Weekly development of industrial blockchain 丨 Epidemic overlays economic crisis, confidence is more important than gold

In the past week, global capital markets have been in a bloodstream, crude oil has plummeted, multinational stock indexes have melted, financial assets have been sold at no cost, and even gold has not been spared. The highly anticipated bitcoin combines the reputation of "hedging assets" and "digital gold", and is even more vulnerable to the crisis.

Originally, after the "10.24 speech" last year, the industry enthusiasm was so high that it was ready to do it in 2020. Even after the emergence of the new crown epidemic, it was interpreted by industry insiders as an opportunity to accelerate the use of blockchain. However, this economic crisis has indeed exceeded many people's expectations. The use of the blockchain industry in the physical industry is still small, and the cash flow generated is difficult to support the company's long-term development. If the economic crisis does occur, can the blockchain industry resist it?

Of course, confidence is still needed. It is the darkest before dawn and the most desperate before victory. China ’s policy has given unprecedented support to the blockchain, and the model cases have gradually come to the ground. If the blockchain industry can withstand this calamity, the future can be expected.

Rock climber rappelling.

Industrial Policy: Promote "Blockchain +"

Guangdong: Propose innovative "blockchain + AI" commercial services

On March 13, the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee's Comprehensive Deepening Reform Committee issued the "Guangzhou Science City Innovation and Development Action Plan". The "Action Plan" proposes that in the reform of the business environment, implement policies and measures to relax market access for private enterprises, comprehensively investigate and systematically clear up all kinds of explicit and hidden barriers; carry out full-scale online reform pilots and innovate "blocks "Chain + AI" commercial services; deepen the "decentralization of service" reform, and strive to "examine without approval."

Shenzhen: Increase coverage of blockchain electronic invoices

On March 11, Shenzhen held a press conference to interpret the “List of Key Tasks for Shenzhen to Optimize the Business Environment Reform in 2020”. The list mentioned that, in terms of approval of construction projects, comprehensive implementation of the “second batch” of enterprise investment project filing. It is necessary to use blockchain technology to solve the problem of fraudulent addresses. Explore the construction of a smart electronic tax bureau, upgrade the intelligent invoice management service system version 2.0, and increase the coverage of blockchain electronic invoices.

Anhui: Encourage the application of blockchain and other technologies in development zones

Recently, the Anhui Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, and the Provincial Department of Commerce jointly issued the "Anhui Innovative Smart Park Construction Plan" to encourage the Internet of Things, Industrial Internet, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Blockchain, and Quantum Communication. The application of development zones encourages development zones to take the lead in constructing 5G communication networks, and to achieve full coverage of 5G communication networks in development zones in the province by the end of 2020.

Shaanxi: Allocation of technological innovation resources in frontier areas such as blockchain

On March 13, the Science and Technology Commission of Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Department of Science and Technology issued the "Key Points of Science and Technology Work of the Shaanxi Provincial Science and Technology Commission of the Communist Party of Shaanxi Province in 2020", which mentioned that it is necessary to deploy high-tech research and development in advance, Cloud computing, artificial intelligence, blockchain, the Internet of Things, and other emerging, cross-cutting, and frontier areas that may give birth to major breakthroughs, deploy and allocate technological innovation resources, promote the deep integration of technological innovation and industrial applications, and the real economy, and strive to cultivate new economic formats and grow New kinetic energy.

Hainan: Exploring new models of technological innovation and medical services such as blockchain

On March 12, the official website of the Hainan Provincial Health and Health Commission released the Implementation Plan for Healthy Hainan Action. The plan proposes to build a smart medical service system, promote telemedicine, hierarchical diagnosis and treatment, smart hospitals and other projects, dig deep into health big data, explore new modes of medical service innovation using artificial intelligence to assist decision-making, and blockchain technology, and improve the quality of primary medical services. .

Ministry of Ecology and Environment: Promote the application of new technologies such as blockchain in monitoring and monitoring business

On March 11, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment issued "Several Opinions on Promoting the Modernization of the Ecological Environment Monitoring System and Monitoring Capability (Draft for Solicitation of Comments)", proposing to improve the ecological environment monitoring technology system, develop smart monitoring, and promote the Internet of Things, sensors, and blocks. Application of new technologies such as chain and artificial intelligence in monitoring and monitoring business.


"Blockchain +" frequently appears in various documents, such as "Blockchain + AI" commercial services in Guangdong, "Blockchain + project approval" in Shenzhen, "Blockchain + Smart Park" in Anhui, and Shaanxi "Blockchain + Real Economy", "Blockchain + Innovative Medical Services" in Hainan, and "Blockchain + Environmental Monitoring and Monitoring" by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment. With the aid of policy Dongfeng, the acceleration of the blockchain in 2020 is expected.

