, one claim at a time.

Once the claims are processed, the Wall Street Memes team has something truly mind-blowing planned. They’re talking about a refund airdrop to compensate the victims on November 22. Imagine hundreds of parachutes raining down from the sky, filled with precious tokens, like a crypto version of Willy Wonka’s golden ticket.

But why is Wall Street Memes going to such lengths? Well, it all started a few weeks ago with the launch of Wall Street Memes Casino. It was a huge success, attracting meme enthusiasts from all corners of the internet. But then disaster struck on October 12. Hackers targeted the WSM Discord Server, unleashing a relentless army of scammers upon the unsuspecting community members. It was like a battle straight out of Lord of the Rings, but with keyboards and memes instead of swords and magic.

Some investors saw their entire $WSM stacks vanish into thin air. Panic ensued, as if the meme economy was on the brink of collapse. But fear not! The launch of the Discord Hack Relief Fund aims to save the day, compensating the losses on a one-to-one basis. It’s the great meme rescue mission of our time.

Now, let’s get down to business and find out how you can submit your lost $WSM claim. Wall Street Memes has made it surprisingly simple for you. All you need is access to your compromised wallet and a clean wallet address unaffected by the hack. Think of it as having a secret agent wallet that has zero connections to the dark forces of the cyber world.

Firstly, head to Etherscan. It’s like the James Bond of blockchain explorers. Connect your compromised wallet and prepare for action. Click that sign message button like a boss. A pop-up box appears, demanding your signature. Make sure that the compromised wallet address is proudly displayed under the address box. This is not a time for imposters!

Secondly, after signing the message with your compromised wallet, brace yourself for another pop-up box. This time, you’ll need to copy and paste your shiny new clean wallet address into the box, replacing the [CLEAN WALLET ADDRESS] holder text. It’s like giving your compromised wallet a fresh start, a new lease of life in the meme universe.

Fourthly, and we can’t stress this enough, double-check everything. Look at the addresses. Stare at them until they start speaking to you. The compromised hack-affected wallet address should be under “Address,” and your new clean address should replace the [CLEAN WALLET ADDRESS] holder text. We wouldn’t want your precious tokens ending up in someone else’s digital piggy bank.

Lastly, click that glorious “sign message” button and hit that “publish” button. Your claim has been submitted. Now, sit back, relax, and imagine yourself floating on a cloud of $WSM tokens, surrounded by fellow believers in the meme revolution.

So, dear friends, seize this opportunity to recover your ticket to the moon. Submit your claim to ensure you keep holding your stack and remain part of one of the most successful meme coin projects of 2023. Let’s make memes great again!

Buy WSM Here

Disclaimer: Cryptocurrency is a high-risk asset class. This article is for entertainment purposes only and does not constitute investment advice. Just remember, dragons may be involved, and you could lose all your capital. So, meme responsibly!

Hey there, fellow meme enthusiasts!

Did you hear the news? Wall Street Memes (WSM) is swooping in to save the day with their Discord Hack Relief Fund. It’s like watching superheroes in action, but with memes instead of capes. They’re compensating victims of a cyber attack that targeted their Discord Server in October. Finally, a chance for justice!

If you’re one of the unlucky souls who lost their $WSM tokens, don’t despair. You now have the opportunity to file a claim and potentially get your treasures back. Just imagine the joy of reclaiming what was unfairly taken from you, like a phoenix rising from the ashes.

But wait, there’s more! The Wall Street Memes team has something truly unforgettable planned. They’re going to airdrop the refunded tokens to the victims on November 22. It’s like a virtual treasure hunt, but without the booby traps and hidden puzzles. This is the kind of generosity that warms even the coldest of meme-loving hearts.

Now, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of how you can submit your lost $WSM claim. Don’t worry, it’s not as complicated as deciphering ancient hieroglyphics. All you need is access to your compromised wallet (the one that got hacked) and a clean wallet address that’s free from any cyber taint. Think of it as building a firewall around your precious meme riches.

Step one: Visit Etherscan, the secret agent of blockchain explorers. Connect your compromised wallet and prepare to unleash your inner superhero. Click that sign message button like there’s no tomorrow. A pop-up box appears, demanding your signature. Make sure your compromised wallet address is there, standing proud under the address box. No villains allowed!

Step two: After you’ve signed the message with your compromised wallet, a new pop-up box will make its grand entrance. This time, copy and paste your squeaky clean wallet address into the box, replacing the [CLEAN WALLET ADDRESS] placeholder text. It’s like introducing your compromised wallet to its shiny, untouched cousin.

Step three: Take a deep breath, put on your detective hat, and inspect everything. Double, triple, quadruple-check those addresses. No room for errors here. Your compromised wallet address should be under “Address,” and your new clean address should boldly replace the [CLEAN WALLET ADDRESS] placeholder text. We don’t want to accidentally send your tokens to the wrong meme castle.

And finally, the moment of truth. Click that glorious “sign message” button and hit publish. Your claim is now on its way to the Wall Street Memes team. Visualize it soaring through the digital universe, guided by the hand of justice. Soon, your lost $WSM tokens will hopefully find their way back to you, like prodigal sons returning home.

So, my friends, don’t miss out on this opportunity to reclaim your ticket to the moon. Submit your claim, hold your stack tightly, and continue being a part of the meme magic. Together, we can meme the world a better place.

Buy WSM Here

Disclaimer: Investing in cryptocurrency is like gambling in the Wild West. This article is purely for entertainment purposes and should not be considered financial advice. Remember, laugh with the memes, but tread with caution.

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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