World Blockchain Conference · Wuzhen countdown to 30 days, the first batch of heavy guest list was released, BATJ came

If you only want to rush forward, then your perspective is only less than 180 degrees square. Stop to see the fellows, you can have the whole world.

On November 8-9, 2019, the second world blockchain conference hosted by Babbitt, Wuzhen, will be held soon. This time, Microsoft’s chief technical consultant came, BATJ’s blockchain leader came, Cornell University, Xinyue Social Science University, China Banknote Blockchain Technology Research Institute, Genesis Mining, Matrixport and other projects. Fang Fang, China Mobile, Telecom, China Unicom's blockchain leaders are also sure to come.

There are still 30 days from the opening of the conference, and we intend to expose the first batch of confirmed heavyweight guests. What are the famous faces of these blockchain worlds?


Cai Weige, general manager of Tencent Blockchain Business

Cai Weige graduated from the Computer Science Department of Nanjing University in 2004 and has worked in Tencent for more than ten years. In 2015, the Tencent blockchain led by Cai Xiaoge made its debut. After that, the blockchain of Tencent was widely used in supply chain finance, digital assets, logistics, deposit certificates, and public quests. Cai Gege is a low-key act. He is more willing to talk about blockchain business in public, and rarely expresses his personal views. He has a famous saying: "TPS is not important, just enough!"

02-Liu Weiguang

Liu Weiguang, Vice President of Ant Financial Services

Liu Weiguang has been deeply involved in the enterprise software market for many years. After joining the Ant Financial Service, he is committed to the commercial promotion and ecological construction of Ant Financial Technology. Nowadays, from the concept argument to the application of more than 40 scenes, Ant Financial is gradually drifting away from the blockchain to enable the real economy. Liu Weiguang once said that technology is shaping the shape of the future world, and digital migration is accelerating.

03- Xiao Wei

Xiao Wei Baidu Blockchain Lab Leader

Baidu blockchain also started in 2015, Baidu is very tolerant of blockchain technology, and tried many application scenarios to explore blockchain technology. Xiao Wei is a research and development architect, chief scientist and also the head of the laboratory. He rarely attended the event, but his views were extremely sharp. He once said that throughout the development of the blockchain, there is no decentralized concept. The blockchain is a multi-centered structure, and decentralization is a pseudo-proposition. He believes that the blockchain is no longer just a technology, the industry is seeking commercialization .

01-Huang Haiquan

Huang Haiquan, Jingdong District Block Chain Leader

The start of the blockchain in Jingdong District is to solve its own business pain points, such as quality traceability, digital deposit certificate, credit network, and financial technology. In Jingdong's view, A (artificial intelligence) B (blockchain) C (cloud computing) D (big data) four technologies are not isolated, they can provide a unified solution for the head Internet enterprises. Huang Haiquan once emphasized that AI provides decision-making ability and data processing capability; blockchain realizes data and business links; cloud computing solves infrastructure management and scaling; and big data provides data organization and mining and analysis capabilities.

13-Xu Yutao

Xu Yutao Microsoft Chief Technical Consultant

Microsoft China is an IT company that entered the blockchain field earlier in the world. After years of strategic investment and layout, it has become a pivotal role in the emerging technology solution market. Xu Yutao once shared that, in the game industry, for example, the blockchain can provide user feature analysis, continuous heat, brand new market, new gameplay, and even the possibility of getting and not thinking.

05-Macro Streng

CEO of Marco Streng Genesis Mining

Founded in 2013, Genesis Mining is headquartered in Hong Kong and has mining equipment located in Iceland, the United States and Canada. It is one of the world's largest providers of cloud computing power. As an early miner, Marco Streng watched Bitcoin move from the edge to the core step by step. He said that although the Bitcoin concept is a bit crazy, he believes it will profoundly change the world.

09-Emin Gün Sirer

Emin Gün Sirer Professor, Cornell University

Sirer is a Turkish American computer scientist. Renowned for his contributions to P2P systems, operating systems and computer networks at Cornell University. He had created the cryptocurrency of the PoW mechanism six years earlier than Bitcoin, and had predicted the DAO hacking attack five days earlier. In addition to research, he is also co-founder of bloxroute, founder and CEO of Avalanche Labs. Many people in China know that Sirer may be because of his "poison tongue". He is skilled in his work and he dares to slap any practitioner who is falsified . Wuzhen does not know if he will swear .

08-Mai Fujimoto

MaiFujimoto (Miss Bitcoin)

Miss. Bitcoin, Miss Bitcoin, the real name Fujimoto, she became popular in the Japanese currency because she claimed to convert all her income into digital currency. Fujimoto's real clothes are not only net red, she also has her own investment company, Gracone, who is a consultant for many famous projects. She also built a bitcoin donation website to do charity. She is clearly a model that can rely on her face, but she must rely on strength.