Industry Research: Accelerated landing of standards, research more practical

Guizhou Province: Issued 4 "Blockchain Application Guidelines" including 4 local standards for blockchain

Recently, the Guizhou Provincial Market Supervision Bureau released the "DB52 / T1466-2019 Blockchain Application Guide", "DB52 / T1467-2019 Blockchain System Evaluation and Selection Specifications", "DB52 / T1467-2019 Blockchain System Evaluation and Selection Selection Standards and DB52 / T1468-2019 Blockchain-based Data Asset Transaction Implementation Guide 4 local standards for blockchain.

Yunnan Province: Blockchain Center Listed

On March 15, the Blockchain Center of Yunnan Province was listed in Kunming, and the Blockchain Industry Alliance of Yunnan Province was also established simultaneously. It is reported that the Yunnan Blockchain Industry Alliance, as a cross-industry, open, non-profit social organization voluntarily formed by blockchain-related enterprises and institutions, community organizations, universities, research institutes, etc., has attracted domestic and foreign 38 companies joined.

Central District Government of Jinan City: Established Blockchain Industry Research Institute

On March 12, the Central District Government of Jinan signed four projects through the video online to establish the Blockchain Industry Research Institute. The Blockchain Industry Research Institute established this time is the first comprehensive platform for innovation and entrepreneurship in Shandong that integrates technology research and development, achievement transformation, and industry cultivation.

ICT: Ten Test Observations

On March 11, the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology released the article "Observation and Analysis of Alliance Chain Technology Testing" to organize the functional testing, performance testing, BaaS testing, and vertical industry testing of the trusted blockchain promotion plan in 2019. Disclosure, put forward ten test observations: 1. In terms of the underlying architecture, independent innovation has gradually attracted the attention of the industry; 2. The development path of consensus algorithms has gradually become clear; 3. Support for multi-mode databases and ledger expansion has become a hot spot; 4. Encryption algorithms and private keys Management, increasing the proportion of national secrets, and gradually enriching private key management; 5. Smart contracts continue to evolve steadily and have a trend of diversified development; 6. Alliance chain governance, and efficient governance have become important exploration directions; 7. Privacy protection-related strategies are becoming more comprehensive; 8. Cross-chain has become a new technology hotspot, and continuous research is required to seek breakthroughs; 9. Performance testing, the first self-developed testing tool Trusted-Bench is used; 10. Blockchain technology accelerates the reliable and efficient operation of supply chain finance.

Report: Blockchain and other technologies can help financial institutions track green credit investments

On March 9th, the Paulson Foundation Green Finance Center and Tsinghua University's Green Finance Development Research Center jointly released the report "Fintech to Promote the Development of Green Finance in China: Cases and Prospects". The report states that the decentralized, open, transparent, autonomous, anonymous, and tamper-resistant characteristics of blockchain technology have brought new ideas to green finance. The report believes that the use of blockchain and other technologies to solve the problem of fund penetration management can help financial institutions to track the investment of green credit and green bonds, and help reduce the risk of "washing green" and "green drifting."

Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering Wang Jian: Accelerating the Application of Blockchain Technology in the Industrial Internet

On March 10, Wang Jian, chief scientist of the China Industrial Internet Research Institute and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, published an article entitled "New Infrastructure" to accelerate the development of industrial Internet big data to welcome new opportunities. The article mentioned that the participation of data elements in value creation and distribution is to achieve high quality The key link of development. It is necessary to accelerate the application of blockchain technology in industrial Internet data confirmation, responsibility and transactions, and promote the orderly circulation of data assets, credible transactions, and legal realization.

CCID Sun Huifeng: Focus on blockchain investment opportunities in power grid dispatching, green certificates, etc.

On March 13, Sun Huifeng, President of CCID Consulting Co., Ltd., published an article "UHV will become a new world-class business card made in China" on Xinhuanet. The article pointed out that the current application of artificial intelligence and blockchain in areas such as power grid dispatching, green certificates, electronic invoices, photovoltaic subsidies, etc. has made some progress, and it can focus on investment opportunities in related fields.

Economic Reference: Applying Blockchain and Others to the Used Car Industry to Solve Consumer Pain Points

On March 13th, the Economic Reference Newspaper reported that for a long time, small and medium-sized merchants in the second-hand car market have occupied half of the country, and "putting one shot at another place" does not attach importance to integrity management. People in the industry suggest that the industry should be encouraged and supported to develop along three major trends: chaining, branding and e-commerce. From the experience of other industries, only by forming a certain business scale and volume, can we pursue quality and reputation, establish word of mouth and brand effects, and more easily have the ability to coordinate information and integrate advanced technologies such as big data and blockchain into The used car industry realizes online and offline integration to resolve consumer pain points.

