Zilliqa celebrates its second anniversary and announces the launch of a new incubation project with LongHash

On June 19, 2019, Zilliqa celebrated its second anniversary in Singapore. At the celebration, Zilliqa announced a partnership with LongHash to launch a new incubation project and open a new partnership with Xfers, Southeast Asia's leading third-party payment platform . It is reported that Zilliqa is a high-throughput blockchain platform launched in June 2017.

The celebration was held at the National Gallery of Singapore. Ecosystem partners, regional industry leaders and community members were present at the event, with a total of approximately 215 participants. On this day (Zilliqa Day), the official announcement of the official opening of the ZIL Hive application channel. ZIL Hive is a 12-week new incubation program between Zilliqa and the Singapore government-backed global blockchain incubator LongHash to support Zilliqa's eco-project development. The project application deadline is July 31, 2019, and the incubation plan will be officially launched on October 1 of the same year.


ZILHive is an extension of the Zilliqa Ecosystem Grant Programme , which aims to provide more technical guidance to entrepreneurs and developers who wish to build Decentralized Applications (Dapps) on the Zilliqa blockchain through this creative platform. Instructor guidance, market guidance and financing assistance.

ZILHive is open to all participants, and five teams will be selected to provide a collaborative environment , while the team will develop new products that use Zilliqa's native token ZIL as a pledge. In three months, the five teams needed to achieve three key milestones: creating the lowest viable product (MVP), the Alpha program based on user feedback, and the Beta program to launch product use with the Zilliqa community.

Zilliqa Chairman Amrit Kumar said:

“The day before the second anniversary, we reflected on it: our achievements are comparable to the achievements of the industry in the past two years, because the Zilliqa blockchain platform has gradually matured. ZILHive is also launched to solve developer participation. With the challenge of adopting the company. The project is based on #StakeWithZIL. Whether it is a derivative product, market forecast or point product, the project has countless use cases to develop. With the support of LongHash, the world's leading blockchain incubator, we We welcome these five teams and look forward to providing promising solutions for our ecosystem and the industry as a whole."

LongHash has an extensive global network, from Berlin, Zug to Shanghai, and Tokyo, as well as six major markets in the blockchain sector. As part of ZILHive, participants benefited from the LongHash Mentor community, receiving enterprise-level blockchain solution guidance for their products and legal guidance in each country.

At the end of the incubation program, these teams will showcase their products to venture capital firms, angel investors and family businesses on Demo Day to seek further financing opportunities. In addition, after the completion of the three-month incubation program, the project will receive $20,000 in non-dilution grant funding.

LongHash Singapore CEO Emma Cui said,

“At LongHash, we believe in the potential of the blockchain incubator as this platform transforms the talent community into a globally recognized brand. We celebrate Zilliqa Day here and we are happy to work with Zilliqa. They are the Singapore blockchain ecosystem. The long-term contributors have made many milestones in the industry over the past two years. Their vision is to increase the understanding and use of blockchain solutions in different industries, and we look forward to working with them to develop the next batch of districts. Blockchain talent."

While demonstrating key partnerships and technology milestones, Zilliqa Day also demonstrated the game Dapp developed by existing partners. In addition, the event also announced a new partnership with leading financial technology payment provider Xfers, marking the project will be involved in the payment field. The round is designed to provide blockchain-based payment solutions for more than 500,000 users in Southeast Asia .

Interested individuals and teams can apply for the ZILHive Incubation Program here. Successful applicants will be notified by August 30, 2019.

WechatIMG1595 LongHash Singapore CEO Emma is interviewed

About Zilliqa

Zilliqa is a high-throughput public blockchain platform that makes the decentralized blockchain a cornerstone for future businesses and applications. Led by a team of experienced scientists, engineers, venture capitalists and financial services leaders, Zilliqa solves scalability and security issues through academic research, enabling practical availability across industries, including financial and digital advertising. And games. In January 2019, Zilliqa successfully launched its main network and became the world's first public blockchain platform using fragmentation technology.

About LongHash

LongHash is a global platform for accelerating blockchain technology development and industry informationization. With the support of the Singapore government, LongHash launched a 12-week incubation program to provide end-to-end support for start-up projects, including fundraising, mentoring, and professional seminars. The LongHash Data News Platform provides reliable information and analysis related to the blockchain domain.

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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