12- Meng Yan

Meng Yan CSDN Vice President & Member of the Academic and Technical Committee of the Digital Assets Institute

Meng Yan is the vice president of CSDN, and is also a researcher in the field of economics, the author of blockchain science. Meng Yan's most impressive views include: blockchain is a large-scale human collaboration tool; blockchain is inseparable from the pass-through economy; Libra is an important step toward open finance . In June, the long text “Facebook Digital Currency: Origin, Significance and Consequences” was widely circulated, and it was a martial arts cheat to understand Facebook's stable currency Libra.

11-Zhang Yifeng

Zhang Yifeng, Dean of the Banknote Block Chain Technology Research Institute

The China Banknote Blockchain Technology Research Institute is a subsidiary of the Central Bank and the first team to study digital currency and blockchain technology within the central bank system. Zhang Yifeng participated in the research of the central bank's digital currency as early as 2015. He recently shared that the initial phase of the new technology must be technology-driven, and that it is necessary to apply the driver if it wants to develop. Beginning in 2018, the blockchain is moving from technology-driven to application-driven. Regarding the central bank's digital currency, will Wuzhen say anything?


Zhang Xiaojun Huawei is the head of the blockchain

Huawei is too low-key, but its blockchain technology development team has an average of more than 6 years of experience in distributed systems, algorithms, cryptography, networking, and data management. The leader Zhang Xiaojun was worried about the five major questions in the blockchain industry. 1: Blockchain does not achieve value transfer; 2: The application of blockchain in financial scenarios needs to be refined; 3: Domestic blockchain standards need to change direction, catch up; 4: Lack of blockchain industry development alliance; 5: Blockchain is not based on technology, but the right scene is the foundation of its value.

15-Liang Wei

Liang Wei, Head of R&D, China Telecom Blockchain Business

Liang Wei is a postdoctoral fellow, director of China Telecom's 2025 laboratory, responsible for China Telecom's blockchain technology research and development. In 2019, Liang Wei made a detailed interpretation of the eight types of application scenarios in the White Paper on the Application of Blockchain Telecommunications Industry. The telecommunications industry blockchain gameplay is widely known. Liang Wei once said that convergence is the trend of blockchain technology development in the future. 5G, blockchain and Internet of Things have built an iron triangle that integrates technology.

06-Tao Rongzhen

Tao Rongzhen, founder of

Tao Rongzhen has many years of banking, UnionPay, third-party payment and digital currency industry background. He is the "old man" of the currency circle and the founding partner of NGC. Currently, his work center is located at, a research institute and technology innovation company in the field of blockchain. Tao Rongzhen once analyzed the reasons for the bitcoin blood-sucking altcoin market since April: the cycle changes, the world is moving towards conservative and safe-haven. The small currency represents the future, hope and prosperity, and still has a future.


Long Yu than the original chain CEO

Lang Yu is a master's degree in computer science from Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology. He used to be a senior engineer of Alibaba. Later he became the co-founder of Babbitt, and he is currently the CEO of the original chain than the original chain CTO. He promoted the Bystack platform than the original chain, and solved the impossible triangle problem of the blockchain boundary with the help of a main multi-side blockchain architecture. On the basis of the main chain PoW consensus protection, the BBFT mechanism of the side chain pursues high. effectiveness.


Wu Mengxia, Senior Vice President, Matrixport

Prior to working at Matrixport, Wu Mengxia was the investment director of Bitland and was responsible for investment in the blockchain finance sector. In the hosting business of Matrixport, she once said that institutional hosting funds currently account for only 5%-10%, and it is likely to reach 40%-50% in the next three years. She hopes that the “World Blockchain Conference·Wuzhen” will be internationalized, discuss themes, and have some one-on-one private meetings. She hopes that the World Blockchain Conference · Wuzhen can be a blockchain session of the Davos Forum.

All of the above are currently confirmed guests, and may be different from the final guests. There are still 30 days from the opening of the conference. More invited guests are on the road, and we will be exposed in time to make your Wuzhen “face chat” trip more preparation time.

The 2nd World Blockchain Conference · Wuzhen, 6 major theme forums detonated in November

The theme of this conference is “Application Unbounded”. There are 6 theme forums. They are breakthroughs: the birth, evolution and evolution of digital assets: the underlying infrastructure of the next generation blockchain, Future: the future of decentralized finance, large Explosion: New hotspots and explorers in the blockchain, and the break-up of the besieged city: Unsafe, why not believe in the world, cross-border fusion: industrial integration and landing practice in the digital age.

At that time, there will be more than 50 guests sharing on the stage. They will conduct a full-scale, no-death discussion on the above topics in a period of two days and 48 hours. The rich topics, sufficient time and savvy mind are undoubtedly A bombing of knowledge.

At this conference, there are more than 4,000 square meters of large-scale professional exhibition areas and many small gatherings brought by various partners. In a short time, Wuzhen, a thousand-year-old water town, is expected to welcome more than 4,000 guests. The taste of the blockchain may be floating in the air of the entire town.

So, are you ready?

World Blockchain Conference· Wuzhen official website :

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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