Learning Times: Fully applying new technologies such as blockchain to support epidemic prevention and control

On March 12th, the Learning Times published a "spiritual magic weapon to overcome the epidemic and promote development". The article points out that full use of new technologies such as big data, drones, artificial intelligence, and blockchain to support epidemic prevention and control. Many cities and regions rely on full-coverage information management systems and big data analysis platforms to analyze data such as virus transmission speed, development rules, and case symptoms, and to dynamically monitor the movement of people to achieve epidemic analysis, decision-making, and prevention. The control measures are scientific, precise and efficient.

People's Liberation Army Daily: With the support of blockchain technology, the information can be updated in time and synchronized across the entire network.

On March 10, a PLA newspaper article "When Operation Command Meets Blockchain". The article points out that with the support of blockchain technology, the information can be updated in time and synchronized across the network, which helps to solve the problems of isolation, lag, and duplication of intelligence information, so that the situation can be presented in real time and accurately. Using blockchain technology, digital information reflecting the nature, status, and attributes of combat units is placed on the blockchain to build the "my situation chain". Each combat unit acts as a node on the "my situation chain" and is responsible for the operation. Collection and update of unit digital information. At the same time, it should be based on blockchain technology and integrate the use of satellite positioning and end-sensing technologies to improve the efficiency of the collection and update of information and improve the intelligence level of the "my situation chain".


Guizhou Province released four local standards of the blockchain at one go, and once again seized the commanding heights in the formulation of standards and took the lead in other local governments. In fact, Guizhou is one of the earliest places in China to explicitly support the blockchain. As early as 2016, Guizhou released the white paper "Guiyang Blockchain Development and Application". At the time, the Secretary of the Guiyang Municipal Party Committee Chen Gang personally wrote and wrote. Director, government officials attach so much importance to the development of blockchain as never before. It was only that Chen Gang was later transferred to the Secretary of the Party Committee of Xiong'an Xiong'an New District, and the development speed of Guizhou's blockchain seems to have slowed down. In contrast, the development of the blockchain in Xiong'an New District began to develop from scratch and developed rapidly.

Industrial application: Blockchain-based enterprise electronic identity authentication system goes online

Beijing: Blockchain-based enterprise electronic identity authentication system goes online

On March 15, under the guidance of the Municipal Financial Supervision Bureau, the People's Bank of China's Banking Management Department, and the Beijing Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau, the Beijing Financial Technology Research Institute and the National Internet Emergency Response Center were the technical lead units, such as Zhongguancun Bank, Huaxia Bank, and Baixin Bank. Participated in the development of the eKYC system based on the blockchain. The eKYC system is based on technologies such as distributed ledger, data sharing, video authentication, and time stamping. It aims to establish an alliance chain composed of trusted nodes and promote the implementation of online data credit services by private, small, and micro enterprises based on the realization of diverse data sharing. Unify account information, simplify account opening procedures, and reduce duplicate filing and paper submission of corporate account opening materials.

Haidian District: Public resource transactions use blockchain technology to verify the identity of bidders

On March 13, the government procurement project for the improvement of human settlements in Shangzhuang Town, Haidian District, Beijing, evaluated bids. In the process, the blockchain technology was used for the first time to verify the identity of bidders. This is the first time that blockchain technology has been applied to public resource transactions. Haidian District has first entered the era of public resource transaction blockchains in the city.

Sports Bureau of Jing'an District, Shanghai: Launch of a small program based on blockchain to encourage residents to exercise at home

A few days ago, the Shanghai Sports Bureau released the "Notice on Fully Supporting the Stable Development of Sports Enterprises in the City", which proposed to promote the "Jing'an Sports Public Welfare Distribution" model and encourage residents to exercise at home. The Jing'an District Sports Bureau of Shanghai has launched a "home fitness" service module that uses the underlying technology of the blockchain on WeChat mini-programs. Electronic public welfare distribution vouchers allow citizens to enjoy high-quality fitness services at a relatively low price.

China Mobile: Launch of "Five Sources Plan"

On March 10, China Mobile Communications Group launched the "China Mobile Smart City Five Sources Plan." The "Five Source Plan" is implemented and operated by prefecture-level cities, including five major platforms including residential card platforms, government and enterprise service platforms, business management platforms, blockchain basic platforms, and smart home platforms. In the application of blockchain, the case needs to support larger nodes and adopt an efficient chain structure and consensus mechanism.


Beijing has made rapid progress in advancing the application of blockchain, especially during the epidemic, and has performed quite well. On February 5th, while industry insiders were still discussing what the blockchain could do for the epidemic, the Beijing Municipal Government issued the "Several Measures to Respond to the Impact of Pneumonia of New Coronavirus Infection to Promote the Sustainable and Healthy Development of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises" Among them, it is explicitly proposed that a blockchain-based supply chain debt and debt platform should be established to provide rights-financing financing services for small and medium-sized enterprises participating in government procurement and state-owned enterprise procurement. Two days later, the Haidian District of Beijing launched a blockchain-based SME supply chain financial service platform with super strong execution capabilities. This time, the eKYC system jointly developed by multiple parties is at the forefront of other regions.

Listed companies: The hype is endless, and the contribution of blockchain to revenue is still a mystery

Jingu Shares: Received letter of attention from Shenzhen Stock Exchange

On March 11, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange issued a letter of concern to Jingu Co., Ltd., asking to explain a number of cooperation projects involving hot spots such as Tesla and blockchain. Among them, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange asked whether Jingu shares actively catered to market hotspots to speculate on stock prices in order to deal with the risk of liquidation and cooperate with future reductions.

Haoyun Technology: Inquiry from Shenzhen Stock Exchange

On March 13th, Haoyun Technology received an inquiry letter from the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, asking whether the disclosure of information on foreign investment matters should be disclosed in accordance with relevant rules; stating that the company believes that Zhaowu Xinlian is "the leading international blockchain "Technical service providers" and related reasons, whether the information disclosure is prudent and reasonable, and whether it has misled investors.

Thunder: Release of unaudited financial results for the fourth quarter and the full year of 2019

On March 12, Xunlei Group released its unaudited financial statements for the fourth quarter and the year ended December 31, 2019. According to the financial report, the total revenue of Xunlei Group in 2019 was 181 million US dollars, other Internet value-added services including cloud computing revenue was 84.1 million US dollars, membership business revenue was 81.5 million US dollars, and Internet advertising revenue was 15.6 million US dollars. At the same time, this financial report Thunder also disclosed the progress of two blockchain businesses, including Certory, the Thai education qualification standard certification chain, and its blockchain product solutions. It is understood that in 2018, Thunder's total revenue was $ 232 million.

Jihong Shares: Launches blockchain-based points mall

On March 12, the on-chain point management platform jointly created by Huobi China and Jihong Co., Ltd. has been developed and will be applied to the points mall to realize the issuance, exchange and management of on-chain points.

Beidahuang: Exploring the "Blockchain + Agriculture" Cooperation Model

On March 9, China Chain Wanzhong Blockchain Technology Co., Ltd. signed a strategic cooperation cloud contract with Beidahuang Group Qixing Farm. Based on the agricultural characteristics and positioning of the Northern Wilderness, the two parties of the strategic cooperation will explore the "blockchain + agriculture" cooperation model, build an Internet sales and distribution system that meets market needs, and develop customized blockchain traceability solutions.

Digital Government Communication: Research on the innovation and application of blockchain technology in the field of urban management

On March 15th, Digital Communications issued an evening announcement saying that the company and the Urban Management Supervision Bureau of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development signed the "Contract of Scientific Research Projects of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development". The company, as the undertaking unit, is mainly responsible for carrying out research projects on key technologies of urban integrated management service platforms, and studying the innovation and application of blockchain technology in the field of urban management.

Dr. Peng: Subsidiary receives commercial license, will strengthen investment in blockchain and other technologies

On March 13, Shanghai Great Wall Mobile Network Services Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Great Wall Mobile), a subsidiary of Dr. Peng, obtained a formal commercial license for the mobile resale business issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. Officially launched. Shanghai Great Wall Mobile will continue to integrate the advantageous resources of Dr. Peng Group, strengthen the investment and application of big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and blockchain technology, build a differentiated core competitiveness, and provide users with more professional, Convenient and efficient mobile communication services.


The hotspot phenomenon of listed companies is very offensive, but it has been banned repeatedly. Jingu shares and Haoyun Technology were both inquired for the blockchain within a week, which is indeed worth alerting investors. In the financial report released by Thunder, the revenue decreased by 21.98% compared to 2018, and the proportion of blockchain in revenue was not disclosed. Xunlei is currently the largest of the listed companies' investment in blockchain (compared to their own volume). The contribution of blockchain to performance is unknown, and other companies must consider the risks involved in the entry.

Review of previous periods: Coastal areas have the most policies, and cases of landing frequently appear in listed companies

More industry blockchain services: https://www.8btc.com/industry

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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